Igor Gnezdilov

Igor Gnezdilov

Nascimento : 1973-07-23, Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR


Igor Gnezdilov


“Slovo” House. Unfinished Novel
Kharkiv, the 1930s. The heyday of Ukrainian art. Ambitious young poet Vladimir Akimov happily settles in at the new luxury "Slovo" House built specifically for artists. He comes from the provinces and works as a proof-reader in a printing press, and has never even dreamed of living under one roof with prominent Ukrainian writers and artists. He thinks his own poetry is genius, but nobody takes his literary efforts seriously, not to mention the occasional chuckles over his epigone poems. But fate smiles at him. The head of the political intelligence agency suggests that he become the author of a play written earlier. Akimov agrees, signing a non- disclosure note. The poet has no idea what price he will pay for this success. “‘Slovo’ House” is a story about a generation of Ukrainian artists persecuted by the totalitarian system, unfolding against the backdrop of one of the largest genocides of the 20th century: the Holodomor, which caused the death of almost 7 million people.
2 Lines
Story about a young creative family. The family is one, but the goals of the spouses are different. She wants a child and he dreams about an actor career.
Два плюс два
сосед по палате
The Guide
Head of explosive works
American boy Peter and blind minstrel Ivan are thrown together by fate amidst the turbulent mid-30s Soviet Ukraine.
Siberian Exile
Styopa Barabanov
An epic tale of Poles, Ukrainians, Jews who are deported to Russia. Their fate is shown from the perspective of a young boy Staszek, who goes to Siberia with his family and neighbors from a small village in the eastern Polish borderlands. Together with his companions he starts hard struggle for survival, where the most fearsome opponent turns out to be terrible, merciless nature... Circumstances force the boy to reevaluate his life and grow up faster. Soon he will have to learn the essential struggle for survival and make decisions that will where rate will be life of his relatives. He will also have to choose between love for the Jewish Zinnia and the Russian Luybka.
Werewolf in uniform
Captain Rykov cracks the most complex dead-end cases. His reputation precedes him; his adamant logic, cynicism and experience contribute to his success. He's so good at what he does some say he's supernaturally gifted. Well, let's just say that his success keeps him howling at the moon...
Angels of War
Доставить любой ценой
Caminho da Liberdade
Denunciado por sua esposa em 1939 como um possível espião, Janusz encontra-se em um campo de trabalho da Sibéria. Vivendo em condições brutais, ele está determinado a escapar e uma nevasca lhe fornece a oportunidade perfeita e, junto a um pequeno grupo de prisioneiros, fogem. A fuga, porém, é a parte mais fácil, pois Janusz e seus companheiros têm pela frente uma caminhada de 6.500 quilômetros a pé pelo Himalaia congelado, antes que possam ser verdadeiramente livres.
Vannliljer i blomst
Labanosov - the Guru
The suspended synchronized swimming guru Labanosov entices overweight women to join him in his mission to prove Isaac Newton wrong.
Metropolitan Andrey
Story about Metropolitan of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrey Sheptytsky who opposed repressive totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler and chose the path of service to God and people.
Women's work at risk to life
The detective Nadezhda Postnikova appeared, as in a sight of a sniper rifle, in the crosshairs of all vital problems at once. It all started with the fact that her friend, businessman Miroslavsky left the city on urgent business, not answering the main question of their relationship — whether they be together.
The Adventures of Verka Serduchka
This is a story about the Ukrainian Cinderella. Since childhood, Vera "Verka" Serduchka dreams of becoming a famous artist. To fulfill her dream, the girl, after finishing school, goes to the capital, where her adventures begin...
Segundo Pelotão
German Lieutenant
Em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Rússia brigam para achar um cientista judeu que está desenvolvendo uma poderosa arma. Os três países querem colocar as mãos no homem o quanto antes para que assim também possam dominar sua arma. Em meio a isso, um agente norte-americano aparece na caçada depois que agentes alemãs espertamente seqüestram o cientista. Ao mesmo tempo, uma atriz russa e namorada do sequestrado é forçada a trabalhar para a KGB e se junta ao agente dos EUA. A intriga internacional pode ganhar proporções bem maiores, e a missão pode ser fatal para todo o mundo caso o resgate não de certo.
Gas Station Queen 2
The remake of a famous 1963 comedy 'Koroleva Benzokolonki'.
The Company of Heroes
One hundred soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, led by Michael Duda, fearlessly fighting against the Bolshevics and against the Nazis.