Amélie Onzon


Dinner at Eight
After Amelia's dinner party takes an unexpected turn, her guests leave abruptly but her other "selves" join for dessert. They confront Amelia, tired of her dramas and eager for her to end it. Amelia can no longer ignore her inner voices, she is forced to face/dine with them.
This is my land...
Experimental film about the legal action taken by a woman whose house is threatened by a new city development project. Her ideas of home, community and utopia are examined alongside those of the developer. The film explores the use of language and rhetoric, as well as competing visions of progress and development.
"There will be plenty of time to sleep once you are dead" - Benjamin Franklin. True, but what if it's the sleep that kills you? Barricaded into a military bunker two scientists find themselves living their own nightmare, an outbreak of a virus that turns everyone into remorseless, uncontrollable killers as soon as they fall asleep. Richter and Peterson, men of science, but riddled with guilt at what they have created, know the end is near, the question is who will nod off first?
Déjeuner du matin
Short film, a poem by Jacque Prévert