Sussie Nøhr


Hunting Season
Eva, a recently divorced, single mom, goes away for a weekend at a spa with her childhood friend Marlene to help her get through her midlife crisis. Isabella, the new girlfriend of Eva's ex-husband, has also joined the trip and is trying hard to become Marlene's new best friend. Eva's friendship with Marlene is at risk, as the women reveal their worst sides during an unfortunate Brazilian wax, a failed pheasant hunt and other trials. The question is: Can Eva fix things between her and Marlene, build a healthy relationship with Isabella and still save her son's birthday?
The Mare
In the bleak winter landscape of Denmark, two social workers find a young woman, alone in the woods. But there is something troubling about her; she doesn't speak and her eyes fill everyone around her with angst. As her presence start to creep into everyone around her, they start to second guess, whether taking her away from the woods, was a good idea.
The Attic
O navio cargueiro MV Rozen está se dirigindo para o porto quando é invadido por piratas somalis no Oceano índico. Os homens a bordo – entre eles o cozinheiro Mikkel (Pilou Asbæk) e o engenheiro Jan (Roland Møller) – são feitos reféns em um jogo de vida e morte. A demanda por um resgate de milhões de dólares agrava a tensão que se desenvolve entre o CEO da companhia de navegação (Søren Malling), os piratas e os marinheiros. Drama psicológico dinamarquês exibido no 69º Festival Internacional de Cinema de Veneza.