Héctor Carrión


Angélica and José Luis have been married for thirty years and they have always lived at the same house; first with their son, Daniel, and now, by themselves. Their daily routine is threatened when José Luis loses a leg in a car accident. When they try to restructure their life, they realize their relation was already fractured and opt for silence. However, they begin a passionate search for all they have lost. José Luis takes refuge in a sexual fantasy about his young nurse, while Angélica tries to remain just as contained as she always has for so many years.
El valle de los miserables
Harvest, and So Ye Shall Reap
A farmer wants to register his harvest in the town's records and is imprisoned in a legal regime that encourages various excesses.
Fuiste mía un verano
As Minhas Pistolas
Fidencio Barrenillo (Cantinflas) parte para o Arizona em busca de uma antiga mina de prata que pertencia ao seu bisavô. Mas logo após atravessar a fronteira é capturado pelos apaches com a intenção de sacrificá-lo. Felizmente para ele, o chefe tribal sofre uma terrível dor de dente e manda suspender a execução até novo aviso. Fidencio então vê uma clara oportunidade de se livrar da morte e cura o chefe indiano, tornando-se imediatamente o filho adotivo da tribo. Mais tarde, ele viajará para a cidade de Hot Dog Springs e encontrará mais problemas. Lá, o bandido do mal Pat O'Connor e a sua quadrilha de pistoleiros esperam por ele, que lhe causará muito mais problemas do que os índios.
El secreto del texano
Mexican feature film
Love Hunger
El Sapo
Three criminals escape prison and find themselves at the swampland home of a strange old man and his sexy blonde daughter. This black-and-white Argentine crime film was dubbed into English and spiced up with over 10 minutes of color nudie insert shots.