Сергей Уманов

Сергей Уманов

Nascimento : 1972-05-01, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR


Сергей Уманов


After experiencing a terrible tragedy, the hero leaves his former life. Everything that seemed important goes into the past — work, success, the usual rhythms of a big city. But the world of people refuses to let him go, bursts into his chosen solitude, beckons with new opportunities. Unexpectedly for himself, the hero finds a new home, where he seems to find peace, love and answers to his painful questions. But are these the right answers? And what price will you have to pay to survive and remain yourself?
A Similar Man
Sasha Ivanov is an ordinary man who committed suicide: on a gloomy day he fell out of the window of a high–rise building. Our nameless protagonist is an ordinary detective who is investigating this case. when he reveals the circumstances of Sasha's death, he has to interrogate neighbors, coworkers, ex-girlfriend and other people who knew him. to his surprise, the detective discovers that each witness describes Sasha as a completely different person…
The Osipovs are a very ordinary family from Ulyanovsk. Father, mother and son. They are no different from thousands and thousands of other families, except that they are happy. They love each other. The sudden illness of the son drives through them with an asphalt roller. Parents are ready for anything, they lose their home, and sometimes their human form, trying to save their child. At some point, even the mother breaks down. But not the father. The most ordinary person. A provincial carpenter.
Delayed Happiness Syndrome
40-year-old provincial Natalya Nikitina has been living in St. Petersburg for the seventh year. She works as a nurse for ailing old people and endures their countless quirks and humiliations. Once in her life, a new friend appears - a masseuse named Love, who plunges Natalia into the abyss of bright and risky adventures in search of love and happiness.
Union of Salvation
Evsey, Muravyev-Apostol's batman
Um grupo de oficiais da Guarda Imperial Russa prepara uma revolta em dezembro de 1825, quando cerca de 3.000 oficiais e soldados se recusam a jurar lealdade ao novo czar.
Juventude Perdida
Kira is a teenager who is left disabled after a car accident. Her father is a boxing coach and he refuses to accept her situation. He believes that it could be overcome with a special training simulator to rehabilitate her. During this difficult period, Kira meets Andrey. With falling in love her life is changed in an unexpected way. They both face new and daunting challenges, and only the irrepressible desire to live and love can lead them to overcome the mistakes of their youth.
A Frenchman
KGB's curator
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and photographer Valera Uspenskiy. With them he discovers the cultural side of Moscow — not just the traditional one, but the underground one as well. During his year in Russia’s capital Pierre lives an entirely different life than what he’s used to. But the internship and the experience of the Soviet people’s way of life are not the only things Pierre is after. He’s searching for his father, White officer Tatishchev, who was arrested in the 1930s.
A História de Uma Nomeação
Aleksandr Matveyevich Stasyulevich, praporschik
Uma história pungente e trágica sobre eventos dos quais o próprio conde Liev Nikolaevitch Tolstói é um participante. O tenente da capital, Grigory Kolokoltsev, inspirado por ideias avançadas, é enviado para servir em um regimento de infantaria, no qual ocorre um crime de guerra. O soldado, sobre cujos ombros recai a culpa, enfrenta um tribunal militar. Kolokoltsev pede ajuda ao conde Tolstói, que decide proteger os inocentes. Uma história comovente sobre a complexidade das escolhas e a lealdade aos próprios ideais. Baseada em eventos reais.
The Battalion
A história do 1º Batalhão da Morte formado por mulheres russas, sob o comando de Maria Bochkarova, durante a Revolução em 1917. A Revolução de Fevereiro na Rússia muda o destino da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Nas trincheiras, palco do confronto com os alemães, os bolcheviques são muito ativos com sua propaganda. Eles convocam os soldados russos para fazer a paz com o inimigo, e os oficiais não conseguem impedi-los. O exército está perto da degradação completa. Por ordem do governo provisório, a fim de “levantar a moral”, o “Batalhão da Morte” composto por mulheres foi formado sob o comando de Maria Bochkareva. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Serving the Soviet Union!
USSR, 1941. She is a famous actress, he is a well known journalist. But their meeting point is already set to GULAG.
Two Days
A two days from the life of Pyotr Drozdov, a highly ranked official from Moscow, which he spends with young museum employee Masha.
Земля людей
Дмитрий Семенов
The story of a young Chechen and his Russian captor during a war between Russia and Chechnya.
Crime and weather
The story became legend school killed the most beautiful girl in school, yesterday elected a beauty queen. Who is to blame for her death: lover, friends, school teacher? Is pouring find the killer will not be easy.
Seventies. The cold war in the midst of the USSR and the West are fighting hard for secret information about each other. Soviet intelligence agencies want to save their couriers from too much attention of customs officers at the Leningrad airport. These couriers deliver to the USSR important documents obtained by our scouts in Western Europe
Ilya lives in Moscow; Nina lives in St. Petersburg. Ilya has a beautiful wife and a daughter; Nina's husband is an artist, and they have a young son. Nina occasionally travels to Moscow to see her partners in the publishing industry. Ilya sometimes comes to St. Petersburg on business. But more often they are in the train between St. Petersburg and Moscow just to see each other. Because they have an affair.