Nazzareno Neri


In northern France, Juliette grows up alone with her father, Raphaël, a veteran of the First World War. Passionate about singing and music, one summer the lonely young girl meets a magician who promises that scarlet sails will one day take her away from her village.
Giorgio is a young talented boxer who lives with his mother and dreams to became a champion.
The Tale of King Crab
Hoje, alguns ainda o chamam de santo, de pária ou de assassino: Luciano, alimentado por seu amor pela ardente Ema, defendeu sua liberdade até cometer o imperdoável. Exilado na distante e hostil Terra do Fogo, lá ele poderia encontrar seu caminho para a salvação em busca de um tesouro lendário.
O Divino Baggio
Um relato dos vinte e dois anos de carreira do craque italiano Roberto Baggio, incluindo a difícil estreia nos campos e os conflitos com alguns de seus treinadores.
Suole di vento - Storie di Goffredo Fofi
Color Grading
Goffredo Fofi does not want to be considered an intellectual but he has spent his life founding magazines, writing books, reviewing movies. The film portrays his tireless political and cultural work, his encounters with famous figures, the extra-parliamentary groups, ideological excesses, discovering new authors and directors. Social work as a political resource. The profile of a heretical intellectual and an extraordinary cultural organizer reveals a very critical view of Italian society, its power mechanisms, and the injustice that leaves a mark on it.
Miss Marx
In her public persona, Eleanor “Tussy” Marx was a translator, actress, a children’s rights activist, a feminist and a persuasive labour organizer, a tireless powerhouse determined to carry on her father’s work. She held her own with twentieth century gods, including both her father and his colleague Engels. In her privately life, however, she was vulnerable and her attraction to the self-indulgent and self-important Edward Aveling led her into misery and ultimately proved fatal.
The End?
Color Grading
A businessman gets stuck in his office elevator before an important client meeting. Soon this claustrophobic annoyance will turn into a nightmare, for outside that metal cage a deadly virus has begun to spread, turning people into raging zombies...
Amor e a Máfia
Ação, amor, violência e música se misturam nessa história de mafiosos em que um temido assassino se vê preso entre o dever e o coração.
Sun, Heart, Love
Color Grading
While her best friend Vale can afford to be a full-time performer, aspiring dancer Eli has an unemployed husband and four children to take care of, and works all day long in a cafe on the opposite side of the city, meaning she has to wake up before dawn and comes home late at night. Her kind and effervescent nature still manages to overcome this hardships.
Sangue na Boca
Digital Colorist
Ramón é um boxeador que está envelhecendo. Quando ele encontra a jovem boxeadora Deborah, a paixão dos dois faz com que ele abandone todos à sua volta.
The Time of a Young Man About to Kill
In the mountains of Northern Albania, a young man seeks revenge for his father's death. The murderer has disappeared a few months ago and the police is still looking for him. The young man kidnaps the killer's only son and raises him up until he reaches his 16th birthday, when according to the Kanun, the Albanian law of revenge, a child becomes a man and he is allowed to kill or to be killed.
Roubo em Nápoles
Digital Intermediate Colorist
Cinco homens excêntricos planejam realizar o maior roubo de suas vidas, tendo como alvo o Banco de Nápoles. Mas, quando o plano dá errado, uma guerra feroz se inicia, deixando todos lutando por suas vidas, cada um por si.
Concrete Romance
A climax of brutality and violence after a young man hits some cars in a rush.
Três Homens em Conflito
Durante o auge da Guerra Civil, um misterioso pistoleiro vaga pela fronteira do oeste. Ele não possui um lar, lealdade ou companhia... Até que encontra dois estrangeiros, que são tão brutos e desapegados quanto ele. Unidos pelo destino, os três homens juntam suas forças para tentar encontrar uma fortuna em ouro roubado. Mas trabalho em equipe não é uma coisa natural para voluntariosos pistoleiros, e eles logo descobrem que seu maior desafio é concentrar-se em sua perigosa missão — e em manterem-se vivos — atravessando um país arrasado pela guerra.