João Diogo


Amor de Perdição
Sound Designer
A story about doomed love between two people from different worlds and the impact in their lives.
As Horas de Maria
Sound Designer
Maria, a blind girl apparently raped by her stepfather, is held in an isolated and dilapidated hospice, desperately awaiting a miracle by Our Lady of Fátima. Turned over by Angela, her aunt, into the care of Dr. Firmino, an imposing doctor, she will suffer moments of despair, grace, and fear, among beliefs, phantoms, and revelations.
A Confederação: O Povo É Que Faz A História
In an imaginary future, Portugal consists of an association of states - North and South - with zones of specific influence. City under vigilance, Lisbon is inhabited by a repressed and militarized population. Maria and António stand out in this city and surrender themselves to a submersive love. 1978
Parallel tales of young couples desperately escaping cruel false fathers, each couple on the run across different regions of the country and during increasingly contemporary time periods.
O Rei das Berlengas ou a Independência das Ditas
Sound Mixer
Mário Viegas encarna o herdeiro dos Teles de Midões, a dinastia que reinava sobre as Berlengas quando foi traída por Afonso Henriques e passou a fazer parte do Reino. O filme mostra como os Teles de Midões, ao longo de séculos e em momentos cruciais da história portuguesa, tudo fizeram para recuperar a independência do arquipélago, mas foram sempre ultrapassados pelos acontecimentos. Tal como viria a acontecer no século XX, quando a mais recente tentativa termina com o herdeiro encerrado num manicómio.
O Outro Teatro ou As Coisas Pertencem a Quem as Torna Melhores
Sound Director
O Outro Teatro proposes a look at the independent theater manifestations that came in the wake of the pioneering gestures of Teatro Experimental do Porto.
O Princípio da Sabedoria
Sound Designer
In the gardens of a large village house belonging to a reclusive architect, a hand is found. In a sign placed at the gates of the property, the architect annouces he will return it to whoever proves to be the owner.
Benilde ou a Virgem Mãe
A young girl, Benilde, so protected by her religious family that she seemingly knows nothing about procreation, insists that her mysterious pregnancy is a miracle; however, her distressed bourgeois family decides that Benilde has lost her mind.
Que Farei eu com Esta Espada?
By cross-editing footage of Portuguese workers protesting against NATO forces and various movies, Monteiro shows how one 'sword' can confront the army.
Que Farei eu com Esta Espada?
Sound Designer
By cross-editing footage of Portuguese workers protesting against NATO forces and various movies, Monteiro shows how one 'sword' can confront the army.
Jaime, a poem of suffering and loneliness, describes the existence and pictorial work of a man isolated in a psychiatric hospital.
A Promessa
Sound Designer
The gritty lives of Portuguese villagers are shown in this action drama which shows the interaction between a married couple who have taken an unusual vow of celibacy and a gang of gypsies who are terrorizing their village. The film highlights many ancient religious traditions still current in these regions, as the villagers, devout Catholics, support the gypsy con-men by buying religious relics from them.
Fragmentos de um Filme Esmola, a Sagrada Família
Sound Designer
Maria works in a German umbrella factory as the foreman of the production sector. João Lucas has given up on living a normal life and practically lives in bed, in the midst of green plants. His father expressly desired that his son film this eccentric daily life in 8 mm format. Maria’s wages are dilapidated to the last penny by this amateur, monstrous, family movie production.
Nojo aos Cães
Sound Designer
Black and white with color photography is used to tell the story of 12 would be demonstrators waiting for re-enforcements to show them the way. the group spends their time talking about love, religion, sex and the war. The meeting degenerates into a drunken orgy before the police mercifully break up the group and stops the film from continuing. The film was banned in Portugal. - Dan Pavlides, Rovi
Sete Balas para Selma
Sound Designer
Sérgio, detective de um serviço secreto internacional, recebe uma mensagem de Selma, sua colega, marcando-lhe um encontro urgente. Em vez dela depara-se, no local indicado, com um grupo de indivíduos suspeitos. Pressentindo algo de anormal, lança-se na pista de Selma. Em jogo está uma aparelhagem electrónica que permitirá, ao país que a possuir, dominar o mundo e ameaçar a paz.
Domingo à Tarde
Sound Designer
Jorge, médico sério e solitário, dirige um departamento no hospital. Um dia chega Lúcia já gravemente doente de leucemia. Apaixonaram-se. Será uma corrida contra o desespera e a reafirmação da vontade de amar, mesmo face à iminência da morte.