Tobias Rüther


Garota Inflamável
A perspicaz e mimada Julie é uma jovem com seu próprio manifesto: fazer nada. Não trabalha, não estuda, não tem amigos. Agnes é uma enfermeira casada e mãe de uma filha que se encaixa nas expectativas da sociedade sem pensar muito no tema...Até que ela conhece Julie. Juntas, elas começam uma rebelião que vai levá-las ao limite dos seus respectivos mundos.
Favorite Persons
Everyone needs a favorite person. So Jule and Darius want to try again together. A joint trip to the country should help. However, Jule gets cold feet and as a precaution invites a few friends over. The excursion gets into trouble. The five friends are the classic elephant in a china shop and demonstrate how the search for this one favorite person shouldn't be approached.
Heute oder morgen
Sound Recordist
A young couple with an open, long-term relationship, engage in a three-way relationship with Chloe in the free-spirited city of Berlin.
Axolotl Overkill
Sound Recordist
Mifti is a teenager as beautiful as she is reckless. Mentally unstable, fed up with her dysfunctional family, oblivious to the youthful world, and aware of the sexual magnetism she gives off with her peculiar appearance, she wanders through the dark path of several bohemian adults with questionable lifestyles.
The Strange Summer
The teacher Antek Liebmann moves to the French countryside to leave his former life in Germany behind. He soon gets a job and finds himself in a new relationship...
Auf den Hund gekommen