Simeon 'Moni' Damevski

Nascimento : , Skopje, Macedonia


Simeon Moni Damevski was born in 1958 in the city of Skopje, Macedonia. Having started his film career as a theater actor at the age of 11, two years later he starred as the lead character in a children's TV series (The Thirteenth Key), produced by the Macedonian National Television.


Snow White Dies at the End
Prodavač na volnici
In a society where almost everybody farts backwards, six stubborn, proper-farting citizens pay a harsh price for being resolute to staying true to their own values.
Only Human
Gogi's uncle
What is Man? “Homo” shows six faces, six phases in cleverly- connected, blackly comic episodes as desperate characters meet unwittingly in a modern metropole in the eternal search for the means to survive, and find some kind of love. The jobless graduate becomes a grave digger, the grieving widow a nun, the priests gamble and gangsters rule the courts. Only the lonely child may find some affection when hope springs eternal.
After an attempt of a suicide of a 11 year old bullied kid, Stela "a shepherd dog" is the only one that can get through him and restore his faith in life.
Police Officer
After an unsuccessful attempt to renew his car registration, Dejan falls in a bureaucratic trap that tests his determination to be a responsible father.
Deus é Mulher e seu Nome é Petúnia
Chief Inspector Milan
Em Stip, uma pequena cidade na Macedônia, todo mês de janeiro o padre local joga uma cruz de madeira no rio e centenas de homens mergulham atrás dela. Sorte e prosperidade são garantidas a quem a recupera. Desta vez, Petúnia mergulha na água e consegue pegar a cruz antes dos outros. Seus concorrentes ficam furiosos: como uma mulher ousa participar desse ritual? A situação sai do controle na comunidade, mas Petúnia se mantém firme. Ela conseguiu sua cruz e não irá desistir.
Neon Hearts
On the road where nobody knows him, Petar, a middle-aged truck driver, is free to be himself and live as he wants. However, when his son goes missing, he is determined to find him and bring him back, no matter the consequences.
The Witness
An action drama about an enthusiastic junior officer from the Hague War Tribunal in pursuit of justice.
Secret Ingredient
Doctor Zlatko
Vele can’t afford to buy the expensive medications for his father who has cancer. Desperate, he steals marijuana from some criminals, makes a cake with it and gives it to his father, hoping it will reduce his pain. His father’s health miraculously improves, but Vele is suddenly confronted by neighbors who demand the recipe for the “remedial” cake and by the criminals who want their drugs back.
In a poor Macedonian village, overwhelmed by the daily duties of a typical housewife, DANA's life revolves around her mother, husband and three children. On the day of the traditional pig slaughter, instead of the usual butcher, the appearance of her former lover MARKO, draws her deeply buried secrets and fears back to the surface.
Cut Here
Plastic surgeon
Cut Here is a story about two contrasting worlds and outlooks on life: the world of shallow consumer-ism and trashy mainstream, and the world of marginalized individualism. Nina puts on her best ‘self ’—expensive clothes, lots of makeup, etc.—and leaves her kitsch luxury home. Anna unchains her old bicycle and leaves her semi-derelict building. Nina almost crashes into Anna as she carelessly exits her garage with her girly car. She yells a couple of insults at Anna, and then both resume their journeys to their respective destinations. Their destinations will tell us a lot about the different directions in which their lives are moving.
The Red Room
A story about Nikola, a retired math teacher, who leads a quiet and private life, until he begins to feel a need to escape the loneliness that slowly is killing him, day by day. He decides it’s time for change and becomes the star of a very popular TV-show called “Love for all”. The concept of the show is to help old, lonely people to find life partners.
The Man
A middle aged man who seemingly has everything he wants, escapes from his home to a hotel room where through his imaginary lover is trying to find emotional peace.
Remain Upright!!
A clerical worker endures another tedious afternoon with quiet desperation. But a trip to the bank where he encounters a surly teller pushes the mild-mannered clerk over the edge—his quiet desperation becomes the violent despair of a raging beast!
5 Dead on the Crimson Canvas
Richard Streeb
An artist obsessed with death is suddenly murdered, but his body disappears. His brother and wife, trying to sort out what happened, discover a dark world.
From Behind
Early Spring 1945. Albanian criminals attack innocent Macedonians in Macedonia.
Flight to Town
Macedonian TV movie which is adaptation of the play written by Goran Stefanovski.
Afrim and Kenan meet after many years reviving childhood memories. The calamity that Afrim suffers puts Kenan in a very difficult situation. Is Kenan willing to sacrifice everything to stay close to his childhood friends. Now, both are looking for memories, but in different forms!
Executive Producer
A story of two delicate and beautiful women whose dreams have been destroyed by three brutal men, and of the women’s ultimate, liberating revenge.
A story of two delicate and beautiful women whose dreams have been destroyed by three brutal men, and of the women’s ultimate, liberating revenge.
A story of two delicate and beautiful women whose dreams have been destroyed by three brutal men, and of the women’s ultimate, liberating revenge.