Dyveke Bjørkly Graver


Sick of Myself
Signe e Thomas estão em uma relação competitiva que toma um rumo cruel quando ele de repente explode como artista contemporâneo. Em resposta, Signe tenta desesperadamente recuperar seu status criando uma nova persona infernalmente empenhada em atrair atenção e simpatia a qualquer preço.
A Pior Pessoa do Mundo
Executive Producer
Narra quatro anos na vida de Julie, uma jovem mulher navegando como águas turbulentas de sua vida amorosa e lutando para encontrar seu caminho profissional, o que a leva a ver quem ela realmente é.
Big Mood
A feverish and tragicomic Oslo where people, via a series of short scenes, succumb to stress, aggression and alienation, before being forced into some neglected folklore with deadly outcomes.
The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open
When Áila encounters a young Indigenous woman, barefoot and crying in the rain on the side of a busy street, she soon discovers that this young woman, Rosie, has just escaped a violent assault at the hands of her boyfriend. Áila decides to bring Rosie home with her and over the course of the evening, the two navigate the aftermath of this traumatic event.
Casper and Emma Go Treasure Hunting
Casper and Emma spends their summer holiday at Emma's family cabin. They find a chest that Emma's grandfather buried on the beach when he was young. It contains a treasure map that will lead them to a hidden treasure.
Casper and Emma at the Theatre
Casper and Emma get the opportunity to go to a real theatre. An adventure that sparks the idea to set up a play themselves. A play about yule lads who light lamps outside houses in the dark days of December.
Little Grey Fergie Saves The Farm
Gustav and his friend Gråtass have to save their farm from evil bureaucrats who are trying to close it down.
Casper and Emma Go Hiking
During the autumn holidays, Casper and Emma are going on an exciting camping adventure in the Norwegian wilderness, but when Casper plays matchmaker there is bound to be trouble!