Ivan Jani Novak


Sarajevo: State In Time
Self - Laibach
Durante a guerra da Iugoslávia, a banda eslovena Laibach decidiu fazer uma apresentação em Sarajevo e dar continuidade ao projeto NSK (Nova Arte Eslovena).
Laibach - So Long, Farewell
Video short film for So Long, Farewell from Laibach from the album "The Sound of Music".
Music Is the Art of Time 3, LP Film Laibach
A film about the first Laibach album officially released in Yugoslavia. The record came out despite the political ban that was in place on the band's name at the time, in 1985 - but without the name or a title. A black cross on the cover was enough.
Industrial Accident: The Story of Wax Trax! Records
The true story of punks, queers, & criminals on a ride with two men who accidentally changed music along the way.
Black District Blues
They say that the blues was born from suffering and from a desperate desire to overcome it, through music, through constant aimless travels, drowning in alcohol. If we talk about blues as all this, then Vili Fajdiga's life was a typical blues one. At that time (1920), in Zasavje and Trbovlje, similar social conditions were evidently established as in the American Mississippi Delta, necessary for the birth of blues music. This is a story about a difficult and varied life, creativity, passion, hope, about falls and not always ups and downs, about love for a woman, for music, for life.
Liberation Day
Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the surprise of a whole world, the ex-Yugoslavian cult band Laibach becomes the first rock group ever to perform in the fortress state of North Korea.
Laibach - Spectre Tour - Hamburg
Laibach performing in Hamburg, Germany.
Laibach - We Come In Peace - Kranj
Laibach performing at Letno gledalisce Khislstein in Kranj, Slovenia.
Laibach ‎– A Film from Slovenia
In the video film shots from the tour are interspersed with acted scenes, video clips and theoretical reflections of Slavoj Žižek and critic Chris Bohn. Together they form a compelling story about Laibach, controversial Slovene music group in the eighties.
Laibach: Sympathy for the Devil
Music video for Laibach's cover of Rolling Stones' song "Sympathy for the Devil"