Kim Min-soo

Nascimento : 1966-11-29, South Korea


Taek-il recklessly leaves home, defying his mother who asks him to go to college. In the unfamiliar neighborhood, he happens to get a job as a delivery man for a Chinese restaurant. And he mingles with new people such as Geo-seok, a chef, and Kyung-ju, a boxer. Meanwhile, Sang-pil, a friend of Taek-il, enters the private loan business to make money. At first, it seems easy to make a big fortune, but soon he finds himself in pain as he faces unexpected things.
Memória de um Assassino
Action Director
Um serial killer aposentado, que sofre de Alzheimer, planeja o maior caso de assassinato de sua vida a fim de proteger sua filha, enquanto tenta lidar com suas memórias que desvanecem devido à doença.
Memória de um Assassino
Martial Arts Choreographer
Um serial killer aposentado, que sofre de Alzheimer, planeja o maior caso de assassinato de sua vida a fim de proteger sua filha, enquanto tenta lidar com suas memórias que desvanecem devido à doença.
Memória de um Assassino
Stunt Coordinator
Um serial killer aposentado, que sofre de Alzheimer, planeja o maior caso de assassinato de sua vida a fim de proteger sua filha, enquanto tenta lidar com suas memórias que desvanecem devido à doença.
Fuga Impossível
Durante o período de colonização da Coreia pelo Japão, centenas de pessoas que são obrigadas a minerar carvão na chamada "Battleship Island" tentam escapar do local.
The Con Artists
Ji-Hyuk é um arrombador que vive de roubar antiguidades e jóias com a sua equipe. Cho, um poderoso e cruel chefe de gangue os ameaça para roubar 150 milhões dólares que está escondido no cofre da alfândega no Aeroporto Internacional de Incheon.
The Hidden Card
Dae-gil tem sido hábil com as mãos e tem mostrado um forte desejo de ganhar desde que ele era uma criança. Ele sucederá seu tio e saltará para o mundo de Tazza, arriscando sua vida em competição.
Névoa no Mar
A tripulação de um navio pesqueiro decide transportar um grupo de imigrantes que deseja ir da China até a Coreia do Sul, mas uma forte neblina em alto mar fará dessa travessia um pesadelo.
Em 1862, durante o governo da antiga dinastia Joseon, na Coreia, um bando de combatentes chamado Kundo se levanta contra as injustiças cometidas pelas autoridades locais.
Action Director
Tanya e Illyich são um casal de coreanos que vive no interior da Rússia, e que sobrevive do roubo e tráfico de sementes de café, uma iguaria muito apreciada no final do século XIX. Sua volta para Joseon se dá pelas mãos do governo japonês, que os recruta para uma missão perigosa, assassinar o imperador coreano, exilado dentro da embaixada russa.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Tanya e Illyich são um casal de coreanos que vive no interior da Rússia, e que sobrevive do roubo e tráfico de sementes de café, uma iguaria muito apreciada no final do século XIX. Sua volta para Joseon se dá pelas mãos do governo japonês, que os recruta para uma missão perigosa, assassinar o imperador coreano, exilado dentro da embaixada russa.
Stunt Coordinator
Tanya e Illyich são um casal de coreanos que vive no interior da Rússia, e que sobrevive do roubo e tráfico de sementes de café, uma iguaria muito apreciada no final do século XIX. Sua volta para Joseon se dá pelas mãos do governo japonês, que os recruta para uma missão perigosa, assassinar o imperador coreano, exilado dentro da embaixada russa.
Police Officer
Jin acorda depois de ter sonhado com um acidente de trânsito ao estar seguindo sua ex-namorada. Guiado pelo sonho, chega até o lugar dos fatos e alí se encontra com o acidente, que realmente aconteceu, e que aconteceu exatamente igual ao seu sonho. Ele segue a polícia até a casa da suspeita, Ran, e alí é testemunha de como ela nega a acusação de atropelamento e fuga, já que declara ter dormindo toda a noite. Jin explica seu sonho aos policiais e pede que acusem ele no lugar dela. A polícia o vê como um louco e prende Ran. Jin logo percebe que, cada vez que ele sonha, Ran, sonâmbula, representa inconscientemente seu sonhos na vida real.
My New Partner
Young-joon, a fresh prosecutor, takes a big affair to leave for Busan and unwillingly gets cooperation from his father, Min-ho who is a veteran detective who deserted his family at one time. Since then, they are living separately without keeping touch each other for years. Now that their destiny to trace the same host of the accident related with a big drug trade gives the father and son a chance to recover their affection over the long time.
Seven Days
Action Director
A successful lawyer who, in order to save her daughter, is pressured into defending the innocence of a man slated to receive the death penalty.
Seven Days
Martial Arts Choreographer
A successful lawyer who, in order to save her daughter, is pressured into defending the innocence of a man slated to receive the death penalty.
Seven Days
Stunt Coordinator
A successful lawyer who, in order to save her daughter, is pressured into defending the innocence of a man slated to receive the death penalty.
Le Grand Chef
Action Director
A disgraced chef tries to restore his name by competing in a culinary contest to win the knife of Korea's last royal chef.
Le Grand Chef
Martial Arts Choreographer
A disgraced chef tries to restore his name by competing in a culinary contest to win the knife of Korea's last royal chef.
Le Grand Chef
Stunt Coordinator
A disgraced chef tries to restore his name by competing in a culinary contest to win the knife of Korea's last royal chef.
The Show Must Go On
Stunt Driver
A middle-aged gangster's lifetime of mistakes catch up with him as his personal and professional life is destroyed.
The Show Must Go On
A middle-aged gangster's lifetime of mistakes catch up with him as his personal and professional life is destroyed.
Les Formidables
Desperate to discover who framed him for murder, criminal Su-hyun escapes from police custody and crosses path with cop Sung-woo. After realizing they have a mutual enemy, the two form an unlikely alliance and together go looking for payback.
The City of Violence
Onseong Police Station Detective #4
Tae-su, a detective fighting organized crime, returns to his hometown for his high school friend Wang-jae's funeral. There, he meets his old friends Pil-ho, Dong-hwan and Seok-hwan and they reminisce. Suspecting something fishy about Wang-jae's death, Tae-su and Seok-hwan start investigating it, each in his own way. Their investigations lead to a land development project that Pil-ho is directing.
The President's Last Bang
Action Director
On October 26, 1979, President Park Chung-hee, who had ruled South Korea since 1961, was assassinated by his director of intelligence. The film depicts the events of that night.
The President's Last Bang
Martial Arts Choreographer
On October 26, 1979, President Park Chung-hee, who had ruled South Korea since 1961, was assassinated by his director of intelligence. The film depicts the events of that night.
The President's Last Bang
Stunt Coordinator
On October 26, 1979, President Park Chung-hee, who had ruled South Korea since 1961, was assassinated by his director of intelligence. The film depicts the events of that night.
Oyama - O Lutador Lendário
Port Yakuza
Choi Baedel Yang Donggeun é um jovem coreano que perto do final da Segunda Grande Guerra, chega ao Japão com o desejo de ser um piloto de caça. Porém, a descriminação e o final da guerra, colocam um ponto final em seus sonhos, e assim, acaba nas ruas com seus amigos imigrantes coreanos, todos tentando sobreviver. Após ser humilhado e desonrado pela Yakusa e por Kato (Kato Masaya), um oficial do exército japonês e mestre do Karatê, Choi é socorrido por Bumsoo (Jeong Duhong), um velho amigo e mentor que lhe apresenta os ensinamentos do Karatê japonês.
A Irmandade da Guerra
Action Director
Jin-tae, um sapateiro, trabalha incansavelmente para poder pagar a faculdade de seu irmão mais novo Jin-seok, entretanto, seus desejos e sonhos são colocados de lado quando os dois são forçados a entrar no exército contra suas vontades. No momento crucial da batalha, o destino intervém, forçando seus laços de fé, amor e confiança a serem testados diversas vezes.
A Irmandade da Guerra
Martial Arts Choreographer
Jin-tae, um sapateiro, trabalha incansavelmente para poder pagar a faculdade de seu irmão mais novo Jin-seok, entretanto, seus desejos e sonhos são colocados de lado quando os dois são forçados a entrar no exército contra suas vontades. No momento crucial da batalha, o destino intervém, forçando seus laços de fé, amor e confiança a serem testados diversas vezes.
A Irmandade da Guerra
Stunt Coordinator
Jin-tae, um sapateiro, trabalha incansavelmente para poder pagar a faculdade de seu irmão mais novo Jin-seok, entretanto, seus desejos e sonhos são colocados de lado quando os dois são forçados a entrar no exército contra suas vontades. No momento crucial da batalha, o destino intervém, forçando seus laços de fé, amor e confiança a serem testados diversas vezes.
Save the Green Planet!
Action Director
A young man believes that his country's leaders are actually toxic reptilian aliens sent down to launch a takeover of his beloved Earth. So he decides to abduct them and force the truth out on camera in his basement that doubles as a film studio and torture chamber.
Save the Green Planet!
Martial Arts Choreographer
A young man believes that his country's leaders are actually toxic reptilian aliens sent down to launch a takeover of his beloved Earth. So he decides to abduct them and force the truth out on camera in his basement that doubles as a film studio and torture chamber.
Save the Green Planet!
Stunt Coordinator
A young man believes that his country's leaders are actually toxic reptilian aliens sent down to launch a takeover of his beloved Earth. So he decides to abduct them and force the truth out on camera in his basement that doubles as a film studio and torture chamber.
The Siren
Action Director
Joon-woo is a passionate fireman who always pursues danger. Hyun believes rational judgement is the only way to save people in danger. The first day at their work place, Joon-woo jumps into the fire to save stranded people in the building in spite of an evacuation order and Hyun tries to stop him. They came to fight. Meanwhile, Ye-rin loves Joon-woo more than he loves himself...
The Siren
Martial Arts Choreographer
Joon-woo is a passionate fireman who always pursues danger. Hyun believes rational judgement is the only way to save people in danger. The first day at their work place, Joon-woo jumps into the fire to save stranded people in the building in spite of an evacuation order and Hyun tries to stop him. They came to fight. Meanwhile, Ye-rin loves Joon-woo more than he loves himself...
The Siren
Stunt Coordinator
Joon-woo is a passionate fireman who always pursues danger. Hyun believes rational judgement is the only way to save people in danger. The first day at their work place, Joon-woo jumps into the fire to save stranded people in the building in spite of an evacuation order and Hyun tries to stop him. They came to fight. Meanwhile, Ye-rin loves Joon-woo more than he loves himself...
Piano Man
Toll Man #2
A serial killer plays a cat and mouse game with a female detective.
Jungle Story
This film depicts the passion and frustration of young people who dream of becoming popular rock musicians. Dohyun neglects his studies because he is only interested in one thing - rock music. He comes to Seoul to work and ente rs a band. he meets his future manager, Jeewoo, and makes his debut as a singer. However, the production of his first album is cancelled because it is considered 'not commercial' enough. Dohyun returns to his hometown, depressed. Jeewo, however, finds him and helps him open his first gig after weeks of practice. The gig turns out to be a complete failure. Dohyun and his friends sing in the middle of the street with pedestrians as their spectators. The film ends with Dohyun frustrated over his unsuccessful career as a rock musician.
Rosy Life
Bully #5
A comic book store in Garibong-dong is run by a beautiful woman (Choi Myoung-gil) better known as Madam. This store stays open late into the night, thus attracting varied types of people such as gangsters and hustlers.
The Fox With Nine Tails
[Supporting Role]
A half-human/half-fox girl falls in love with an honest young man while trying to become a human-being.
A Casual Trip