Dimitris Kamberidis

Dimitris Kamberidis

Nascimento : , Drama, Greece

Morte : 2010-09-12


Dimitris Kamberidis


Το όνειρο του Ίκαρου
The Horsemen of Pylos
Ο Τηλέμαχος, ηθοποιός με ένδοξο παρελθόν και αβέβαιο μέλλον, εγκαταλείπει στα πενήντα του την Αθήνα για να γλυτώσει από τις τράπεζες. Με την βοήθεια του Μπάμπη του «Φου», βρίσκει καταφύγιο σ'ένα ερημωμένο κάστρο στην καρδιά της Μεσσηνίας. Μοναδικοί κάτοικοι δύο αδέρφια που δε μιλιούνται και μια ανηψιά που τους βαρέθηκε κι έφυγε, η Δημοκρατία. Ο Τηλέμαχος την συναντάει τυχαία και μαγεύεται. Λίγο τα σιρόπια του γιατρού για τα πνευμόνια του που έχουν γίνει ορυχείο, λίγο τα τσίπουρα, λίγο οι «απαγορευμένες ουσίες» του Μπάμπη ... οι θεοί βάζουν το χέρι τους κι η Δημοκρατία επιστρέφει στον τόπο της! Όνειρο, πραγματικότητα, ή και τα δυό? Κρίνετέ το εσείς, κι όποιος το βρει κερδίζει ένα παστέλι Καλαμών.
My Family and Other Animals
Rose-Beetle Man
An English family relocates to sunny Greece in the months before WWII.
Waiting for the Clouds
A member of a Greek family in Turkey is forced to immigrate from Trabzon to Mersin in her youth. However, events cause her to face her own past.
The Bubble
Makis , a man with difficulties in the stock market, falls for Roula , who is the mistress of a big tycoon , which Makis has invested in. Makis becomes witness to an assassination gone wrong. The police are after him thinking he is the shooter but the real assassin is after Makis to recruit him to his terrorist beliefs. The only comfort Makis can find is Roula who follows him on his deadly adventure.
Anna's Summer
Grandfather Jacobo
A widow reminisces on her life after returning to her family home in Greece.
O Capitão Corelli
Father Aresenios (as Dimitris Kamperidis)
Essa adaptação do romance de Louis de Bernier ambienta-se em uma ilha grega durante a Segunda Guerra. Quando a Grécia é invadida, soldados italianos chegam à pequena e tranqüila Ilha de Cefalônia. Um destes invasores é o capitão Antonio Corelli (Nicholas Cage), que no início não quer saber muito dos moradores. Os moradores, por sua vez, também não vão com a cara dos soldados. Mas ele acaba se hospedando na casa do médico da vila e, aos poucos, torna-se amigo de Pelagia (Penélope Cruz), a filha do dono da casa. Quando o namorado dela vai lutar no continente, a atração entre Pelagia e Antonio cresce. Agora, envolvido com os moradores da ilha, Antonio questiona suas razões de estar na guerra. E com Mussolini se rendendo aos Aliados, a guerra toma novo rumo e ameaça o romance entre os dois.
The Very Poor, Inc.
Odysseus is a model employee in Haramis Inc, a large company with an unscrupulous boss, Mr Haramis. When an oil spill puts the boss in a difficult situation, Odysseus gets the blame and he is sent to jail unfairly. In jail, he meets a junkyard dealer and an out-of-work mathematician with a fixation on the chaos theory. The three meet again once out of jail and decide to start a rubbish recycling company, which unfortunately, soon becomes successful enough to challenge the profits of Haramis Inc. Odysseus and his former boss cross swords again and end up in court - The moot point, who owns rubbish?
Αύριο θα ξέρουμε
Um Olhar a Cada Dia
Um cineasta grego, exilado nos Estados Unidos, retorna à sua cidade natal para uma emocionante jornada. Da Albânia à Macedônia, de Bucareste a Constança (Romênia), do Danúbio a Belgrado e, finalmente, a Sarajevo. No caminho, ele encontra sua própria história, o passado dos Bálcãs, as mulheres que ele pode amar. Ele espera recuperar com essas imagens esquecidas a inocência do primeiro olhar...
A Leftist Night's Dream
A left-wing ideologist reaches the limits of suicide, experiencing a deep crisis. He tries to write a book about everything that once existed, but has changed today. Everything around him seems distant. The friends, the family, the Party from which he withdrew. His hope for a different future is virtually dead.
Stavros Hatzimihail
Unbeknownst to the 19th-century Greek "primitive" painter Theofilos, other painters around the world at the time were also exploring non-academic subjects, focusing on the everyday lives of ordinary persons. In the U.S., the group of painters who chose such subjects were dubbed "the Ashcan school." Though Theofilos remained unknown in his lifetime, this biographical drama explores the painter's life from his birth on the Isle of Lesbos (Lesvos) in 1868 to the time when he developed his characteristic style, following his discharge from the Greek army.
South Wind
A group of intellectuals holidaying together at an isolated beach become mentally unhinged by the presence of a beautiful English nudist.
The Bleeding Statues
Três presos de uma prisão escapam e apreendem o museu arqueológico de uma cidade da província pouco antes de sua inauguração oficial, ameaçando destruir as estátuas se suas demandas não forem atendidas. O museu está cercado pela polícia e um fim violento parece inevitável. Somente o curador do museu compartilha a angústia dos condenados em fuga (e também está naturalmente preocupado com o destino das estátuas). As pessoas da cidade, no entanto, são completamente alheias e indiferentes aos eventos que ocorrem.
Greek drama
Educate Yourself My Son
The most important political, post-military junta satire about the nation, the religion, the education, the family.
Eleftherios Venizelos: 1910-1927
A biographical film about the great Greek politician Eleftherios Venizelos for the period between 1910-1927. The film highlights his vision of a Greater Greece and refers to important events in Greek history such as the formation of a government by Venizelos after the Goudi movement, his dispute with the King over Greece's stance in the First World War, the temporary his withdrawal from politics after his defeat in the 1920 elections and the Asia Minor disaster. A biography of the former Greek prime minister Eleftherios Venizelos and the recreation of his acts and the political and social climate in Greece from 1910 to 1927.
Os Caçadores
During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
A Viagem dos Comediantes
A partir das experiências dos atores de uma companhia teatral, o filme retrata o período de 1936 a 1952 na história da Grécia, passando por uma ditadura, a ocupação nazista e a guerra de libertação iniciada em 1945, entre outros acontecimentos.