Danny Ben Menahem


Under a Blue Sun
The Sylvester Stallone vehicle Rambo III (1988), is both a superficial commentary on the failure of war to resolve differences and a surreal interpretation of American exceptionalism through the actions of the individual. Although set in Afghanistan, with the hero besting a Russian army, the film was shot in the Israeli desert, with the involvement of the country’s military. Filmmaker Daniel Mann employs a variety of approaches to unpack what was to most audiences a brainless shoot ‘em-up, but to Mann is a work of many meanings.
Streets of Yesterday
Location Manager
This is a story of a relationship between three men: Amin, a Palestinian nationalist; Joseph, an Israeli peacenik; and Colonel Shalit, a right-wing Israeli intelligence officer.
Rambo III
O companheiro e superior de John Rambo no Vietnã, o Coronel Samuel Trautman, foi designado para liderar uma missão na qual irá ajudar os rebeldes de Mujahedeen contra os soldados soviéticos que invadiram o Afeganistão. Durante a missão, Trautman é capturado e torturado pelo comandante russo Zaysen. A tensão e a adrenalina aumentam quando Rambo, ajudado por seus aliados rebeldes, botam em prática um plano para resgatar o coronel das mãos do inimigo.
Comando Delta
Cinco anos depois de o major Scott McCoy demitir-se da Força Delta devido a questões burocráticas, ele retorna com o coronel Alexander para prender terroristas libaneses que sequestraram um Boeing 707. O líder terrorista Abdul Rifi faz de refém a tripulação e redireciona o avião para Beirute. Quando McCoy e Alexander tentam salvar os reféns, eles são forçados a combater um grupo de terroristas que é maior do que o esperado.
Sheena, a Rainha das Selvas
Unit Manager
Abandonada órfã no território Zambouli, a loira Sheena, é criada por uma nobre tribo e aprende a se comunicar telepaticamente com todas as criaturas. Ela tem sua primeira lição sobre o amor quando conhece Vic Casey, um esperto repórter de televisão. Na África, para cobrir a história de um jogador de futebol da realeza, o príncipe Otwani, Vic, logo se vê envolvido numa teia de intrigas políticas. E quando o malvado príncipe decide invadir a terra dos Zamboulis, é a hora de Sheena, resgatar Vic, e salvar seu idílico reino!
Tuareg: Desert Warrior
Location Manager
In a desolate section of the Sahara once ruled by the French, two thirsty men stumble into the camp of a Tuareg warrior where they're given water and shelter. Soldiers from the new Arab government now arrive by Jeep and demand the two men be turned over to them. The warrior refuses, citing the sacred laws of hospitality. The soldiers shoot dead one of the men and carry off the other - a political foe of the new government. The warrior mounts his camel and rides off to rescue his kidnapped guest.
Círculo de Ferro
In a mystical desert kingdom, young martial arts fighter Cord loses a contest to determine who will journey to take the powerful Book of All Knowedge from Zetan, an evil wizard. Despite his lack of a sponsor, Cord's rule-breaking nature leads him to try retrieving the book anyway. Help is offered by a mysterious blind man who gives advice as Cord fights his way through multiple opponents, discovering more about himself as he gets closer to Zetan.
Killing as many commies as he can is the goal of a hatred consumed private in the Israeli Army. The memory of his torture in a Russian mental hospital has driven him to revenge. Persuading his friends and lovers to join him in his quest, he sets out on a mission of blood and vengeance. Sigourney Weaver stars as the brave woman who must love and trust a madman.