João Diogo Marques


Ricardo is an actor, driver, teacher, painter and a dancer at Sensible Soccers' shows. One day he forgets his signature dance move. Will he ever get it back? A film between documentary and fiction that immortalises a dance move present in the collective imaginary.
Assistant Director
Ricardo is an actor, driver, teacher, painter and a dancer at Sensible Soccers' shows. One day he forgets his signature dance move. Will he ever get it back? A film between documentary and fiction that immortalises a dance move present in the collective imaginary.
From Freedom To Freedom
Inspired by the context set by the Covid-19 pandemic, and by the fact that we spent Portuguese Freedom day under a certain confinement, we wanted to find out perspectives on freedom that defy the dominant narratives. So, we challenged filmmakers to create shorts that reflected what freedom means to them today. From Freedom To Freedom is the film that collects the 10 perspectives. At a time when stories move us forward, these are reflections of the essential. Shorts Featured: Your Spaceship by Vasco Mendes, Tema Libre by Felipe Rios Fuentes, I Can't Help by Daniel Brereton, Nothing but the Mountains of the Past by João Diogo Marques, Un Pays Lointain by Vincent Moon and Priscilla Telmon, Some Kind of Connection by Sophy Romvari and Mike Thorn, a day in Bangkok by Nisha Jurairattanaporn, Desabitar by Diana Antunes, 2020 Chimaera by Miguel C. Tavares and José Alberto Gomes
Nothing but the Mountains of the Past
A personal look on the possibility of freedom in quarantine through recording experiences of the past.
Long Way From Home (How Did We Get Here?)
A propósito da 25ª edição do festival Paredes de Coura, um dos mais emblemáticos festivais de música portugueses, o Canal180 produziu um documentário onde acompanhou de perto vários jovens e as suas experiências durante esses dias. Dá-nos uma vista privilegiada de concertos, convívio, rio, e after parties, e tudo o que torna este evento cada vez maior. Long Way From Home é, acima de tudo, uma experiência para os sentidos, uma imersão naquele ambiente descontraído e natural, onde quase parece não estarmos a ver um filme, mas sim em Coura, rodeados de amigos.
Um convidado desconhecido invade uma festa com uma mala suspeita.