Sıla Karaca


Instinto de Sobrevivência
Art Direction
Perseguida por pessoas dispostas a puni-la em nome da honra e correndo cada vez mais perigo, Ayşe embarca em um arriscado plano de fuga.
Art Direction
Derviş Zaim turns his camera into a tragedy in Syria this time and reminds once again the value of telling stories. Flash memory is from a true story; It is inspired by a Syrian military officer secretly taking out 11,000 photographs documenting the regime's violence against civilians and opponents. Losing his ability to speak as a result of an attack, Ahmet starts working in a unit where people who died in conflicts are photographed and recorded. He wants to announce what he sees to the world, and to give voice to stories stuck in war. He has to choose between protecting himself and his wife or fulfilling his responsibility to humanity.
Witch Trilogy 13+
Production Design
A fourteen-year old girl communicates with a spider in a dark basement, without knowing the time and place.
Terra Sagrada
Art Direction
Ibrahim sofre de uma doença terminal e, quando sente que o fim se aproxima, pede que seu filho, Omer, o leve até uma árvore que plantou há mais de 50 anos. Chegando lá, contudo, Omer descobre que o pai pretende mesmo é ser enterrado ali. O problema é que o local agora está tomado por uma vila, e os habitantes acreditam que a árvore é sagrada e tem o poder de realizar desejos. Além de lidar com a morte iminente do pai, Omer precisa mediar a briga entre Ibrahim e o vilarejo, que não quer ceder a árvore.
Production Design
Hasret has been seeing the same nightmare for some time, but she keeps living unaware that what she sees is actually remembering. A 30-year-old woman who works in a News Channel, living alone in the flat left by her musician parents who died in a car crash twenty years ago. Is it? The question creeps into her mind, and then (or maybe even before) her life through recurring nightmares: Is it possible that her parents did not die in a car crash?