Angèle Metzger

Angèle Metzger


Angèle Metzger
Angèle Metzger


Drone Games
Waiting for the Night
The Feral family plan to look normal and friendly as they move into a new neighborhood. Their son, Philemon gets closer to his new neighbor, Camila and his thirst for blood grows thus his difference becomes impossible to hide.
Deux Metres
Deux Metres was shot days before Covid-19 was declared a pandemic. The movie documents the day of Angele Metzger, a character who accuses the director of using this short to actually depict a portrait of himself.
Anna Vernor II
Anna Vernor
100 Quilos de Estrelas
Lois tem 16 anos e um sonho: tornar-se astronauta. Uma questão física a angústia, ela pesa 100 kgs e com ódio de seu próprio corpo decide parar de comer. Essa atitude extrema desencadeia uma série de complicações de saúde e a fazem ficar internada em uma clínica, onde acaba conhecendo outras três garotas de sua idade e com problemas igualmente graves. Uma forte amizade nasce e, juntas, elas viverão uma jornada de transformação e amadurecimento.
The Name of the Son
Tina and Fred, a couple in their fifties, are desperate in their search for a boy's name. But for whom? And why? A thoughtful look at a social issue.
Mrs. Hyde
La déléguée de classe 2 (The Class Delegate 2)
Mrs. Géquil is an eccentric teacher despised by her colleagues and students. On a stormy night, she is struck by lightning and faints. When she wakes up, she feels different. Will she now be able to keep the powerful and dangerous Mrs. Hyde contained?
Waiting for the Night