Milan Jovanović Strongman


Heavens Above
Zapovednik specijalaca
Three stories about the impact of three God's miracles in the medieval sense that happen to the film's heroes living in a post-communist society that, after half a century of atheism, re-learns about Christianity.
Forbidden Love
Gang leader gets killed in prison before he dies he entrust the next gang leader to find his son and save him.
Prisão Estelar
Em um futuro não tão distante, a Estação Espacial Internacional é uma prisão secreta. Quando os terroristas encarcerados iniciam um motim e a transformam em um míssil dirigido a Moscou, um piloto terá que fazer o impossível para impedir uma guerra.
The Samurai in Autumn
Vladica lost the only thing that mattered to him - an amateur karate championship. Now he's back in his home town looking for a job, love and redemption.
Teenage assassin sets out on a long voyage to gun down a witness under protection program, who luxuriates in the artificial worlds of Las Vegas.