Pedro Osório


A Santa Aliança
In 1974, not long after the death of Portuguese dictator Salazar, who had ruled Portugal from the early '30s to the late '60s, a group of disgruntled Army officers held a coup. They were even more disgruntled when they realized how the coup was being manipulated by leftist officers to instigate genuine elections and establish a constitution for the first time in Portuguese history. Though their intent was to form a radical socialist state, circumstances prevented this, and a genuine parliamentary democracy emerged. This film explores the circumstances of a right-wing businessman during those times. The man is an old-fashioned authoritarian, whose attentiveness to the needs of his mistress, wife and son is crude where it exists at all.
Sete Balas para Selma
Sérgio, detective de um serviço secreto internacional, recebe uma mensagem de Selma, sua colega, marcando-lhe um encontro urgente. Em vez dela depara-se, no local indicado, com um grupo de indivíduos suspeitos. Pressentindo algo de anormal, lança-se na pista de Selma. Em jogo está uma aparelhagem electrónica que permitirá, ao país que a possuir, dominar o mundo e ameaçar a paz.