A dark and disturbing adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s controversial gothic feminist horror story about patriarchy and hysteria. Jane, a writer and young mother, is prescribed a rest treatment by her physician husband John, who takes her to a remote country estate for the summer. She becomes obsessed with the peculiar yellow wallpaper in the bedroom he has chosen for her. In her isolation, she secretly writes about a woman trapped in the wallpaper—that she must free.
A dark and disturbing adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s controversial gothic feminist horror story about patriarchy and hysteria. Jane, a writer and young mother, is prescribed a rest treatment by her physician husband John, who takes her to a remote country estate for the summer. She becomes obsessed with the peculiar yellow wallpaper in the bedroom he has chosen for her. In her isolation, she secretly writes about a woman trapped in the wallpaper—that she must free.
A dark and disturbing adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s controversial gothic feminist horror story about patriarchy and hysteria. Jane, a writer and young mother, is prescribed a rest treatment by her physician husband John, who takes her to a remote country estate for the summer. She becomes obsessed with the peculiar yellow wallpaper in the bedroom he has chosen for her. In her isolation, she secretly writes about a woman trapped in the wallpaper—that she must free.
Um quarto vazio. As paredes são aparentemente feitas de pedra fria. A iluminação é baixa, a escuridão domina a imagem, que o diretor Kevin Pontuti criou no início de seu novo curta Vanità (2017). A imagem em si poderia ser confundida com uma natureza morta medieval, uma pintura que representa a idade das trevas que deixou suas marcas indeléveis em nossa vida atual. Pontuti, um artista visual em primeiro lugar, usa sua habilidade para fundir a arte do cinema com as especificidades de uma pintura de natureza morta neste filme, a fim de fortalecer os conceitos de escuridão e frieza, e que prenuncia o que está por vir.