Based on the drama of the same name performed by the Shanghai Youth Repertory Troupe, the film tells the story of the underground CCP member Yu Haitao, who used the alias of Zhang Gongfu, and was active in the Shanghai economic circle as a businessman, fighting against KMT agents and crushing the enemy’s secret plans.
After graduating from a Shanghai nursing school, Jian Shuhua decides to work at a construction workers’ clinic in a remote area, despite the objections of her fiancé Shen Aoru. When she arrives at her new workstation, she finds that one of the clinic directors, Mo Jiabing, pays more attention to his love affair with nurse Gu Huiying than to his work. In addition, Gu’s jealousy is aroused by the arrival of the new nurse. Jian, then, the epitome of the selfless worker, has to deal with a faraway and egotistic fiancé, a selfish and lecherous boss, an unfriendly colleague, as well as the hardships of a remote and barren workstation. How can she succeed?
Before the liberation of Shanghai, Nationalist agent Zhang Rong is ordered to blend in with the captive workers of the Baotong Mill and wait for a chance to act. After the liberation, he returns to the factory, disguising himself as a far-left agitator and causing friction between the workers and management.
Num edifício de apartamentos em Xangai, Hou, um oficial corrupto do Kuomintang, o partido no poder na China em meio ao caos do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, ocupa o prédio, avisa que irá vendê-lo e manda todos os inquilinos saírem.
1930's China. The village of a poor family is taken over by the occupying Japanese army. One son, Zhongliang, leaves his wife and young son to join a medic group for the Chinese Army. The other son, Zhangmin goes into hiding to protect his family. The focus shifts back and forth from the brothers' parents and Zhongliang's wife and son to Zhongliang's newfound life of luxury in a town not too far away. The plight of Zhongliang's mother, his wife, Sufan and her son, Kongeson is contrasted with Zhongliang's rise in a flourishing company.