Ryûta Kawasaki


Lady Ninja: A Blue Shadow
In the near future, the economy has collapsed and the country has turned into a ghetto. A secret agency, Gokuraku, has been created by the government. Secret agents Aya and Chinatsu's mission is to fight against one of the largest international companies, Kuroda Group. Secret agents are called 'Lady Ninja', and they use a traditional Japanese umbrella-like tool called 'sangoku' to defeat evil.
Itoshi no Nora
Long Goodbye: Tantei Furui Kurinosuke
Kurinosuke Furui (Ryu Morioka) grew up at an orphanage. He now works as a private detective. One day, he receives a request. The request is to collect money which was stolen by a woman who killed herself. During Kurinosuke Furui's investigation he uncovers a shocking truth.