Carleton Young

Carleton Young

Nascimento : 1905-10-21, New York City, New York, USA

Morte : 1994-11-07


Carleton Scott Young (October 21, 1905 - November 7, 1994) was an American character actor known for his deep voice who performed in more than 200 American television and film roles.


Carleton Young


The Twilight Zone: A 60th Anniversary Celebration
Colonel #2 (segment "To Serve Man)
Six episodes of the original series, restored and on the big screen for the first time, and a special retrospective documentary encompass this Fathom Event.
O Homem que Matou o Facínora
Maxwell Scott
Equiparado a No Tempo das Diligências como um dos maiores do gênero, este filme é um faroeste atual que se sobrepõe a todos faroestes clássicos. John Ford, cujo próprio nome é sinônimo do gênero, dirigiu o elenco perfeito. Jimmy Stewart interpreta o desajeitado mas charmoso advogado da cidade grande, decidido a livrar o vilarejo de Shinbone de seu encrenqueiro e mau caráter número um: Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). E como se não bastasse, o maior astro que já apertou o gatilho interpreta o homem do título: John Wayne. O supersincero Stewart e o rústico rancheiro Wayne também dividem a mesma paixão (Vera Miles). Um pega o pistoleiro e o outro pega a garota.
Armored Command
Capt. Bart Macklin
An American army unit is trapped in a small town during a German counterattack and discovers that a spy in the town is providing the Germans with information about them.
The Big Show
Judge Richter
A European circus family is torn apart by greed and jealousy.
Herald (uncredited)
Spartacus, um homem que nasceu escravo, labuta para o Império Romano enquanto sonha com o fim da escravidão. Ele foi condenado à morte por morder um guarda em uma mina na Líbia. Mas seu destino foi mudado por um lanista (negociante e treinador de gladiadores), que o comprou para ser treinado nas artes de combate e se tornar um gladiador. Até que um dia, dois poderosos patrícios chegam de Roma, um com a esposa e o outro com a noiva. As mulheres pedem para serem entretidas com dois combates até à morte e Spartacus, é escolhido para enfrentar um gladiador negro, que vence a luta mas se recusa a matar seu opositor, atirando seu tridente contra a tribuna onde estavam os romanos. Este nobre gesto custa a vida do gladiador negro e enfurece Spartacus, de tal maneira que ele acaba liderando uma revolta de escravos, que atinge metade da Itália.
O Amanhecer da Glória
Colonel Evans Carlson
A semi-documentary dramatization of five weeks in the life of Vice Admiral William F. "Bull" Halsey, Jr., from his assignment to command the U.S. naval operations in the South Pacific to the Allied victory at Guadalcanal.
The Music Box Kid
George Gordon
A young gangster in 1920's New York quickly rises through the ranks of the mob, then sets up his own murder-for-hire organization. When he starts kidnapping other mobsters for ransom, the New York gangs band together for revenge.
Audazes e Malditos
Capt. Shattuck - prosecutor
Respected black cavalry Sergeant Brax Rutledge stands court-martial for raping and killing a white woman and murdering her father, his superior officer.
Intriga Internacional
Fanning Nelson (uncredited)
O executivo publicitário Roger O. Thornhill é confundido como um agente do governo por um grupo de espiões. A partir daí, envolve-se numa série de desventuras incríveis e passa a ser perseguido tanto pelo governo quanto pelos espiões por todo os Estados Unidos.
Marcha de Heróis
Col. Jonathan Miles, CSA
Baseado em um incidente da Guerra Civil americana, Marcha de Heróis mostra a coragem e determinação de uma tropa da Cavalaria que consegue se infiltrar em território inimigo para cumprir uma missão arriscada. Eles precisam eliminar uma base rebelde sulista que resiste bravamente a todos os ataques. Sem favorecer o Norte ou o Sul, o filme se tornou um tributo emocionante aos homens que lutaram e morreram nesta guerra entre irmãos. John Wayne, William Holden e o diretor John Ford se unem para criar um filme empolgante, repleto de ação, humor e romance que agrada a todos os estilos e idades.
Here Come the Jets
The rehabilitation of a Korean War veteran coincides with the advent of passenger jets.
O Último Hurrah
Em um mundo em mudança onde a televisão se tornou a principal fonte de informação, um jovem jornalista testemunha como seu tio, Frank Skeffington, um político veterano e honesto, prefeito de uma cidade da Nova Inglaterra, tenta ser reeleito enquanto banqueiros e empresários conspiram na sombra para colocar um candidato fraco e manejável no conselho da cidade.
Grito de Terror
Roger Adams
A mad bomber holds an innocent family hostage.
Hino de uma Consciência
Major Harrison
Battle Hymn was inspired by the true story of American minister Dean Hess, played here with rare sensitivity by Rock Hudson. A bomber pilot during World War II, Hess inadvertently releases a bomb which destroys a German orphanage. Tortured by guilt, Hess relocates in Korea after the war to offer his services as a missionary. Combining the best elements of Christianity and Eastern spiritualism, Hess establishes a large home for orphans. The preacher's efforts are threatened when the Korean "police action" breaks out in 1950.
The Book of Acts Series
Jesus Christ
The Book of Acts is a 10-part series of short Bible films dramatizing the 28 chapters that comprise the Acts of the Apostles. The series was produced in 1957 by Family Films on behalf of Broadman Films, based in Nashville, Tennessee.
Airport control tower official
O comportamento de seu novo marido convence Julie Benton que seu ciúme é perigoso, e quando ele admite que matou seu primeiro marido ela percebe que tem que fugir. Um amigo de longa data ajuda tudo o que pode, mas mesmo em uma cidade do tamanho de San Francisco, Benton parece capaz de rastreá-los. A polícia não pode fazer nada, apesar de uma ameaça de morte, de modo que o próximo passo depende de Julie.
Suplício de uma Alma
Allan Kirk
Um repórter/escritor, auxiliado por seu futuro sogro, conspira para conduzir o assassinato de uma dançarina burlesca com provas forjadas como parte de um esforço para banir a pena de morte. O repórter investigativo Tom Garrett, licenciado de seu trabalho no jornal, trabalha em seu segundo romance. Como está tendo problemas para escrever o segundo, seu chefe e futuro sogro, o editor de jornais Austin Spencer, sugere que ele escreva um livro de não-ficção sobre a pena capital. Eles acreditam que o promotor público do estado, Roy Thompson, sempre manipula os júris para garantir vereditos, levando pessoas inocentes para o corredor da morte. O plano é plantar provas que condenem uma pessoa inocente num caso de assassinato, Tom será a pessoa inocente. Vão documentar todas as evidências plantadas, tornando-as públicas após a apresentação do veredicto para reverter e, esperamos, levar à discussão dos méritos da abolição da pena de morte.
Miami Exposé
A police detective baits killer gamblers with a mob witness (Patricia Medina) in the Everglades.
Pelo Sangue de Nossos Irmãos
Col. Gibson
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
No Silêncio de uma Cidade
Police Interrogator (uncredited)
A morte do magnata da mídia Amos Kyne (Robert Warwick) provoca uma disputa de poder nas suas empresas. Ao mesmo tempo, Nova Iorque sofre com os ataques de um serial killer de mulheres. Edward Mobley (Dana Andrews) precisa capturar o assassino, evitar que as empresas Kyne caiam em mãos erradas e ainda tentar salvar seu relacionamento do fim.
Battle Stations
The crew of a U.S. Navy ship in World War II goes into battle against the Japanese fleet.
Artistas e Modelos
Colonel Drury (uncredited)
Um cartunista desempregado sente-se incomodado quando toda noite seu companheiro de quarto sonha histórias das revistas em quadrinhos que lê avidamente, até descobrir que o seu amigo sonha aventuras que nunca foram publicadas e que tem enorme aceitação perante o público.
Black Tuesday
Vicious gangster Vincent Canelli pulls off a daring prison escape just moments before going to the electric chair, taking with him Peter Manning – a bank robber and cop killer who was to die right after him. Taking several hostages along, they try to get their hands on the loot from Manning’s robbery to finance their escape from the country.
Vinte Mil Léguas Submarinas
John Howard
Quando vários navios são abalroados e afundados por um misterioso monstro marinho nas águas do Pacífico, um professor de biologia marinha francês é convidado pelo governo americano a integrar a tripulação de um navio que irá tentar caçá-lo. Mas o que ninguém sabe é que o monstro é um submarino com um misterioso capitão, senhor de um notável saber que não está disposto a partilhar.
Flechas em Chamas
Maj. Andy Pepperis
Director Lesley Selander's 1954 western stars Sterling Hayden, Coleen Gray, Keith Larsen, Tom Tully, Lee Van Cleef and Jimmy Wakely.
Bitter Creek
Quentin Allen
"Wild" Bill Elliott is a cowboy who goes in search of the man who killed his brother, and finds himself in the small town of Bitter Creek.
Rebelião no Presídio
Captain of the Guards Barrett
A prisoner leads his counterparts in a protest for better living conditions which turns violent and ugly.
Música e Lágrimas
O famoso artista Glenn Miller (James Stewart) começa cedo a escrever sua história. Nos anos 30, ele entra nos negócios musicais e enfrenta algumas dificuldades iniciais como o fracasso de sua primeira banda de estrada. No entanto, ele não desiste e mais tarde casa-se com Helen Burger (June Allyson), que o acompanhará na sua trilha para o sucesso.
Mexican Manhunt
Slick Caruthers
Los Angeles, 1953. The author David L. "Dave" Brady wants to bring a missed ex-newspaperman back to Los Angeles. Therefore Dave has to travel to Mexico City. Dave gets involved with a murder case that occurred fifteen years ago. It's an obsession for Dave to solve that murder.
Corações em Fuga
Don Holden
A woman and a songwriter suspected of murder join forces to crack the case.
A Blueprint for Murder
Frank Connelly (Uncredited)
Whitney Cameron is in a quandary: he's attracted to his beautiful sister-in-law, Lynn, but also harbors serious suspicions about her. Her husband, Cameron's brother, died under mysterious circumstances, and now that the death of her stepchild, Polly, has been attributed to poisoning, he suspects that Lynn is after his late brother's estate, and killing everyone in her way.
Safari Drums
A group of movie makers arrive in Africa to make a film about jungle wildlife.
Goldtown Ghost Riders
Jim Granby
A singing frontier judge (Gene Autry) dismisses a case of double jeopardy.
A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Darnay
A dramatization originally for TV on the Plymouth Playhouse. A retelling of the Charles Dickens story.
Um Homem nas Trevas
A prisoner undergoes experimental brain surgery in order to get early parole. He released but has no memories. Things get dangerous when a group of thugs go after him in search of loot he hid before his amnesia.
Last of the Comanches
Maj. Lanning (uncredited)
It's 1876 and all the Indians are at peace except the Comanches lead by Black Cloud. When Black Cloud wipes out a town, only six soldiers are left and they head for the nearest fort. In the desert they are reinforced by members of a stagecoach and find some water at a deserted mission. Pinned down by Black Cloud they send an Indian boy who was Black Cloud's prisoner on to the fort while they try to bargain with Black Cloud whom they learn is without water.
Planet Outlaws
A 20th Century pilot named Buck Rogers and his young friend Buddy Wade awake from 500 years in suspended animation to find that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Feature version of the film serial Buck Rogers by Universal Pictures, 1940.
The Steel Trap
Briggs, airline clerk
Joseph Cotten plays an assistant bank manager who steals $1,000,000 from the safe late on a Friday and then plans to flee to Brazil over the weekend.
Os Quatro Desconhecidos
Foster projeta um exuberante esquema para assaltar um carro forte de Kansas City. Ele recruta três dos mais cruéis e impiedosos criminosos para empreender o assalto, chantageando-os com incriminantes provas de outros "trabalhos". Foster obriga cada criminoso a usar máscaras, a fim de esconderem suas identidades um dos outros e prevenir o velho perigo de traição. O assalto é realizado sem problema, até que a polícia captura Joe Rolfe que não participou do assalto. Com o tempo, Rolfe é solto, mas fica inconformado. Finalmente, e por coincidência, encontra um dos criminosos no México, quase o mata de pancada, e então assume sua identidade. Aí, as coisas realmente se complicam.
Toughest Man in Arizona
Marshal Landry captures outlaw Girard and bringing him in finds a woman and two children, the only survivors of an Indian attack. Later, transferring the prisoner his brothers free him. Then a stage is robbed of a silver shipment by Girard and his brothers. Examining telegrams gets Landry a confession from Girard's girlfriend. The telegraph line has been tapped and the telegrapher is the supposedly dead husband of the woman he brough in. Now knowing Girard's location he sets out after him.
Army Bound
Race car driver Frank Cermak is in love with Jane Harris. Jane and her parents watch Frank win a tight race from Bill Peters, an army lieutenant on leave. Peters tries to foul Frank, and Frank beats him in a fist fight after the race. Frank is drafted into the army and (against staggering and overwhelming odds) finds Lt. Peters to be his commanding officer.
The Brigand
Carlos Delargo, the banished son of a royal princess of Mandorra, is returned to the kingdom to be tried for a murder change. However, he is freed by King Lorenzo, whom bears a remarkable resemblance to Delargo. When the king is wounded by assassins sent by Napoleon, Delargo takes over the throne at the request of the Prime Minister in a plot to thwart the traitors. He also falls in love with Princess Teresa, the king's fiancée.
Meus Seis Criminosos
Captain Haggarty
A psychologist takes on the daunting task of getting into the mind of prisoners. He must gain the trust and cooperation from a group of men who have no reason to help him and who might enjoy killing him.
Red Mountain
Lt. Morgan
Towards the end of the American Civil War, a rebel captain flees to Colorado to join a band of Southern mercenaries. He drags an innocent gold prospecting couple into trouble when the husband is accused of a murder he committed.
A Vingança dos Piratas
Pirate Mate
Capturado pelo governo britânico por pirataria, o capitão La Rochelle aceita trabalhar para os ingleses como espião, para prender Barbanegra e Providence, dois dos mais perigosos piratas do Caribe. Mas La Rochelle se surpreende ao conhecer Providence, uma das mulheres mais belas que já conhecera. Apaixonados, os dois planejam se tornar uma das maiores forças pirata da região. Providence, no entanto, descobre os planos de La Rochelle para trai-la, planejando vingança contra o capitão que fará de tudo para impedir os planos da rainha dos piratas.
A Raposa do Deserto
O marechal Rommel, especialista de Hitler em táticas militares na Segunda Guerra Mundial, era conhecido como a Raposa do Deserto. Respeitado por seguidores e adversários, ao ver que Hitler estava levando a Alemanha à destruição, uniu-se a conspiradores para depor o Fürher.
O Dia em que a Terra Parou
Zone Five Lieutenant Colonel
Uma nave espacial pousa em Washington DC trazendo o alienígena Klaatu e seu robô Gort. Eles trazem um ultimato aos líderes da Terra para que acabem com as guerras e a corrida armamentista, o que estaria preocupando os habitantes de outros planetas. Logo no desembarque, Klaatu é baleado por um soldado que o julgava inimigo. É levado a um hospital, onde se cura rapidamente e recebe a visita do secretário de Estado dos Estados Unidos, a quem pede ajuda do presidente para organizar uma conferência de líderes mundiais. O secretário encaminha sua proposta ao governo, que a rejeita.
Dizem Que é Pecado
Technician (uncredited)
Successful and well-liked, Dr. Noah Praetorius becomes the victim of a witchhunt at the hands of Professor Elwell, who disdains Praetorius's unorthodox medical views and also questions his relationship with the mysterious, ever-present Mr. Shunderson.
Horizonte de Glórias
Col. Riley
O Major Daniel Kirby (John Wayne) passa a comandar um esquadrão aéreo pouco antes do início da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Encontra pilotos em sua maioria indisciplinados e preguiçosos e ainda tem de enfrentar a resistência do Capitão Carl Griffin (Robert Ryan), melhor aviador do time, sempre pensando primeiro na integridade física dos colegas e despreparado para arcar com os complexos conflitos que um combate gera. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Chain of Circumstance
Lt. Sands
A childless couple adopts a baby girl, but a crime committed by the husband's secretary could cause them to lose custody of the infant.
Best of the Badmen
After the North defeats the South, Union Maj. Jeff Clanton heads to Missouri to provide the Confederacy's Quantrill's Raiders a chance to claim allegiance to the Union, thereby clearing their wanted status. But standing in Clanton's way are the corrupt lawmen Joad and Fowler, who would rather keep the men outlaws to collect the reward on their heads. After Joad and Fowler frame Clanton for murder, he manages to escape, becoming an outlaw himself.
Gene Autry and the Mounties
Pierre Lablond
Montana Marshals Gene and Scat are tracking some bank robbers. When the baddies cross into Canada, the Mounties are called upon to help.
The Flying Missile
A Navy commander experiments with launching missiles from submarines.
Double Deal
Reno Sebastian
An oil engineer surrounded by foul play helps an heiress bring in a well.
Guerrilheiros das Filipinas
American soldiers stranded in the Philippines after the Japanese invasion form guerrilla bands to fight back.
Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman
Fred Elliott
A nightclub singer uses alcohol in excess to sooth her painful life.
Queen of Burlesque
Steve Hurley
Various performers and backstage crew come under suspicion when a dancer is found murdered at a burlesque theatre.
Blonde Alibi
Steward (Uncredited)
Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
Thunderhead - Son of Flicka
Major Harris
A young boy tries to train Thunderhead, a beautiful white colt and the son of his beloved Flicka, to be a champion race horse.
Calouros de Sorte
Program Director
A young husband becomes a game-show participant in the hopes of winning the cash to pay his pregnant wife's doctor.
Overland Mail
Lem - Henchman
Two investigators for a stagecoach company are assigned to find out why the company's stages keep being ambushed. They discover that the culprits are white men disguised as Indians, and they set out to discover who is behind the plot.
March On, America!
Narrator (voice)
The story of America from the Pilgrims in 1620 to the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. Americans always working for freedom.
South of Santa Fe
Henchman Steve
To get the three needed business men to visit the Stevens mine, Roy stages a ride with the Vacaros and has them as honored guests. Seeing a chance to make a lot of money, gangster Harmon joins the ride and then has his men kidnap the three. Having filmed a fake holdup earlier, he uses the film to convince the Sheriff that Roy and the boys were the Kidnapers.
Valley of the Sun
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
O Código do Cangaceiro
After a payroll robbery the Mesquiteers catch up with the gang. But the members escape, the gang leader is killed, and they end up with only the leaders young son who is quickly sent to a work farm. They adopt the boy hoping to learn where the money is. Just as their kindness is about to pay off a gang member takes the boy away forcing him to retrieve the money. - Written by Maurice VanAuken
Thunder River Feud
Grover Harrison
Attracted by a picture of Maybelle Pembroke, the Range Busters, bantering between themselves, head for the Pembroke ranch separetely. Crash arrives posing as a dude while Dusty arrives posing as Crash, a mixup having put his picture in the paper identified as Crash. Later Alibi arrives and the three go to work when outlaws trick the Pembroke ranch and it's neighbor into a gunfight with each other.
Billy The Kid's Round-Up
When Sheriff Hanley sends for Billy and his pals, they arrive to find him murdered and Ed Slade temporary Sheriff.
Dois Aviadores Avariados
Orchestra Leader (uncredited)
When a barnstorming stunt pilot decides to join the air corps, his two goofball assistants decide to go with him. Since the two are Abbott & Costello, the air corps doesn't know what it's in for.
A Missouri Outlaw
Henchman Luke Allen
Don "Red" Barry is unjustly accused of being a Missouri Outlaw. The real bad guys are a gang of crooks who've been conning the local merchants and farmers out of their hard-earned dollars. Barry decides to use his bad reputation to his advantage by infiltrating the criminal gang.
Gloriosa Vingança
Lashan Cowhand
1866. Logo após o fim da guerra civil ()1861-1865), dois antigos combatentes, vagam pelo Texas em busca de dinheiro, comida e trabalho. Porém, apenas encontram problemas. Primeiro convertem-se em pugilistas, profissionais de boxe, logo presenciam um assalto a uma diligência, e conseguem arrebatar o dinheiro dos ladrões e horas depois estão a frente de um grupo de homens que querem enforcá-los. Um lindo faroeste, com tintas românticas que mostra como pano de fundo a dispusta de dois homens pelo amor de uma mulher.
Badlands Of Dakota
Ben Mercer
Up-and-coming Universal leading man Robert Stack made his western-movie debut in Badlands of Dakota. Set in the Dakotas during the days of the Great Gold Boom, the story finds brothers Jim and Bob Holliday (Stack and Broderick Crawford) dukeing it out over the affections of pretty Anne Grayson (Ann Rutherford). While all this is going on, Wild Bill Hickok (Richard Dix) does his best to neutralize the local criminal element-and to fend off the romantic overtures of boisterous Calamity Jane (Frances Farmer).
Billy The Kid's Fighting Pals
Billy, Fuzzy, and Jeff are on the run from the law again. This time they travel to a new town where Fuzzy is made Marshal. But Hardy and his outlaw gang control the town and none of the previous Marshals survived for very long.
Ordinário, Marche!
Supply Sergeant (uncredited)
Petty con artists Slicker Smith and Herbie Brown mistakenly join the Army evading the cops. The cop chasing them winds up as their drill instructor. A rich young man and his former working class chauffeur are not only in the same unit, they're vying for a pretty girl who seems attracted to both.
Billy the Kid's Range War
Marshal Jeff Carson
Williams is out to stop Ellen Goreham from completing her road that is under construction and is using a man to impersonate Billy the Kid. When Billy sees the wanted posters and learns of the murders he supposedly committed, he sets out to find the imposter. His sidekick Fuzzy is there to help him but his friend Jeff, now a Marshal, is also after him.
Billy the Kid's Gun Justice
Jeff Blanchard
Escaping from the law once again, Billy, Fuzzy, and Jeff ride to the ranch of Jeff's uncle only to find another family living their. They soon learn of Cobb Allen's scheme where he sells a ranch, makes sure the rancher can't pay off his note, kicks him out, and resells the ranch. But Billy has a plan to recover the ranchers' money and he sends Fuzzy to town with a fake map to a gold treasure.
Pride of the Bowery
Muggs is tricked into entering a Civilian Conservation Corps camp by Danny in order to get in shape. Muggs resists and battles with the camp captain and with other campers. He also becomes involved in trying to help one of his friends get out of trouble.
Take Me Back to Oklahoma
Ace Hutchinson
Storm is out to wreck Ace's stage line. When Tex arrives to help Ace, Storm brings in hired killer Mule Bates. But Tex and Bates know each other and the two devise a plan to fool Storm.
Billy the Kid in Texas
Gil Bonney aka Gil Cooper
In the second of the "Billy the Kid" series from PRC that starred Bob Steele, Billy the Kid is being held on a trumped-up murder charge in a Mexico jail. He escapes and meets his pal, Fuzzy Jones, in Corral City, Texas, which is taking a holiday to allow the cowpunchers of the Lazy A Ranch their periodic spree. In the saloon, Billy is recognized by Dave Hendricks and Flash, two the Lazy A's bed men, as the rider who had held them up after they had robbed the express wagon a few hours earlier. Outside, Billy is ambushed and slightly wounded, and is taken to the express office by Jim Morgan where Mary Barton, the local agent, agrees to tend him until the doctor arrives. Billy turns over the loot he took from the outlaws and he is appointed sheriff, with Fuzzy as his deputy. The Lazy A gang brings in a noted gunfighter, Gil Cooper, who turns out to be Billy's brother. Billy, Gil and Fuzzy eventually rout the outlaw gang, and Gil remains behind with Mary as Billy and Fuzzy ride off.
Up in the Air
Band Leader Dick Stevens
A none-too-popular (nor good) radio singer, Rita Wilson is murdered while singing on the air in a radio studio. Radio page boy, Frankie Ryan, and his janitor pal, Jeff, solve the mystery for the none-too-sharp police.
The Cowboy from Sundown
Nick Cuttler
The drought-plagued ranchers of Sundown have to market their cattle at a loss in order to meet mortgage payments held by banker Cylus Cuttler. Then, Sheriff Tex Rockett is forced to quarantine all the cattle on the local ranches because of a hoof-and-mouth disease outbreak. Steve Davis herds his cattle to the railhead anyway, and Tex is forced to arrest him. Urged on by the banker's son, Nick Cuttler, the angry ranchers storm the jail, but Steve's sister Bee persuades them to await the trial. Steve, with Nick's help, breaks jail and is told he must kill Tex to aid the ranchers. Meanwhile, government man Bret Stockton and Tex see Nick and his men treating cattle in an unusual way. Tex finally proves that the Cuttlers have been treating the cattle with acid to give a false impression of the hoof-and-mouth disease.
Gun Code
Henchman Slim Doyle (as Carlton Young)
This low-budget western stars Tim McCoy as federal agent Tim Hammond, who follows a gang of big-city gangsters to the Wide Open Spaces. Don't be fooled by the opening credits: the "Peter Stewart" listed as director Gun Code was actually PRC workhorse Sam Newfield.
Billy the Kid Outlawed
Jeff Travis
In the first of the six films Bob Steele made in PRC's "Billy the Kid" series, gun law rules in Lincoln County, New Mexico in 1972, where Sam Daly and Pete Morgan operate a general store. Daly expects to be elected sheriff and he and Morgan intend to bring off a final big coup and then disappear. To further their plans, they have local ranchers such as the Bennett brothers killed. Billy Bonney and his friends Fuzzy Jones and Jeff Travis, driving a cattle herd and friends of the Bennetts,engage in a gun battle with the killers that frightens the stage horses. Billy gives chase and rescues Judge Fitzgerald and his daughter Molly. The judge has been sent by Washington's Department of Justice to take over the law enforcement in Lincoln County, but is murdered by the Daly/Morgan henchman. Sheriff Long deputizes Billy and his friends to bring in the killers, but Daly is elected sheriff, and promptly brands Billy, Jeff and Fuzzy as outlaws. Billy, now known as Billy the Kid, retaliates by ...
As Aventuras de Red Ryder
Sheriff Dade
O banqueiro mesquito Calvin Drake planeja lucrar com a aquisição da faixa de domínio da Santa Fe Railroad, conquistando o controle da terra no território. Na guerra de intimidação que se seguiu contra os fazendeiros, Ira Withers é morto e Red Ryder e seu pai, coronel Tom Ryder, formam uma organização para expulsar os pistoleiros e foras-da-lei do território. O coronel Ryder é morto por One-Eye Chapin e Red promete vingança. O xerife Dade está ligado à facção Drake, incluindo Ace Hanlon. A duquesa, tia de Red, está prestes a perder seu rancho. Red descobre um plano para dinamizar uma barragem que fornece o suprimento de água e salva Beth Andrews, filha do ex-xerife Luke Andrews, que também foi assassinado pelos homens de Drake.
Pals of the Silver Sage
Jeff Grey
Six-year-old Sugar Grey has inherited a ranch, which she will lose to her cousin Jeff Grey if a certain number of cattle aren't delivered on time.
Zorro's Fighting Legion
Benito Juarez
The mysterious Don Del Oro ("Lord of Gold"), an idol of the Yaqui Indians, plans to take over the gold and become Emperor. Francisco was put in charge of a legion to combat the Yaqui tribe and protect the land, but when attacked Zorro came to his rescue. Francisco's partner recognized Zorro as the hidalgo Don Diego Vega, then ask him to take over the fighting legion as his alter-ego Zorro.
El Diablo Rides
Herb Crenshaw
Bob rides into a border town where he runs into trouble with Lambert and his gang. Herb arrests him claiming he is the outlaw El Diablo. But it was just to save him from Lambert's gang and the two now plan to trap the outlaws.
The Pal from Texas
The Pal From Texas features the diminutive screen cowboy attempting to prevent old prospector pal from being swindled by an unscrupulous tavern owner.
Trigger Fingers
Bert Lee, Gang Leader
Marshal and his men disguise themselves as gypsies to catch a gang of cattle thieves.
Flaming Lead
Cowhand Ken Clark is stranded in Chicago, and temporarily takes a job as a sharp-shooter entertainer in a night club, with the intention of getting enough money together to get back to his beloved Arizona. Frank Gordon, while drunk, is about to be rolled by the club bouncer, but Ken interferes and earns Clark's gratitude. Gordon gets a telegram from Kay Burke, the daughter of his partner in Arizona, notifying him that her father, Jim Burke, has been killed by rustlers.The ranch has a U.S. Army contract to furnish horses, but she sees little hope of being able to make good because the stock is being rustled, and she asks Gordon for his help.
Torture Ship
A mad scientist performs experiments on "the criminal mind" on captured criminals on board his private ship.
Sued for Libel
Radio Actor (uncredited)
A New York City newspaper is sued for libel after reporting the wrong verdict in a murder trial.
Port of Hate
Don Cameron
A group of American adventurers discover a bed of black pearls off a South Pacific island. When one of them is shot dead, a young girl in the group is accused of the crime.
Girl from Rio
Tony - Band Leader
A newsman helps a Brazilian singer get her brother out of trouble in New York.
Riders of the Sage
Luke Halsey
In an effort to get Jim Martin to sell his ranch, the Halsey brothers have kidnapped his son Tom. When Bob Burke goes after him alone, he gets help from the gang known as the Riders of the Sage.
Stunt Pilot
Reporter Trent
The second of a series of four features Monogram made based on the comic strip by Hal Forrest (Universal also used the strip characters in two serials), finds a movie company shooting a war picture at Three Points airport, with Tailspin Tommy Tompkins as a stunt pilot in the film. Tommy is incensed by the complete disregard for human life shown by the film's director, Sheehan, and quits. Sheehan gets a replacement pilot named Earl Martin, who is known as a reckless pilot who will try an aerial stunt for a thrill. He hand Tommy get into a fight when Martin takes Betty Lou Barnes for a ride in a plane that is practically falling apart.
Big Town Czar
Thompson, Luger Henchman
When gangster Phil Daley gets rid of his chief Paul Burgess he has everything that money can buy, except the respect of his parents and his sweetheart Susan Warren. His younger brother Danny quits college and forces Phil to make him part of the gang. The overly-ambitious Danny fixes a prize-fight on which rival gang-leader Mike Luger loses heavily and, thinking that Phil has double-crossed him, sends gunmen out to kill Phil. They kill Danny instead and the frightened Phil flees to a country hideout. His chief lieutenant, Sid Travis, sets a trap for Phil when he returns.
Mesquite Buckaroo
Sands (as Gordon Roberts)
It's time for the big rodeo and it's Bob of the Allen ranch against Luke Williams of the Barns ranch. With Bob leading after the first day, Sands and Trigger kidnap him to keep him from winning.
Code of the Streets
Eddie, lying trial witness
Frankie Thomas plays Bob Lewis, leader of a gang consisting of Sailor (Harris Berger), Murph (Hally Chester), Monk (Charles Duncan), Trouble (Billy Benedict) and Yap (David Gorcey). The son of disgraced police officer Lt. Lewis (Harry Carey), Bob vows to clear his dad's name, and also to prove that accused murderer Tommy Shay (Paul Fix) is innocent.
Buck Rogers
Buck Rogers and Buddy Wade are in the middle of a trans-polar dirigible flight when they are caught in a blizzard and crash. Buddy then releases a special gas to keep them in suspended animation until a rescue party can arrive. However, an avalanche covers the craft and the two are in suspended animation for 500 years. When they are found, they awake to find out that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Along with Lieutenant Wilma Deering, Buck and Buddy join in the fight to overthrow Kane and with the help of Prince Tallen of Saturn and his forces, they eventually do and Earth is free of Kane's grip.
Smoky Trails
Mort - Henchman
Trailing the men that murdered his father, Bob Archer finds a man in a gunfight. He helps him to escape only to be knocked out by him and captured by the Sheriff.
The Lone Ranger Rides Again
Homesteaders are moving into the valley settled many years ago by rancher Craig Dolan. He wants to keep them out by legal means but his nephew Bart brings in outlaws to drive them out. The Lone Ranger is on hand to help the homesteaders battle Bart's men as he overcomes traps, ambushes, burning buildings and other obstacles in his attempt to bring peace to the valley.
Convict's Code
Pete Jennings
On parole after three years in prison, a football player (Robert Kent) encounters the man (Sidney Blackmer) who framed him.
Honor of the West
Russ Whitley
Sheriff Bob Bartlett is called away from the rodeo to apprehend cattle rustlers.
Black Bandit
Twin brothers Bob and Don Ramsay are on opposite sides of the law. Bob is the Sheriff and Don is the famous outlaw the Black Bandit. When the Black Bandit strikes, he is seen and his look-alike brother Bob arrested. Refusing to implicate his brother, Bob escapes and heads after Don.
Heroes of the Hills
In this entry in the long-running series of westerns, the Three Mesquiteers transform their ranch into a prison farm to provide a model for prison reform. They are opposed by a local contractor who wants to build a standard prison.
The Wages of Sin
A hard-working woman trying to support her family and working at a menial, low-paying job falls for a low-life and before she knows it, he has her working as a prostitute in a bordello.
Outlaw Express
Henchman Ramon
Bradley and sidekick Sharpe are sent west to investigate the murders of pony express riders who are being killed to prevent the Spanish Land Grant papers going to Washington for registration.
A Porta da Loucura
"Reefer Madness" é um clássico filme de propaganda produzido para exibição nas escolas norte-americanas dos anos 30, alertando os jovens para o uso da marijuana, e relacionando maconha com loucura e violência. Pelo seu sensacionalismo, tornou-se um clássico e ganhou até uma versão cômica e musical em 2005.
The Fighting Devil Dogs
Johnson, 'Aurora' Crewman
Two marine lieutenants battle a masked would-be world conqueror who uses electricity as a weapon.
Gunsmoke Trail
Trampy Gambler at Roulette Table
Learning of Walters' inheritance, Larson kills him and assumes his identity. When Larson's men try to kill Walter's niece Lola, Jack Lane breaks it up. This leads to a showdown with Jack outnumbered by Larson and his gang. Having saved Loma's life earlier, he has Fuzzy ride for him and his men.
Air Devils
Hotel Clerk
Two daredevil pilots go after the same girl.
A Última Testemunha
Jeff Caffrey
Hopalong Cassidy, boss of the Bar 20 ranch in Texas, rides down the Camino Real in the New Mexico cattle country near Alamogordo, in response to an urgent message from his lifelong sweetheart, Nora Blake, who is in serious trouble. Before he and his saddlemates, "Lucky" Jenkins and "Pappy", can reach her ranch, they are stopped by Clay Allison, a cattle-rustler who is in almost complete control of the district, and wants to extend his holdings by seizing Nora's cattle and driving her out. Seeing Cassidy as a menace to his plans, he has him arrested on a trumped-up charge. Cassidy and his pals shoot their way out of the trouble and reach Nora;s ranch where they learn that Allison's henchmen have murdered her foreman, Tom Dillon, and Allison has sent for a crew of outlaws on the Texas border.
The Old Barn Dance
Autry and his buddies have a horse selling business which is threatened by a tractor company which claims horses are out of date.
The Spy Ring
Polo Game Timekeeper (uncredited)
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
Race Suicide
A District Attorney decides to go after a doctor who is targeting young women and talking them into having illegal abortions.
Young Dynamite
Spike Dolan
A young, newly-appointed rookie state trooper, John Shields, is celebrating with his sister Jane, his younger brother Freddie and Tom Marlin, Jane's fiancé and also a trooper, when they hear over the radio that two bandits have just killed a lawyer and his watchman. John and Tom set out in their patrol cars in hopes of capturing the killers, followed by Freddie who hopes some day to qualify as a trooper. Freddie encounters the two two bandits, Spike Doland and Butch and manages to get away with the bag of gold they had stolen. While chasing Freddie they are recognized by John who they kill when he tries to arrest them. Freddie then takes matters into his own hands in seeking to capture the killers of his brother.
A Bride for Henry
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
On the day of her wedding a young woman's fiancé doesn't show up, sleeping off the results of the previous night's wild bachelor party. Miffed, the woman decides to go ahead with the wedding anyway to teach her fiancé a lesson, so she calls her lawyer, Henry, and has him stand in for her missing groom. She intends to divorce her new "husband" at the first opportunity, but Henry--who has been in love with her for a long time--is determined to win his "wife's" hand.
SOS Coast Guard
Henchman Dodds [Ch. 4]
An internationally-notorious criminal scientist returns to the US to sell his latest invention, a disintegrating gas, to a foreign power. When he arrives, however, he is spotted by a young Coast Guard man, whom he kills - and thus earns the enmity of the entire US Coast Guard, but especially the murdered Guardsman's older brother who, together with his reporter-girlfriend and her comical photographer, vigorously sets to tracking him down and interfering with his plans to develop the city-melting gas in quantity. A Republic Serial in 12 Chapters.
Dangerous Holiday
A young violin prodigy is assumed kidnapped after he runs away from home.
Navy Blues
A sailor bets his friends he can get a date with any woman they choose. They pick out a librarian with glasses and a bookish appearance. When he pursues her, he discovers that she is quite beautiful and that he has competition -- but his rival has more sinister intentions than anyone imagines.
Git Along Little Dogies
Holdup man
When war breaks out between oilmen and cattle ranchers, Gene sides with the ranchers until he learns that oil will bring a railraod to town.
Dick Tracy, o Detetive
Gordon Tracy, after
Um mestre do crime chamado The Spider coloca o irmão do famoso detetive sob um feitiço hipnótico e o vira contra Dick.
Join the Marines
New York City cop Phil Donlon leaves the force to join the U.S. Olympic team. When he falls for a Marine colonel's daughter he gets kicked off the team. Joining the Marines to win the Colonel's approval many adventures follow.
A Man Betrayed
Henchman Smokey
A businessman during the Great Depression discovers that his partners are crooked con-men, and he tries to make things right for the stockholders, but gets framed.
The Mandarin Mystery
Ellery Queen solves a mystery involving a valuable stamp.
Happy Go Lucky
A singer in Shanghai looks exactly like a missing flyer who went missing, and is feared to have sold the experimental airplane that he was flying. Foreign gangsters, the missing flyers girlfriend, and the U.S. military wants him, dead or alive.