Makeup Artist
Uma coreana que foi criada na França retorna à Coreia do Sul pela primeira vez. Ela decide procurar seus pais biológicos, mas sua jornada toma um rumo surpreendente.
Key Hair Stylist
When he leaves hospital, 30-something Basil moves in with his younger sister and closest confidant, Sarah. Living with a psychiatric disorder, Basil tries his best to re-establish a sense of normality in both his work and his love life. But, whilst hiding his illness from his new relatives, how long can he maintain this fragile stability?
Key Makeup Artist
Yuri, 16, viveu toda a sua vida em Gagarin Towers, um vasto projeto habitacional de tijolos vermelhos nos arredores de Paris. Ele sonha em se tornar um astronauta. Quando os planos de demolir as Torres Gagarin vazam, Yuri se junta à resistência. Com seus amigos Diana e Houssam, ele embarca em uma missão para salvar sua casa, que se tornou sua “nave estelar”.
Makeup & Hair
Makeup Artist
François Maurey, the head of a computer company, has developed a product that's sought after by the Americans, but he refuses to sell it to them. While his wife Caroline is preparing to leave him after 25 years of marriage, François has to face various people in his life, including new arrival, Florence, a troubled and mysterious young woman who enters François's life and causes havoc.
Makeup Artist