Alicia Núñez Puerto


Spring Always Comes Back
It is spring and grandma Margara teaches her four grandchildren how to plant in little flowerpots. Three of them decide to fly away from the family patio they live in and go out to discover the world. Years pass, grandma gets older and those who left are present, in their own way... but never like the ones that stayed. Distance might not bring a return and people can come back or not. But spring, yes, spring will always come back.
The League of Five
Development Producer
A group of mexican super heroes decide to join forces to combat the forces of evil.
A Wizard's Tale
Writers' Assistant
Quando o Reino de Groovynham é ameaçado por Grump e seu temível dragão, a Princesa Dawn se volta para Terry, um adolescente magricelo vindo de um mundo diferente. Eles precisarão trabalhar juntos para salvar o reino colorido onde dragões e árvores falantes são corriqueiros, enquanto encontram a coragem para parar Grump e sua magia maligna e impedir Groovynham de se tornar o reino mais triste.