Dinah Czezik-Müller


Lapônia Selvagem
Unit Manager
A neve cobre as árvores, as luzes verdes dançam no céu estrelado. Por um breve período no fim do ano, nossos pensamentos se voltam para o belo inverno no extremo norte. O lugar é mais conhecido como Lapônia, o lar do Papai Noel. Porém, longe das luzes de Natal, a casa do Bom Velhinho é ainda mais encantadora do que se imagina.
Executive Producer
Co-founder of Greenpeace and founder of Sea Shepherd, Captain Watson is part pirate, part philosopher in this provocative documentary about a man who will stop at nothing to protect what lies beneath.
David Attenborough's Tasmania
Unit Manager
Tasmania lies on the Australian continent, but is a world apart. It is home to an extraordinary cast of black devils and white wallabies. Trees here tower to one hundred metres and green lights dance in the southern sky. As the last landfall heading south before Antarctica, Tasmania's isolation, cooler climate and distinct seasons influence everything.
Brothers of the Wind
Executive Producer
The way of the eagle is to raise two chicks. The stronger is destined always to throw the weaker from the nest. Man also has his ways, often to hurt those closest to him. Lukas suffers at the hands of a father who has withdrawn since the loss of his wife. Killed whilst rescuing the infant Lukas, the boy now carries the burden of her death. Our eagle’s story begins in the nest. The first-born chick pushes his weaker brother to a certain death on the forest floor. But fate intervenes and the chick is found by Lukas. Naming him Abel, Lukas cares for the creature in secret, finding a love and companionship denied to him at home. But when the day comes to release Abel back into the wild, will Lukas find his own release into a new life?