Sandra Klouzová


After the premiere, the theatre group gathers in a bar to celebrate. However, the cheerful gathering is interrupted by a drunken Soviet officer. He insists on selling a can of petrol. However, when he senses the awkwardness, the hidden hatred, the cowardice, the timidity of the people there, he begins to enjoy the situation with his intrusiveness. When he takes his pistol out of its holster, things start to get crazy. The people in the bar suddenly become “freedom fighters” against the Russian occupation.
O Pássaro Pintado
Sound Effects Designer
Baseado no livro O Pássaro Pintado, de Jerzy Kosinski, o filme acompanha as desventuras de um menino judeu durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Perseguidos, seus pais o deixam com uma mãe adotiva. Mas a mulher morre, e o garoto é obrigado a sobreviver sozinho. Ele anda pelo interior, visitando vilas e fazendas. Pelo caminho, encontra várias pessoas e sofre com a brutalidade de camponeses supersticiosos e testemunha a violência de soldados russos e alemães.
Jaroslav Kucera - A Portrait
O Quarto de Vidro
Sound Recordist
Liesel Landauer e Hana são ligadas por uma longa amizade e uma casa excepcional, construída pelo arquiteto Von Abt para Liesel e seu marido Viktor. Quando as duas começam a se apaixonar, terão que quebrar diversas barreiras para vivenciar esse amor.
Women on the Run
Sound Recordist
Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll overcome the over 42-kilometer-long challenge as a family relay team. Of course, the fact that neither of them has ever ran even a meter poses no problem.
Prezident Blaník
Cesta do Říma
Sound Designer
Relationship between two women – mother and daughter in the second half of the 20th century. The story takes place in a old family house. The mother is confined to bed unable to move in her daughter's custody. The daughter comes in her mother's room to take care of her with a confession to tell. Something happened with her son and her mother's grandson three years ago.
Sometime Somebody
Two clerks in a night club, milk, stuffed head of an antelope, voices from afar, homo-erotic tension and the question, if it is possible to extricate from routine and emptiness with the help of a crime. A black and white nightmare in psycho bits.