
Ancient Chinese Whorehouse
Madam Five and carpenter Kong work together managing a famous whorehouse. Kong's apprentice Yat fails to get along with Ching due to a misunderstanding between them. Luckily, the appearance of a murderous rapist helps to resolve the misunderstanding between them. It also unites the group to defend against the sex maniac and to rebuild Madam Five's business at a new location.
Blue Lightning
Danny Lee is a retired cop investigating the murder of his wife, witnessed only by his son.
Confronto Mortal
A ponte aérea que liga Amsterdã, Paris e Bangkok é palco de uma intriga envolvendo o tráfico de drogas e muitos dólares. Um verdadeiro pesadelo passado no submundo dos entorpecentes.
The Wild Ones
Jane's Father
Social worker Sandy emigrated to Canada with her father when she was young. With the encouragement of her father, she decided to come back to Hong Kong to develop her career. Her father also has a mission to find his missing wife.