Gordon Liu Chia-hui

Gordon Liu Chia-hui

Nascimento : 1951-08-22, Foshan, China


Gordon Liu is a Chinese martial arts film actor and martial artist. He became famous for playing the lead role of San Te in The 36th Chamber of Shaolin and its sequels. He also played kung fu master Pai Mei in Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004), and Johnny Mo in Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003).


Gordon Liu Chia-hui
Gordon Liu Chia-hui


Dragon Gate Posthouse: Howling Moon
High Kickers
Zhao Yumin
Zhao Yumin is a Taek-won-do coach , whose had hard times since his best student Han was killed during an underground championship . Zhao almost gave up when Ling appears at his door , insisting that Zhao must train her for the championships, and became the first woman fighter to lead a man's division.
Câmara da Morte
Assassinos internacionais capturados são trancados em um cubo tecnológico chamado Câmara da Morte. Para escapar desse inferno de concreto, eles devem lutar entre si e contra ninjas mortais e gangues de maníacos mascarados.
O Homem com Punhos de Ferro
The Abbott
Um carregamento de ouro do imperador foi roubado, e todos os lutadores de kung fu, assassinos e pistoleiros de aluguel da China vão se enfrentar pelas ruas de Jungle Village para reivindicar o tesouro.
Blood Money
Shaolin Monk
Zheng Zhou is the most feared warrior from the Shaolin Dynasty in China. His fighting and weapons skills are legendary. But when his parents are killed and sister kidnapped, he turns to a life of drugs and crime that will almost kill him. With the help of Hong Kong's notorious Dragon Triad syndicate, Colombia's biggest drugs cartel hatches an elaborate plan to traffic two tonnes of crack cocaine through the Port of Miami in America and ultimately into Australia and China. But when the partnership turns sour after the Cartel holds a Triad family member hostage, the Triads recruit Zhou to rescue the girl and kill the Colombians. What ensues is a bloodied street war across three countries. Zhou turns international Hitman with an arsenal of hi-tech surveillance devices, explosives, high powered weaponry and an array of fighting skills dating back fifteen hundred years. But just as Zhou rescues the hostage and takes control of the entire drugs shipment...
Painted Skin: A Ressurreição
De acordo com a tradição demoníaca, leva centenas de anos para atingir a forma humana. Mesmo assim, sem um coração humano, um demônio não pode experimentar as verdadeiras dores e paixões da existência. No entanto, há uma lenda que diz, se for oferecido um coração humano puro e de livre vontade a um demônio, ele tornar-se-á um mortal e pode experimentar a vida. Sequela do "Painted Skin (2008)" "Pele Pintada (2008)".
Ao Cair da Noite
Retired CID officer
George Lam investiga o assassinato de uma celebridade de Hong Kong. Mas descobrirá que este crime tem relação com outro que aconteceu há mais de 20 anos. A única oportunidade para encontrar o culpado será revivendo o passado.
O Retorno do Dragão - A Cidade Perdida
Eunuch Wan Yulou
Uma cidade dourada se esconde sob as areias da China, mas ela só poderá ser descoberta após a tempestade. E o dia de sua revelação chegou. Um homem deseja possuí-la, e outro, protegê-la.
Love in Space
Mr. Chen
The film tells the stories of a mother and her three daughters about their own struggles in love. All the women had achieved progress in some way except in love. However, each of them found their own Mr.Right in the end.
Tarantino, le disciple de Hong-Kong
Documentary about Hong Kong cinema's influence on the films of Quentin Tarantino.
Kill Bill: O Inteiro Caso Sangrento
Johnny Mo / Pai Mei
An assassin is shot and almost killed by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance. Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair is a complete edit of the two-part martial arts action films Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2. The film was originally scheduled to be released as one part. However, due to the film's over 4 hour running time, it was split into two parts.
Long Cheng Liberation
Bai Chongxi
Hot Summer Days
In "Hot Summer Days" a hot summer heat wave engulfs the Chinese territory, while the movie covers the lives of various characters during that time. There's chaffeur Wah who tries to woo foot masseur Li Yan via text messages, air conditioner repairman Ah Wai interested in biker girl Ding Dong, a master sushi chef who spurns the love of writer Wasabi, country hick Da Fu who tries to impress teddy bear factory worker Xiao Qi Angela Baby by standing out in the hot noon sun for 100 days, & photographer Leslie Guan & assistant attempting to track down a woman who they believed cursed the photographer into blindness ...
O Destemido
Old Sage
Su Qi-Er, um importante e competente general da dinastia Qing, decide se aposentar para realizar o seu sonho de se dedicar a família e de ter sua própria escola de artes marciais. Porém, os planos de Su são destruídos quando seu irmão adotivo, Yuan, tenta matá-lo e sequestra seu filho. Salvo por sua esposa e uma médica reclusa, Su resolve aperfeiçoar suas técnicas de luta para derrotar Yuan e reunir sua família novamente. Com a ajuda de um mestre considerado o Deus de Wushu e do excêntrico Velho Sábio, Su se torna um grande mestre e embarca em uma jornada que dará inicio a lenda do Rei dos Mendigos.
Chandni Chowk to China
Based in Delhi's Chandni Chowk, orphaned Sidhu is adopted by the owner of Bajrang Bali Parathas, known simply as Dada. Years later Sidhu has grown up and is an expert at slicing vegetables.
Citizen King
Citizen King is a down-and-out Chinese actor with the dream of make it in Hollywood. King meets a sleazy American producer who promises that if King can make an audition tape he will get him set up in Hollywood.
Dragonland - L'urlo di Chen terrorizza ancora l'occidente
The first Italian documentary on the most extraordinary phenomenon of the 70s: the Kung-fu films!
Shaolin vs. Evil Dead 2: Ultimate Power
Chau Yau
Sequel to Shaolin vs. Evil Dead
Hung Kuen vs. Wing Chun
Hung Kuen vs Wing Chun was originally called Hung Kuen marries Wing Chun and I think it was made for television. It was more like a light romantic comedy mixed with the movie "Grumpy Old Men," in China. I liked it. It was fun to watch Gordon Liu play this character. It was cheesy, but fun anyway.
A Batalha dos Deuses
Jade Emperor
O filme conta a fantástica aventura de um monge chamado Taka (conhecido por trazer os sagrados sutras budistas da Índia para a China) e seus três discípulos. No caminho da cidade de Shache, o monge consegue escapar do ataque de um grupo de demônios, mas seus discípulos não. Enquanto pensava em um jeito de salvá-los, ele é capturado pelo rei dos répteis e colocado sob vigilância de Meiyan, um horrível demônio em figura de mulher que acaba se apaixonando por Taka. Felizmente, uma princesa de outra galáxia salva o monge, e faz com que Meiyan os persiga insistentemente. Emocionado ainda mais essa incrível aventura, Meiyan decide ajudar o seu amado e se junta à princesa para salvar os três discípulos de Taka.
Agentes de Elite
Quando um notório chefe do crime local desaparece um pouco antes de seu julgamento, uma equipe de agentes de elite da Interpol começam uma guerra para recapturá-lo. Munidos de todos os recursos possíveis, estes agentes se preparam para lutar contra um exército inimigo fortemente armado. Uma verdadeira guerra inicia-se pelas ruas de Hong Kong. Agentes de Elite é ação ininterrupta, muitas lutas e um show de artes marciais.
Dragon Get Angry
A national feud and the philosophy of martial arts cause a conflict between two big families, one from China and one from Japan, which forced a mixed couple to separate. Their love stirred up bloody fighting between the Chinese and Japanese in the ancient martial world. Rong Hoi Shan, a kung fu genius, settled the disputes with his high martial arts skills. Lignite your sensations with a series of true kung fu fighting scenes, and it’s the essence of Chinese martial arts.
A Century of Light and Shadow
Revisit 100 years of Chinese cinema through the RTHK TV program A Century of Light and Shadow. Aired in 2005, this interesting and informative documentary traces the development of the Chinese film industry from the pioneering years to contemporary times. From the volley between Mandarin and Cantonese films to the rise of the New Wave, this program touches on all the major trends and developments that have helped define Chinese cinema and explores different genres and representative figures and films. From actors to directors, over 200 film industry names, including Jackie Chan, John Woo, Sammo Hung, Connie Chan, Andrew Lau, Peter Chan, and Lau Ching Wan, appear in the program, bringing their intimate knowledge of the industry and providing insight about what lies ahead for Chinese cinema.
Shaolin vs. Evil Dead
Pak/Brother White
Shaolin vs. Evil Dead is a kung fu vampire movie starring Gordon Liu. The work is one of Liu's most recent and was released between the time of Kill Bill volumes 1 & 2 and exploited his acting in the two films on the North American DVD cover. The movie title itself exploits the film Evil Dead, however there is actually no relationship between two films. The film also heavily references the style of Mr. Vampire, though has a unique plot. The film ends abruptly, without resolution, because of a planned sequel, which is previewed in the end credits.
Snake Curse
Dr Gao Er
Kill Bill - A Vingança (vol. 2)
Pai Mei
Após ser traída e quase assassinada por Bill e pelo seu antigo grupo, o Esquadrão Assassino de Víboras Mortais, a Noiva está de volta, disposta a cobrar a quem destruiu a sua vida e a matar Bill.
Dragon in Fury
When Chen Jun (Dragon Shek) returns home to Shanghai to find his former kung fu master (Gordon Liu) dead, he can't shake the hunch that a rival martial arts school is to blame. Readying himself for a full-fledged rampage of revenge, Chen first launches an investigation and then takes on the entire school, putting his years of martial arts training to the test.
Star Runner - A Disputa Final
Coach Lau
O corajoso Bond Cheung pratica Thai Kickboxing como membro da equipe Kong Ching. Tank é o campeão da última Star Runner realizada e é cotado como invencível. O objetivo de Bond é ter a oportunidade de lutar com Tank no próximo Star Runner. No entanto, tudo parece correr mal quando Bond se apaixona pela professora May Kim e perde a oportunidade de entrar na equipe.
Drunken Monkey - O Poder do Kung-Fu
Detective Hung Yat Fu
Drunken Monkey acontece na China de 1930. A história começa quando o mestre de artes marciais Wen Biao descobre que seu irmão usa sua empresa em negócios ilegais. O confronto entre os irmãos acaba com o desaparecimento e a possível morte de Wen Biao. Enquanto isso, a vida fácil de dois jovens sofre uma grande reviravolta quando cansados de uma vida pacata, rumam para a cidade grande em busca de aventura e inspiração. Lá, encontram tudo isso e muito mais quando resolvem seguir uma bela lutadora de artes marciais que os encanta a primeira vista. Os dois heróis saem em busca de informações sobre a garota mas começam a ser seguidos por um excêntrico mestre de artes marciais que aparenta ser Wen Biao. Após afogar suas lágrimas na cidade, nossos dois heróis cruzam com um antigo amigo de Wen Biao e infelizmente para todos, seu arqui-inimigo. Antigos amigos são reunidos e nossos heróis não tem outra escolha a não ser lutar uma última vez.
Cinema Hong Kong: Wu Xia
A full journey from the beginning of "Swordplay" movies in Shanghai, growth in Hong Kong cinemas in the 60's and 70's and Ang Lee's epic "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" in 2000. The series also features interviews with such luminaries including John Woo, Chu Yuen, Lau Ka Leung, Gordon Lau Ka Fai, Sammo Hung, David Chiang and Cheng Pei Pei.
Cinema Hong Kong: Kung Fu
Um olhar sobre filmes de ação de Hong Kong, a partir de suas raízes na coreografia da Ópera de Pequim e da tradição Wuxia de combatentes honrados solitários para a evolução do cinema de artes marciais (esgrima) para Kung Fu (punhos, pés e paus).
A Arte Marcial no Cinema
Self - Interviewee
Apresentado por Samuel L. Jackson, este documentário em profundidade oferece aos espectadores uma visão dos bastidores da história do filme de artes marciais - desde os primórdios rebeldes do gênero até os épicos modernos em alta velocidade. Jackson leva você através dos melhores momentos de 100 filmes, incluindo As Panteras e vencedor do Oscar O Tigre e o Dragão. Entrevistas com veteranos do cinema de artes marciais Sammo Hung, John Woo e Ang Lee completam o vídeo.
The Island Tales
A group of disparate characters find themselves trapped overnight on a island somewhere off the coast of mainland China. The circumstances force them to overlook their preconceptions of one another, and they forge a kinship that goes to the heart their identities.
Heaven of Hope
Coffin Leung
Anthony Wong is a priest who helps teenagers suffering from drug addiction. One night, he receives a call that his daughter Mandy has died. All that is found is her pager, so he hits the nightclub circuit to try and find her. He discovers that she is with Hawk (Sam Lee), who runs with the triads. Now he must infiltrate the group and try and rescue the rest of the girls under Hawk's influence.
The Set Up
1999 film
Super Cops
Uncle Shing
Hoping to find their uncle in the big city, siblings Siu-Tong and Chee-Loy end up offending the local gangsters and attracting the drug traffickers. As if luck would have it, they are now the Interpol's best friends, as the police wants their assistance in trapping the bad guys at a triad banquet gathering…
The Story of the Gun
Officer Lau Fai
The police forces are on a mission to stop gunrunners dealing between Hong Kong and mainland China. Leading them is Hong Kong Superintendent Lau Chen Fai along with officer Sophia and a Shenzhen cop Kau. Leading the gunrunners is Master Tian, Lin Lo Hung, daughter of a communist official, and Shaw Lon from Taiwan.
If You Were Here
Hong Kong cat III rape-revenge flick
Drunken Master III
Gov. Li
Set around the turn of the century in China, the White Lotus Society plots to put the next Emperor on the throne. To do this they want their protege to marry the Princess Sun Yu who possesses an important jade ring. They dispatch Yueng Kwan to fetch her. However, Yueng Kwan is a patriot, working for the revolutionary forces of Sun Yat Sen. He abducts Sun Yu and finds refuge with the father of the future hero Wong Fei Hung.
The Shaolin Kids in Hong Kong
Two young boys escape their dreary monastic life for the brightlights of Hong Kong. Joining a couple of pickpockets the two live out the adventure. Kind-hearted Master Chi is sent to Hong Kong to find the kids.
Treasure Hunt
Abbot Hung Chi
A C.I.A. agent is assigned to go to Beijing to look for a hidden "treasure," which turns out to be a woman who has supernatural powers, and is the National Treasure of China.
The Kung Fu Scholar
Kung Fu Scholar is a comedy action starring Dicky Cheung. He wants to learn kung-fu, but his mother wants him to go to school. After losing a game with his mother, he's forced to attend school. Liu Sin-Hoi (Aaron Kwok) also attends the same school. The school's headmaster (Mau Tat) has a niece Ching Ching (Chow Wai Man) who's also been dropped off at the school by her parents. School has many regulations: One being you cannot court a woman. But guess what, it's love at first sight for Man Chui (Dicky Cheung) when he sees Ching Ching. There's a band of henchmen after prince eight, and Man Chui and Sin-Hoi gets entangled in their affairs.
Cinema of Vengeance
Himself (uncredited)
A documentary study of martial arts films and their leading protagonists. Included are profiles of such artists as Bruce Lee, Cynthia Rothrock, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and John Woo favourite Chow Yun Fat.
Flirting Scholar
Evil Scholar
A scholar in search of true love. Disguising himself as a houseboy, he indentures himself to a rich family in order to pursue the ravishing servant girl who has stolen his heart.
Garras de Aço
Master Liu Heung
Jovem é acusado de ser o responsável pelo desaparecimento de algumas garotas e descobre que foi usado por uma quadrilha especializada em tráfico de escravas brancas, agora ele precisa levar os culpados à justiça para provar a sua inocência.
Legend Of The Liquid Sword
Shaolin Monk
The young Chor Lau-heung learns martial arts from Tuk-ku Kau-pai and has attained a high level of skill. His teacher sends him to Shaolin Monastery to attend a contest that is held once every ten years. On the journey, Chor meets Wu Tit-fa and Chung-yuen Yat-dim-hung. When Chor arrives at Shaolin, he fights with a Shaolin student called Mo-fa but neither of them is able to defeat each other. They decide to have a match again on another day. One night, Chor meets Mo-fa and strike up a conversation with her. Both of them decide to enter the palace in search of adventure. They disturb the prince on his wedding night but are accidentally caught in a trap and only manage to escape with the help of Chor's friends.
Passionate Killing in the Dream
A woman can see through the mind of a serial killer. But can she use her talents to alert the police to the killer's next move or will the killer catch on and track her down...
Cheetah on Fire
Mainland gang leader
In Hong Kong, a weapon dealer has a special computer chip, which is needed to build a secret missile. He is trying to sell it to a foreign goverment. The local secret police, the CIA and an enemy band is looking for him, but he has a very rich and influential man as his partner.
The Banquet
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
A Fate of Love
Crystal Hunt
Two cops search for a mysterious crystal with healing powers to cure a sick old man. On the trail they come up against a team treasure hunter/smugglers with impressive combat skills and big guns.
Tiger on the Beat 2
Lau Fai
Lam, a cop approaching 40 but without much accomplishment, always wants to achieve something memorable before his retirement. He is obliged by his sister to find a decent Chinese girl for his nephew, Baffalo, who is an "American Born Chinese". But Baffalo has an eye for a sweetie, Ellen, who has accidentally witnessed a murder. The incident gets Lam, Baffalo and Ellen being involved in a ruthless underground arms smuggling ring, wich sends the killer to eliminate them.
The Fortune Code
Japanese Commander in blue
Set in China during the Japanese occupation. A young man breaks out of a POW camp to marry his sweetheart, but finds she is now a spy for the resistance, code-named "Number 3". With the help of "Number 2" he returns to the camp to find "Fortune", an agent who possesses the pass-code to a Swiss bank account with $500 billion intended for the Chinese army.
The Challenge of Master Killer
Two Hong Kong police detectives seek a serial killer.
A Fiery Family
Most new immigrants are always involved in the activities of gangs. Although some of them are very smart and have established good business, people still call them "Big Circle Guys" indicating that they are outsiders to us. Ching Chi Kuk had come to Hong Kong with his brother Ching Chi Pang, sister Ching Siu Ming and brother-in-law Chi Wai since the middle seventies. Within a few years, Kuk being smart enough, had become well-known among the gangs. Once in an activity, Kuk was arrested and confessed quilty for his boss. Kuk was sent to prison and became a scapegoat. When he was released from the prison, Kuk decided to turn over a new life. During Kuk's imprisonment, his brother Pang joined the gang...
My Heart Is That Eternal Rose
A young couple separates under pressure from vicious Triad gangsters – she becomes a mobster's unwilling moll, and he travels abroad to work as an assassin. But their love stays strong, and when the two are reunited, their rekindled emotions lead them into extreme danger.
Avenging Trio
Three unemployed brothers decide to rob a bank in order to support their pregnant wives. When they're killed by the police, their wives swear revenge.
Killer Angels
Three female cops form a special unit and get their main witness out of the clutches of a gang. The witness holds the key to Chu Chung Sing, a gang-lord who runs a night-club. They will have to face a ruthless but sentimental killer.
Ghost Ballroom
A club hostess is murdered by her gangster boyfriend and her ghost comes back for revenge. Her two hostess housemates are much more upset by her return than her death (which didn't seem to bother them much at all), and their boyfriends are kind of freaked too, but when they're not gambling they are persuaded to help the ghost take revenge.
The Peacock King
Coerced by the evil Witch Raga, Ashura, the Hell Virgin, attempts to unlock the four Earth holes that lead to the Gates of Hell. Together, Raga aims to control the Earth. However, two monks skilful in magical powers set off on a journey to the cities to obstruct Ashura from unlocking the gates and stop Raga. Otherwise, not only will control of the Earth be at stake, but the King of Hell will resurrect and darkness will overcome the world.
Shaolin vs. Vampire
Gordon Liu plays a stuntman named Daiyu, who is his town's sole vampire non-believer holdout. When his young daughter “adopts” a vampire kid, his viewpoint changes. Daiyu, with help from a female Japanese student, must defend his village against hopping vampires and an evil sorcerer who want their land.
Shaolin vs. Vampire
Gordon Liu plays a stuntman named Daiyu, who is his town's sole vampire non-believer holdout. When his young daughter “adopts” a vampire kid, his viewpoint changes. Daiyu, with help from a female Japanese student, must defend his village against hopping vampires and an evil sorcerer who want their land.
A Bloody Fight
Keung and Fai had been good friends since childhood. They both had keen interest in boxing-matches. Having parted with Keung for more than ten years, Fai had become a police officer. On the contrary, Keung had joined an illegal organization as a professional killer. Keung decided to resign from the organization
Dois Tiras em Apuros
Fai, the Hitman
Dupla de policiais tentam capturar poderoso mafioso tailandês, contando com a relutante ajuda da irmã do gângster.
The Story of Dr. Sun Yat Sen
As befits the telling of the story of perhaps the most universally beloved hero of modern-day Chinese history Dr. Sun Yat-Sen (1866-1925), this lavishly produced biographical film uses techniques culled from Chinese Opera to dramatize the great man's political history. Concentrating on the period following his rise to political prominence in 1894 until his death in 1925, the movie is couched in terms of heroes who look heroic and villains who look villainous. Huge numbers of extras and vast battle scenes dot this production, and well-known Hong Kong and Taiwan-based movie stars appear in many cameos.
The Two Jolly Cops
Gordon Liu stars in this Hong Kong cop buddy movie as a detective, who is assigned to find an heiress to a fortune who has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. Plenty of laughs and action in this great modern day actioner, directed by Wilson Tong.
The Two Jolly Cops
Gordon Liu stars in this Hong Kong cop buddy movie as a detective, who is assigned to find an heiress to a fortune who has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. Plenty of laughs and action in this great modern day actioner, directed by Wilson Tong.
Discípulos da Câmara 36
Monk San Te
Fong Sai Yuk é um jovem encrenqueiro incorrigível, que graças as suas habilidades nas artes marciais é praticamente invencível. Seus pais e professores, não conseguem discipliná-lo e ele vive se metendo em confusões. Até que um dia ele arruma encrenca com pessoas poderosas e é condenado pelos governantes a decapitação. Sua família consegue em segredo, manda-lo juntamente com seus irmãos para o Templo de Shaolin e assim salvar sua vida. No Templo, o monge San Te submete-o aos mais rigorosos treinamentos buscando discipliná-lo, mas Fong Sai Yuk arruma mais confusão do que antes, colocando em risco a segurança de todos os discípulos do templo.
Crazy Shaolin Disciples
Monk Wu Qing
Following a raid led by a deadly Manchu enforcer (Lo Lieh), rebels Hong Si Kuan (Lo Meng), Fong Sai Yuk (Wong Yu) and Hu Huei Chian (Chin Siu Ho) seek refuge at the Shaolin Temple. However, the strict rules of the temple don’t suit rascals Fong and Hu, and their mischievous antics lead to scuffles with the young monk Wu Qing (Gordon Liu Chia Hui). Things get worse when Fong frees a mad monk (Chun Wong) from his hidden cell, and Hui falls for a pretty local lass. Meanwhile, the fierce Manchu rebel-hunter is still lurking nearby, determined to find his prey whatever the cost!
The Young Vagabond
Beggar Su Chan
O pai deles decide mandar um para uma escola jesuíta para aprender inglês.
O Lutador Invencível
Yang No. 5
Guerreiro sobrevivente de uma emboscada onde quase todos os seus irmãos foram mortos foge para um monastério, onde fica treinando durante anos. Quando sua irmã mais velha é capturada pelos assassinos de seus irmãos, ele retorna para se vingar.
Shaolin & Wu Tang
Master Liu and Master Law are rival masters of Shaolin style kung fu, and Wudang style sword fighting, running schools in the same city. Their top students, Chao Fung-wu, and Hung Jun-kit, are actually close friends. After observing the two students fighting at a brothel, the Lord determines that the two styles are dangerous, and he must learn both.
Shaolin & Wu Tang
Hung Jun-kit
Master Liu and Master Law are rival masters of Shaolin style kung fu, and Wudang style sword fighting, running schools in the same city. Their top students, Chao Fung-wu, and Hung Jun-kit, are actually close friends. After observing the two students fighting at a brothel, the Lord determines that the two styles are dangerous, and he must learn both.
The Lady Is the Boss
Lee Hon Man
Wong Hsia Yuan is an old-fashioned martial arts master who's so behind the times that he'd rather his school be destroyed than change its ways. He may get his wish, thanks to the young, beautiful, intelligent Chan Mei Ling, who arrives from the states to open a new branch of the school. Armed with an unfamiliar, modern way of thinking, Mei Ling goes about recruiting new students in strange, and sometimes questionably legal ways. Yuan is furious, but when the local triads enter the picture, the two put their differences aside to take back the neighborhood.
Tales of a Eunuch
Emperor / Siu Yuen Tzu
The story follows a "loveable" rascal as he gambles and gets into various bits of trouble with outlaws and rebels. He eventually gets into a situation where he has to impersonate the eunuch servant of an elderly eunuch who is an evil martial art master. This gets the rascal involved with the emperor who is studying martial arts. The whole movie revolves around a quest for all the copies of a special Buddhist text.
Shaolin Drunken Monk
Lao Chung
When a martial arts teacher is murdered by his students, his son and heir, Lao Chung (Gordon Liu), escapes but vows to exact vengeance for his father's death. After learning drunken kung fu from an old master, Chung sets out to punish the perpetrators. Eagle Han also stars in this rousing Hong Kong actioner featuring scores of spectacular fight scenes, all choreographed by the legendary Lau brothers.
Gato vs. Rato
Emperor Yang Xi
"O Gato" Jien e "O Rato" Bai são dois lutadores rivais que o tempo todo ficam desafiando um ao outro e duelando, para descobrir quem é o melhor. Eles são discípulos do mesmo Mestre que afirma que os dois têm a mesma habilidade. Mas, isso não é suficiente para impedir que a rivalidade entre eles continue. Um dia, Jien salva a vida do Imperador e por isso recebe o título de Oficial da Guarda Real. Louco de ciúmes, Bai rouba o Selo de Jade do Imperador mas é traído por seu bando e capturado. Ao saber de toda a história, o Imperador determina que os dois juntos terão que recuperar o Selo de Jade no prazo de 1 dia, senão...
The 82 Tenants
Ah Hui
In “82 Tenants” the widow Zhang and Bing, her new young consort, want to sell an apartment house to a property developer but old man Zhang's will provided that the current tenants can stay there as long as they want or the building survives. So it is clear who the villains are—joining the greedy couple is Chao who has purchased all the land around the building but needs this final piece so he can know everything down and build a money spinning edifice. One the other side are the tenants, a disparate group whose grudgingly and occasionally antagonistically shared communal life, while not ideal, is certainly better than not having a place to live.
Godfather from Canton
Lin Si Hai
A coolie is ofter a job a policeman after saving a government official, and through treachery and corruption rises through the ranks of the police, then becomes a gangster.
Armas Lendárias da China
Ti Tan
Após a revolução dos "Boxers", um oficial da corte da imperatriz ordena a um culto de lutadores espirituais que matem um membro traidor, Lui Gung, que está vivendo escondido.
O Clube das Artes Marciais
Wong Fei Hung
Três escolas de artes marciais estão em uma grande disputa para eleger quem é a melhor dentre elas. Uma delas, semeando discórdia e traição entre seus participantes, tenta desacreditar as outras duas provocando o caos para o mestre Huang. Enquanto isso, seu filho Wong Fei-Hung e seu amigo Ynlin passam o tempo tentando, sem conseguir nenhum sucesso, se passar por mestres do Kung-Fu. Até mesmo após serem humilhados por um verdadeiro instrutor das artes marciais, os dois não desistem e continuam tentando. Porém, graças a um acidente, Yinlin é seriamente ferido por Shan, um mestre de Kung-Fu da escola Jing Wu do norte. E, quando ele tem as pernas quebradas pelos capangas de Shan, tem início um dos mais genuínos clássicos do Kung-Fu já produzidos, onde as emoções e a adrenalina estão a toda velocidade.
Caçadores de Tesouro
Monk Wu Sun
Um jovem rico quer conseguir fama e glória sendo o primeiro a descobrir um tesouro perdido. Ele se une a uma dupla de peritos em kung-fu e juntos não só começam a procurar o tesouro como também tentam descobrir quem está por trás das misteriosas mortes que ocorreram aos caçadores do tesouro antes deles. Adicione a tudo isso um monge Shaolin, um poderoso e brutal vilão e sua perigosa irmã e você terá um dos filmes de ação mais explosivos já produzido.
Raiders of Buddhist Kung Fu
Gordon Liu takes on the mantle of a ruthless kung fu emperor who has mastered the Buddhist style of kung fu and diagram pole fighting technique. Hoping to usurp the wicked Emperor is Korean kicker and style master Mike Wong. In charge of the action is Lam Hark Ming, a student of both Liu Chia Liang and Sammo Hung.
My Young Auntie
Cheng, a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei, but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao, her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.
Retorno à Câmara 36
Chou Chun Chi
Chao Jen-Cheh é um falso monge shaolin, que engana os outros fingindo ser San Te (o invencível herói do filme original, "A Câmara 36 de Shaolin"). Quando seus amigos começam a ser explorados pelos novos administradores de uma fábrica de tecidos, Jen-Cheh ameaça os vilões como se fosse San Te, mas a farsa é descoberta. Humilhado, resta ao jovem ir ao Templo de Shaolin e aprender kung-fu com o verdadeiro San Te para vingar-se.
Carry on Wise Guy
Fa Tien
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
O Clã do Lotus Branco
Hung Wei Ting
Quando o Imperador suspende a proibição sobre o Templo de Shaolin e concede liberdade aos discípulos que foram presos, os membros do Clã de Lotus Branco não se conformam e enfurecidos buscam vingança, principalmente contra Hu Ha-piao e Hung Weí-ting que haviam matado seu antigo líder, o impiedoso e renegado Pai Mei. O novo líder do Clã, embora com aparência idêntica, é mais poderoso que seu antecessor e faz várias emboscadas onde os seguidores de Shaolin e todos aqueles que trabalham na reconstrução do templo são assassinados, inclusive Hu Ah-piao e sua mulher. Agora Hung Wei-ting terá que aprender novas técnicas de luta para tentar derrotar seu poderoso inimigo.
Fists and Guts
A mysterious traveler enlists two bumbling con men in a plan to get back supposed family heirlooms stolen by a missing housekeeper who uses various disguises to elude capture.
Ho, O Sujo
11th Prince, Wang Chin Chen
Ho (Wong Yu) é um impetuoso ladrão de jóias que acredita ser muito esperto. Wang (Gordon Liu) é um príncipe disfarçado, mestre nas artes marciais, que passa seu tempo admirando arte, colecionando antiguidades e degustando vinhos. Quando os dois se encontram, Wang percebe o grande potencial de Ho e arma um plano para que ele tenha que servi-lo sem revelar sua verdadeira identidade. As coisas se complicam quando o irmão mais velho de Wang, temendo ser preterido como novo imperador, manda o impiedoso general Liang (Lo Lieh) assassiná-lo. Liang envia vários assassinos que são derrotados por Wang que acaba sendo ferido. Para escapar de Liang, Wang necessita voltar para o palácio do imperador e para isso vai precisar revelar sua verdadeira identidade para Ho e contar com sua ajuda. Juntos eles terão que enfrentar muitos perigos em sua jornada. Dirty Ho é mais um filme onde o consagrado diretor Lau Kar-leung mostra todo seu talento na criação de incríveis coreografias de lutas
Fury in Shaolin Temple
When a young boy finds himself alone in the world when his adoptive father disappears after a fight, his first thought is to go to Shaolin.
The Shadow Boxing
Chang Chieh
Liu Chia-Liang returns to the success of his first directed film, "The Spiritual Boxer", which also stars the original film's bumbling ghost controller, Wang Yu. Hoping to make the lightning of success strike in the same place, Liu had his two brothers Lau Kar Wing and Gordon Liu not only act but also help with the fights. The end result is a martial arts film masterpiece filled with breathtaking action and set pieces.
Heróis do Oriente
Ho Tao
Ah To, um exímio lutador de Kung-Fu é forçado por seu pai a aceitar um casamento arranjado. A noiva é a bela e temperamental Kuda, uma jovem japonesa. Logo ele descobre que ela é mestra em artes marciais japoneses, as quais insiste serem superiores as chinesas. Tal comportamento leva o casal a vários conflitos, que culminam com Ah To tendo que enfrentar sete mestres das artes marciais que chegam do Japão e o desafiam para provar a superioridade de seus astros de luta. Novamente o grande mestre Lau Kar-leung nos brinda com um grande clássico, onde apoiado por um elenco de primeira, mostra os vários estilos das artes marciais chinesas e japonesas.
Garras de Louva-a-Deus
Shaolin Fighting Monk
O imperador dá uma importante missão a Wei Fung: se infiltrar como espião no Clã Tien, que é suspeito de apoiar os revolucionários leais a dinastia Ming. Para isso ele se torna professor da jovem Chi, neta do chefe do Clã Tien e os dois acabam se apaixonando. Wei descobre que o clã lidera os revolucionários ao mesmo tempo em que sua verdadeira identidade é descoberta por eles. Wei e Chi lutam para escapar, mas durante a fuga, a jovem é morta pela sua própria família. Inconformado, Wei busca refúgio numa floresta onde aprende o estilo mortal do Louva-a-deus. Quando domina o novo estilo do Kung-Fu, Wei volta à casa do Clã Tien para se vingar...
Breakout from Oppression
Tsao Chan (Gordon Liu) is a letter carrier in the countryside who wanders into a town after being accosted by some corrupt cops. He witnesses three men running from a group of houses, and when he investigates he finds two murder victims inside. Meanwhile, a skirmish is developing between a factory owner (Fung Hak On) and his workers, led by two brothers (Paul Chin and Dean Shek). Tsao recognizes the brothers as two of the men fleeing the murder scene, so he decides to ally with the factory boss in order to go solve the crime. Soon though, it becomes clear that the boss and his thugs may have other things in mind that aren't so kosher. Tsao becomes trapped in the middle of the feuding groups and must decide who is honest and who is not.
Breakout from Oppression
Tsao Chan (Gordon Liu) is a letter carrier in the countryside who wanders into a town after being accosted by some corrupt cops. He witnesses three men running from a group of houses, and when he investigates he finds two murder victims inside. Meanwhile, a skirmish is developing between a factory owner (Fung Hak On) and his workers, led by two brothers (Paul Chin and Dean Shek). Tsao recognizes the brothers as two of the men fleeing the murder scene, so he decides to ally with the factory boss in order to go solve the crime. Soon though, it becomes clear that the boss and his thugs may have other things in mind that aren't so kosher. Tsao becomes trapped in the middle of the feuding groups and must decide who is honest and who is not.
A Câmara 36 de Shaolin
Liu Yu-De / Monk San Ta
Depois que sua família é morta por soldados Manchus, jovem decide se tornar um monge no Templo de Shaolin para aprender artes marciais e se vingar. No entanto ele consegue algo ainda maior, abrindo uma sala de treinamento, a chamada 36ª câmara, para ensinar a população como se defender de ataques.
He Has Nothing But Kung Fu
Shang Kai-Yuan
He's lost his memory, but not his skill: After a fierce battle with a local tong, Hoi is thrown over an embankment and left for dead. He survives the ordeal but has lost all of his memory, but not his kung-fu. His fateful meeting with a beggar leads to their teaming up for cleaning up that tong.
Carrascos de Shaolin
Tong Qia
O filme se passa durante a dinastia Qing, em que os Manchus liderados pelo traidor guerreiro taoísta Pai Mei, invadem e destroem o Templo de Shaolin. Durante o ataque, Pai Mei derrota e mata o líder dos Monges, Chi San, mas o seu principal discípulo, Hong Hei-Kwun consegue escapar juntamente com outro poucos discípulos. Após a fuga, eles se juntam ao movimento anti-Qing como membros de uma companhia de ópera itinerante. Durante uma de suas viagens, Hong conhece a jovem Fang Yun-Chun, com quem se casa e tem um filho, passando a treinar intensivamente para conseguir finalmente enfrentar o poderoso Pai Mei.
Desafio de Mestres
Wong Fei Hung
Um jovem lutador participa de um torneio de Kung-Fu ao lado dos discípulos de seu pai. Por causa de sua inexperiência e pouco treino, seu amigo Lin Tu-chiang, é ferido e a escola de seu pai perde a competição. Mas, o oficial Yuen Ching, percebe seu potencial e convence o mestre Luk Ah-choy, a treinar o rapaz. Logo após a partida dos dois, para treinarem durante dois anos em reclusão, Yuen Ching, é morto quando tenta prender um perigoso criminoso chamado Yan Er-fu. Durante dois anos o jovem treina o estilo Hung Fist, e suas várias técnicas. Ao retornar para casa está pronto para enfrentar o assassino de Yuen Ching, e liderar sua escola no próximo torneio.
7-Man Army
Mongolian mercenary
In 1933, 20,000 Japanese soldiers and 50 tanks invaded the Pa Tou Lou Tzu, a strategic key point of the Great Wall. With only seven men stationing, these heroes took on the entire army for five days before succumbing. Director Chang Cheh recreated this epic battle with his favorite cast including Ti Lung, David Chiang, Alexander Fu Sheng and Chen Kuan-tai, as a celluloid tribute to these nameless souls.
A Rebelião dos Boxers
Esta é uma das maiores e mais caras produções de todos os tempos do estúdio Shaw Brothers. Mistura os ingredientes de um filme de Kung-Fu tradicional com os fatos históricos ocorridos entre 1898 e 1901, quando patriotas chineses lutaram para expulsar os estrangeiros que lá viviam. Este filme é centrado na história de três jovens lutadores de artes marciais que buscam colegas patriotas insatisfeitos com os estrangeiros imperialistas e acabam se juntando a uma facção liderada por um oportunista. Uma rara oportunidade de ver a histórica rebelião, que foi retratada em vários filmes ocidentais, sendo contada pela ótica dos chineses.
Marco Polo
Também conhecido como "Os Quatro Assassinos", este é um dos raríssimos filmes de artes marciais de Hong Kong em que um ocidental tem papel destacado de herói. Richard Harrison é Marco Polo, o famoso explorador italiano em sua histórica expedição a China durante o império Mongol de Kublai Khan. Aqui ele é nomeado um Inspetor Imperial que é enviado para combater os rebeldes chineses do Sul. Muita ação e combates espetaculares neste que se tornou um dos mais famosos clássicos da Shaw Brothers dirigidos pelo cultuado Chang Cheh.
The Monk
Foon Ying's thug/Monk
A monk is expelled from a monastery because he was found with a dirty magazine under his pillow. He falls in with a gang of villains, who hire him because of his martial arts skills. He later returns to the monastery where (for reasons unexplained), he fights his former buddy-monk.
Os Cinco Mestres de Shaolin
Chang Yun (cameo)
Com a destruição do Templo de Shaolin, cinco mestres sobreviventes tentam reorganizar os rebeldes contra o império, enquanto treinam para derrotar outros cinco mestres rivais.
As Artes Marciais de Shaolin
He Zhen Gang
O diabólico clã dos Manchus está determinador e eliminar todos os seus rivais no kung-fu. Com o Templo de Shaolin destruído, cruéis assassinos contratados pelos Manchus caçam os últimos sobreviventes do monastério, que buscam a ajuda dos mestres anciãos, donos de antigos segredos das artes marciais, os únicos estilos e táticas capazes de derrotar seus monstruosos inimigos. Após meses de um agonizante treinamento nos mortais estilos Tigre e Graça combinados, os monges sobreviventes se sentem preparados para um sangrento combate final contra o terrível estilo da Pele de Aço dos assassinos Manchus.