Mourad Zeguendi

Mourad Zeguendi


Mourad Zeguendi


Les Vengeances de Maître Poutifard
The tasty story of a retired teacher who decides to make his former students pay for years of heckling and humiliation.
Music Hole
Inspector Zahri
Francis, a little accountant officiating in a shady cabaret has marital concerns with his wife. After a violent argument, he wakes up to discover a surprise. It's the macabre and zany starting point of a burlesque thriller.
On his way to a DJ Championship in Brussels, a young Egyptian is mistaken for an illegal immigrant and detained in a country he's never heard of before.
Rosie & Moussa
Rosie moves with her mother to an apartment on the other side of Brussels. She gets to know a lot of new people, including Moussa, who lives in the apartment above her, who gives her a complete tour of the neighbourhood, including the roof. And they search together for Rosie's father, who hasn't come home in some time.
Certifiée Halal
Chérif Boukamache
Plan Bart
Written by Roel Mondelaers and Hans Van Nuffel, Plan Bart is a romantic comedy about competing desires -- sacrificing one's childhood dreams for the responsibilities of adulthood, air guitar championships for diapers and bottles, 'having sex' with 'making love.'
Set in Tangier, Traitors tells the story of Maika, a calm, conservative girl by day and a leader of an all-girl punk group by night.
A man attempts to reclaim the life that prison took from him but his dark past threatens to ruin everything.
La proie
Ali Toumi, born Algerian, has just escaped from a Belgian prison. Buying a new identity he hopes to make a fresh start and provide his son and himself with a normal integrated life. But an encounter with an old acquaintance makes Ali relapse into old habits.
The Rif Lover
Le Baron
Aya only dreams of finding love like her favorite opera character Carmen. But the person who steals her heart is a powerful hashish trafficker known as The Baron. After buying her virginity from her brothers, he soon reveals himself to be an illusory prince charming.
Les Barons
Les Barons ont une devise : "glander plus pour vivre plus". Chaque être humain naît avec un crédit de pas. Chaque pas effectué te rapproche de la mort. Nous, les Barons, on le sait dès le départ.
Go Fast: No Coração do Tráfico
Marek, oficial da polícia, acabou de perder seu melhor amigo e colega durante uma operação contra uma rede de traficantes de drogas. Ele é treinado para se infiltrar numa gang que importa maconha em grandes quantidades a partir de Espanha, graças aos carros carregados e potentes que rodam a droga a toda a velocidade para as cidades…
JCVD: A Maior Luta de Sua Vida
Client Video Club
Uma maré de azar é pouco para esse prestigiado astro de hollywood. O roteiro mostra a vida de Jean-Claude Van Damme, sua trajetória nos EUA, do sucesso ao fracasso, desde a batalha judicial pela custódia de sua filha, problemas com a polícia, envolvimento com drogas, alcool até os impostos devidos ao governo. Agora, ele esta deixando os EUA para se renovar, voltar para o seu país, em busca de um pouco de tranquilidade e paz, que os Estados Unidos já não lhe oferecem mais. Mas do que nunca, esta será a sua maior luta de todos os tempos.
Táxi 4
Depois de algum tempo de ausência, o comissionário de polícia Gilbert e seus parceiros Emilien e Daniel voltaram com a corda toda, agora numa aventura de tirar o fôlego. Um notório bandido belga consegue enganar os policiais de Marselha quando esta o tem sob custória antes de extraditá-lo para sua prisão na África. Mas as coisas se complicam quando a bela esposa de Emilien infiltra-se na perigosa gangue do criminoso. Num final digno das melhores filmes de ação, o comissário Gilbert mostra toda sua habilidade em manejar uma arma e coragem para enfrentar bandidos.
Jean-Claude is a loud-mouthed, know-it-all and full time boor who is best friends with Stef, a self-styled lady killer who would do better with the fairer sex if he could work up the ambition to wake up in the morning. Stef has decided that he may need some help in finding the woman of his dreams, and embracing loyalty rather than logic he turns to Jean-Claude for advice.
Atoman, Wind Rider