M. Ždánská


Svatá hříšnice
In the Prague Old Town and the adjoining streets there is always plenty of life. Housewives shop, beggars arouse sympathy, the Salvation Army tries to put the godless on the road to salvation by hymns and sermons, and Ferdys Pistora hunts in the pockets of his fellow men and isn't even put off by the presence of an officer of the law. Ferdys sets off to burgle villa of the banker Rosenstok, but a fire breaks out in the house and Ferdys ends up saving the banker's two small children. For this he is celebrated as a hero and gets a place as an errand boy with the Rosenstoks. At home he is visited by representatives of the Salvation Army, Captain Kosterka and Terezka, with whom Ferdys instantly falls in love.
O Martelo das Bruxas
Um inquisidor implacável transforma as superstições dos camponeses locais em heresia religiosa, encontrando motivos para acusar dezenas de homens e mulheres inocentes de bruxaria. O inquisidor tem como alvo nobres e comerciantes, cujas propriedades e bens são confiscados. Depois de sofrer uma série de torturas medievais, a maioria dos acusados confessa - apenas para ser queimada viva na fogueira, enquanto os moradores desamparados observam. Com sua cinematografia arrojada e impressionante, o filme captura cenas de nudez ousada e tortura brutal. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)