Animated film based on an Indian feminist tale written in 1905 by Rokeya Hussein about an imaginary country ruled by women.
An army of bear cubs train and indoctrinate young recruits for the war against the unicorns, which threatens the safety of the cubs. Brothers Bluet and Tubby, along with a group of inexperienced cadets, are sent on a dangerous mission to save the Magic Forest, where the unicorns live, and start a terrible battle.
Executive Producer
An army of bear cubs train and indoctrinate young recruits for the war against the unicorns, which threatens the safety of the cubs. Brothers Bluet and Tubby, along with a group of inexperienced cadets, are sent on a dangerous mission to save the Magic Forest, where the unicorns live, and start a terrible battle.
In this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again.
Executive Producer
"No one can escape their roots, however rotten they may be"
Executive Producer
Somewhere between reality and fantasy, a woman's consciousness is awoken through her inner journey that reflects the world around her.
The world is a wonderful stage, but its characters are disgraceful.
Presos a uma ilha em um mundo pós-apocalíptico, o adolescente Dinky e seus amigos planejam um perigoso plano de fuga na esperança de encontrar vida melhor. Enquanto isso, seu velho amigo Birdboy, perseguido pela polícia e assombrado por demônios, se isolou do mundo. Mas ninguém sabe que ele carrega um segredo que pode mudar o mundo para sempre.
Executive Producer
Two teddy-bears go hunting unicorns, their favorite prey.
Two teddy-bears go hunting unicorns, their favorite prey.
A terrible industrial accident changes little Dinki's life forever. Now Dinki's fate may ride on the wings of her eccentric friend Birdboy, a misfit who hides in the forest lost in his fantasies.
Executive Producer