Eu Não Sou Napoleão! É um retrato atual e bem humorado dos internos, semi internos, equipe médica e funcionários do hospital psiquiátrico Pedro II no bairro do Engenho de Dentro (Rio de Janeiro). O documentário aborda a jornada intima de seus pacientes e mostra o desenrolar de seus destinos diante de um mundo pautado por incertezas e preconceitos.
What is it to be crazy? What does it mean to be normal? Was madness a disease or a form of expression for the human soul? A disturbing and exciting dive in one of the largest psychiatric hospitals in operation in Latin America!
What is it to be crazy? What does it mean to be normal? Was madness a disease or a form of expression for the human soul? A disturbing and exciting dive in one of the largest psychiatric hospitals in operation in Latin America!
What is it to be crazy? What does it mean to be normal? Was madness a disease or a form of expression for the human soul? A disturbing and exciting dive in one of the largest psychiatric hospitals in operation in Latin America!