Johan Jäätiö

Nascimento : 1897-01-01,

Morte : 1971-01-01


Suomisen perhe
The film takes place in the summer and spring of 1940. Isä, the father, gets involved in the stock market and threatens the livelihood of the family.
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Kulkurin valssi
St.Petersburg, 1830. An arrogant Finnish baron is playing cards with a Russian officer. Needless to say, the Finn wins and the Russian gets extremely annoyed. The situation is not helped by the fact that the baron has been seeing a girl that the Russian officer has also set his eyes on. They decide to have a duel and after the Finn wins fair and square, he has to escape because the untrustworthy Russians are after him.
Yövartija vain...
Tavaratalo Lapatossu & Vinski
A Finnish comedy film from 1940. The third in the "Lapatossu" trilogy.
Seitsemän veljestä
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Helmikuun manifesti
February Manifesto was Yrjö Norta's and Toivo Särkkä's Finnish movie from 1939. It is a Finnish historical drama about developing independency based on book of the writer Mika Waltari. Movie Starring Tauno Palo and Regina Linnanheimo. For it's anti-soviet thematics it was banned in Finland from 1944 to 1987.
Eteenpäin – elämään
O senador Fredrik Harmelius, que dirige a linha de complacência, está despejando seu sobrinho Robert, que é ativista e mantêm relações com uma estagiária, Justina. Depois de décadas, os amantes se encontram quando Robert retorna à mansão que herdou.
Tulitikkuja lainaamassa
Kuriton sukupolvi
Ja alla oli tulinen järvi
Asessorin naishuolet
Alfred Haaravirta's worries begin, when his longtime housekeeper dies. So Alfred sends a letter to his old friend Matilda and asks her to be his new housekeeper. But Matilda misunderstands the letter to be a proposal of marriage.
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