Frank Mills

Frank Mills

Nascimento : 1891-01-26, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA

Morte : 1973-08-18


Frank Mills


A Loja dos Horrores
Man in Crowd Outside Shop (uncredited)
Um jovem desajeitado nutre uma planta e descobre que é carnívora, forçando-o a matar para alimentá-la. Quando o desajeitado Seymour Krelboyne estraga duas flores de um cliente, o proprietário de uma pequena floricultura, Gravis Mushnick, quer demiti-lo. Seymour diz que misturou duas plantas em casa e criou um híbrido chamado Audrey Jr. e Mushnick decide lhe dar outra chance. No dia seguinte, Seymour traz Audrey Jr., que se torna o orgulho e a alegria de Mushnick, e de todos os clientes. Mas então, do nada, a flor parece estar morrendo e Seymour fica chateado, porque não sabe como alimentar a flor. Ele está caminhando quando joga uma pedra perto de uma linha férrea, e ela acidentalmente bate na cabeça de um homem que cai e um trem passa por cima. Seymour leva os pedaços do homem para a loja e descobre que a planta gosta de carne. Na manhã seguinte, Audrey Jr. cresceu e se tornou a atração da loja. Mas como Seymour alimentará sua planta? (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
O Vento Será Tua Herança
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Numa cidade marcada pela forte presença da comunidade religiosa, professor é preso por ensinar a Teoria da Evolução de Darwin. O caso vai para o tribunal, onde acontece uma série de inflamados debates ideológicos, que mexem com a localidade e com seus habitantes. Baseado em caso real ocorrido em 1925, com os debates entre Clarence Darrow e William Jennings Bryan reconstruidos a partir das transcrições do julgamento real.
Onde Começa o Inferno
Barfly (uncredited)
De um lado está um exército de pistoleiros de aluguel espreitando a cadeia na tentativa de libertar um assassino. Do outro, está o xerife John T. Chance e seus dois assistentes: um ex beberrão em recuperação e o outro, um velho manco e reclamão. Ao lado deles estão um jovem rápido no gatilho e uma mulher com um passado sombrio, mas cujo coração palpita por Chance.
Entardecer Sangrento
Bart Allison chega a cidade de Sundown com um objetivo: Matar o homem que julga ser responsável pela morte da sua mulher.
Chorei por Você
Florist Truck Driver (uncredited)
Prohibition-era nightclub crooner Joe E. Lewis has his career and nearly his life cut short when his throat is slashed as payback for leaving the employ of Chicago mob boss Georgie Parker. A broken alcoholic, Joe is brought back from the abyss by his faithful piano player, Austin Mack, who helps turn the former singer into a successful stand-up comedian. But Joe's demons plague his romantic life even as he reaches new heights of success.
A Volta ao Mundo em Oitenta Dias
Barfly (uncredited)
Em 1872, o nobre inglês Phileas Fogg (David Niven) aposta vinte mil libras com seus colegas do Clube Reformatório de Londres de que ele consegue dar a volta no planeta em exatamente oitenta dias. Ao lado do engenhoso Valet Passepartout (Mario Moreno), ele busca cumprir o seu objetivo com aventuras em todos os continentes, acaba conhecendo e se encantando pela bela viúva Aouda (Shirley MacLaine), ao mesmo tempo que, em uma conspiração, é acusado de ter roubado o dinheiro que investiu na aposta.
Marcado Pela Sarjeta
Counterman at Gym (uncredited)
The story of boxer Rocky Graziano's rise from juvenile delinquent to world champ.
Pelo Sangue de Nossos Irmãos
Barfly (uncredited)
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
I'll Cry Tomorrow
Dock Worker (uncredited)
Deprived of a normal childhood by her ambitious mother, Lillian Roth becomes a star of Broadway and Hollywood before she is twenty. Shortly before her marriage to her childhood sweetheart, David Tredman, he dies and Lillian takes her first drink of many down the road of becoming an alcoholic.
Obrigado a Matar
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
O xerife Calem Ware (Randolph Scott) da cidade de Medicine Bent, está cansado de matar e de fugir das balas de seus inimigos. Para manter a paz na cidade, suas atividades em nome da lei e ordem destruíram sua vida pessoal. Agora, ele espera poder reconciliar-se com sua ex-esposa, Tally Dickinson (Ângela Lansburry), que agora é a estrela de um show musical itinerante. Mas, logo quando Tally chega à cidade, Ware é forçado a enfrentar uma grande quadrilha de bandidos liderada pelos terríveis Thorne (Warner Anderson) e Clark (John Emery). Assim, Ware precisa decidir entre cumprir seu dever e livrar a cidade dos bandidos enfrentando Baskam (Michael Pate), um pistoleiro de aluguel, ou abandonar as armas e se reconciliar com Tally. Desta vez, o xerife terá que enfrentar mais de um duelo...
O Morro da Traição
Pete Menlo (Howard Duff) possui terras para garimpo de ouro em Nevada e une-se a ele seu velho amigo Andy Martin (Lex Barker). O malandro dono de mina Bannon (John McIntire) quer também unir-se a eles para formar um monopólio mas é afastado.
A Senda do Sangue
A federal agent arrives in Laramie to try to find out who is behind the efforts to stop the construction of a new railroad track.
Duffy of San Quentin
San Quentin's new warden crusades for reform and for a framed inmate who loves a nurse.
Duffy of San Quentin
San Quentin's new warden crusades for reform and for a framed inmate who loves a nurse.
Região do Ódio
Miner (uncredited)
Em 1896, Jeff Webster (James Stewart) vê o início da corrida do ouro de Klondike como uma oportunidade para consguir uma fortuna no ramo do gado. Ele leva um rebanho de gado do Wyoming para Seattle, e depois para Skagway. Lá, ele e seu parceiro Ben Tatum (Walter Brennan) vendem o gado e passam a trabalhar com o ouro. Os problemas vão começar, pois duas mulheres começam a disputar o seu coração e várias pessoas ambiciosas estão de olho no seu dinheiro, e de tudo farão para roubá-lo.
Ardida como Pimenta
Barfly (uncredited)
Deadwood, no território de Dakota, é em grande parte terra de homens, onde a Rastreadora de indios Calamity Jane (Doris Day) é tão boa cavaleira, prepotente e traquejada com uma arma como qualquer homem, uma personalidade bastante avassaladora. Mas o tenente do exército que ela está paquerando realmente não gosta dessas suas qualidades, digamos, mais "finas". Uma das bravatas de Jane a leva para Chicago para recrutar uma atriz para o palco da Jarreteira de Ouro. Chegando, a senhora em questão parece, a primeira vista, ser uma rival mais feminina para os amigos homens de Jane. Inclusive para seu inimigo amigável Wild Bill Hickok (Howard Keel).
Alma de Pecadora
Cleo Moore stars as Mary Adams, whose first step on the road to ruin is a $25,000 robbery. Mary hides the money, then confesses to the crime, secure in the belief that she can dig up the loot upon her release from prison.
Perdição por Amor
Beer-Drinking Stagehand (uncredited)
A jovem Carrie (Jennifer Jones) viaja do Meio-Oeste dos Estados Unidos para Chicago em busca de crescimento na vida. No trem, ela conhece George Hurstwood (Laurence Olivier), um respeitável homem de família e de boa situação financeira. O rapaz se apaixona por ela e se dispõe a largar tudo por seu amor.
O Homem Desconhecido
A scrupulously honest lawyer discovers that the client he's gotten off was really guilty.
Lightning Strikes Twice
Lunch Counter Patron
Sent to a dude ranch in the west to recover her health, a New York actress falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of the murder of his wife.
Lightning Strikes Twice
Sent to a dude ranch in the west to recover her health, a New York actress falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of the murder of his wife.
Saloon Patron (uncredited)
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Winchester 73
Townsman (uncredited)
A trajetória de um rifle dado como premio, de um malfadada proprietário para outro, em paralelo a busca de um cowboy por um fugitivo assassino. Em um concurso de tiro ao alvo, Lin McAdam ganha um famoso rifle Winchester, que é imediatamente roubada pelo vice-campeão, Dutch Henry Brown. Esta "história de um rifle" prossegue contando a busca de McAdams, e como o rifle muda de mãos, até o um confronto final em um precipício numa montanha rochosa.
The Next Voice You Hear...
Man in Church (uncredited)
The Next Voice You Hear... (1950) is a drama film in which a voice claiming to be that of God preempts all radio programs for days all over the world. It stars James Whitmore and Nancy Davis as Joe and Mary Smith, a typical American couple. It was based on a short story of the same name by George Sumner Albee.
Duas Vidas Se Encontram
Bum in Park (uncredited)
Just before Christmas, department store clerk Steve Mason meets big spending customer Connie Ennis, who's actually a comparison shopper sent by another store. Steve lets her go, which gets him fired. They spend the afternoon together, which doesn't sit well with Connie's steady suitor, Carl, when he finds out, but delights her young son Timmy, who quickly takes to Steve.
A Costela de Adão
Juror (uncredited)
Casal de advogados se vê em lados opostos em um caso no qual a ré disparou contra o marido, ao encontrá-lo com a amante. No início marido e mulher mantêm as discussões durante o julgamento, mas em virtude da cobertura dada pela imprensa o casal não expõe suas posições apenas no tribunal e isto gera algumas confusões.
A Sombra da Guilhotina
Citizen (uncredited)
França, 1794. Robespierre, uma poderosa figura da Revolução Francesa, espalha o terror contra seus opositores. Paralelamente, uma conspiração é formada para que ele não alcance o poder.
Father Was a Fullback
Assistant Football Coach
Coach George Copper's college football team is losing game after game, much to the dismay of stiff-and-stuffy but influential alumni Roger Jessup, and also having trouble at home with his oldest daughter, Connie. The team keeps losing and Coach Cooper is about to lose his job as his efforts to win the last game of the season, against the team's Big Rival, end in disaster. But, unknown to he and his wife, Elizabeth, Connie has sold an article, called "I Was a Bubble Dancer" to a 'True-Confession" magazine, and the girl-who-couldn't-get-a-date becomes suddenly popular and, because of her, the high-school football star from another town decides to play his college-ball for Coach Cooper. Jessup is forced to keep Cooper on as the school's football coach.
A Vida é um Jogo
Gambler (Uncredited)
When he learns that a gangster has taken over his nightclub and murdered his partner, returning WWII hero Joe Miracle steals the money from the club's safe and hides in a settlement home, while the mob is on his tail.
Sorrowful Jones
A young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Sorrowful must also evade crooked gangsters and indulge in a bit of horse-thieving.
No Rastro da Bruxa Vermelha
O Capitão Ralls luta contra o magnata holandês Mayrant Sidneye pela mulher que ele ama, Angelique Desaix, e por uma fortuna em ouro a bordo do Red Witch. Durante a década de 1860 no Pacífico Sul, o Capitão Ralls, capitão da Feiticeira Vermelha, tem uma série de aventuras envolvendo barras de ouro afundadas, pérolas, nativos, um dono de navio inescrupuloso e um polvo gigante.
Estranha Fascinação
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Frankie Madison retorna a Nova York depois de 14 anos de prisão. Noll Turner, ex-parceiro de Frankie em contrabando, é agora um rico gerente de boate, e Frankie está esperando que ele honre um acordo verbal de 'meio-a-meio' que eles fizeram quando ele foi pego e Noll escapou. Chance gorda! Será que Frankie, que conhece apenas os métodos violentos da Lei Seca, vai vencer no Big Business? Vai ser difícil... mesmo com a improvável ajuda da cantora Kay, a ex-namorada de Noll. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Dick Tracy em Luta
Sailor Outside Blinking Skull (uncredited)
Dick Tracy investiga o roubo de uma fortuna em casacos de pele, uma possível fraude no seguro e vários assassinatos, todos ligados a um formidável bandido que usa um gancho no lugar da mão direita.
The Good Bad Egg
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
In this Columbia All-Star Comedy short (production number 8438), Joe DeRita is a bachelor inventor who reads a marriage proposal written on an egg by a lonely widow with one child. He accepts, and soon finds out the boy is the "bad" part of the egg in the title, as he soon destroys whatever it was that Joe had invented.
O Punhal Sangrento
Drunk (uncredited)
Diamantes caros são roubados, mas antes que o ladrão possa pegá-los, ele é estrangulado pelo ex-condenado Cueball, que então pega as joias e continua matando pessoas que ele acredita que estão tentando enganá-lo. Dick Tracy permite que sua namorada Tess atue como compradora das joias, mas o tiro sai pela culatra quando ela é capturada pelo homicida Cueball.
Badman's Territory
Townsman (uncredited)
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
A Hit with a Miss
Spectator (uncredited)
Shemp Howard is a prizefighter in this Columbia All-Star Comedy who has a complex that leaves him a coward and unable to fight unless he hears "Pop Goes the Weasel." He hears it enough here, from various and outlandish sources, to eventually win his championship match.
Farrapo Humano
Drunk in Alcoholic Ward (uncredited)
Em Nova York, Don Birman (Ray Milland) sonhava ser escritor, mas não consegue seu objetivo por estar sofrendo de um bloqueio. Assim, é completamente dominado pelo álcool e passa a ter como única meta obter dinheiro para continuar se embriagando, se esquecendo que as pessoas que o rodeiam sofrem por vê-lo neste estado e tudo fazem para afastá-lo da bebida. Mas enquanto a namorada, Helen St. James (Jane Wyman), editora de uma revista, quer ajudá-lo, ele bebe cada vez mais.
As Aventuras do Capitão Kidd
Ship's Sailor Waiter (uncredited)
Almirantado Britânico encarrega dois oficiais para juntarem provas para condenar o Capitão Kidd por pirataria. Trata-se de um raríssimo seriado de cinema de apenas 15 capítulos da década de 50 Pura Nostalgia!
Beije-me, Doutor!
Stagehand (uncredited)
A young doctor proves his worth at a metropolitan hospital.
Um Retrato de Mulher
Charlie the Garage Helper (uncredited)
A seductive woman gets an innocent professor mixed up in murder.
Aventureiro de Sorte
Slot Machine Workman (uncredited)
A conman poses as a war relief fundraiser, but when he falls for a charity worker, his conscience begins to trouble him.
Comboio Para o Leste
Seaman (uncredited)
O tenente Joe Rossi é primeiro oficial num Navio da Liberdade em um grande comboio de Halifax para Murmansk. Depois de submarinos alemães atacarem o comboio seu navio se separa e está indo sozinho para Murmansk. Apesar dos ataques de aviões e submarinos alemães ele luta para levar o navio em segurança para Murmansk.
Desfiladeiro Perdido
Wants a Match
Burton is after Clark's ranch. He gets the banker to refuse to renew Clark's note and then sends his men to rustle his cattle. Hoppy is Clark's new foreman and is on to Burton's scheme. But just as he learns of the rustling and is about to go after the gang, the Sheriff arrives and arrests him for hiding Johnny who has been accused of robbery.
American Empire
Riverboat Crewman
Richard Dix as Dan Taylor and Preston S. Foster as Paxton Bryce are two longtime friends seeking their fortune in Texas after the war. The two men decide, not without problems, to establish a cattle empire. Paxton becoming too ambitious, distances himself from Dan and Abby, Paxton's wife. It will only be after a personal tragedy that he will come back to his senses.
E a Vida Continua
Townsman (uncredited)
When the Holmes Woolen Mill burns down, political activist Leopold Dilg is jailed for arson and accidental murder. Escaping, Leopold hides out in the home of his childhood sweetheart Nora Shelley... which she has just rented to unsuspecting law professor Michael Lightcap.
Powder Town
Beer Drinker at Bar (uncredited)
Director Rowland V. Lee's wacky 1942 comedy, about an absent-minded scientist working on a secret formula at an explosives plant, stars Edmond O'Brien, Victor McLaglen, Dorothy Lovett, June Havoc, Eddie Foy Jr., Marion Martin and Mary Gordon.
Caminho Fatal
Loudmouthed Oaf
Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.
Heart of the Rio Grande
Alice's Cabbie (uncredited)
As foreman of a dude ranch, Gene has two problems. One is a guest, the spoiled daughter of a millioniare, and the other is the disgruntled ex-foreman that Gene replaced, now just a ranch hand. Gene eventually gets the daughter straightened out but has to fire the ex-foreman and this leads to trouble when he returns intent on revenge.
A Mulher do Dia
Mug (uncredited)
Tess e Sam trabalham no mesmo jornal e não gostam muito um do outro. Pelo menos na primeira vez, porque eles acabam se apaixonando e se casando. Mas Tess é uma mulher muito ativa e uma das feministas mais famosas do país; ela é ainda eleita como "A Mulher do Ano". Por estar ocupada o tempo todo, ela se esquece de como ser realmente uma mulher e Sam começa a se sentir negligenciado.
O Intrépido General Custer
Barfly (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Quero-te Como És
Man #2 Agreeing with Candy
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
Ao Compasso do Amor
Soldier Messenger (uncredited)
Depois que sua esposa descobre um bracelete de diamantes revelador, o empresário Martin Cortland tenta mostrar que ele não está correndo atrás da showgirl Sheila Winthrop. O coreógrafo Robert Curtis é pego no meio do esquema do patrão. O recrutamento pelo Exército oferece a Robert o local perfeito para fugir de seus problemas. Ou não é?
Vaqueiro Detetive
Long Ben's Bartender
Buck Peters arranges for Hoppy, California, Johnny and other cowboys to go to the aid of friends whose cattle are being rustled. Hoppy and California locate the rustlers' hideout and join the gang by posing as outlaws themselves, but must find a way to let the rest of the posse know where they are.
Bad Men of Missouri
The Younger brothers return to Missouri after the Civil War with intent to avenge the misdeeds of William Merrick, a crooked banker who has been buying up warrants on back-taxes and dispossessing the farmers.
The Lady from Cheyenne
Saloon Waiter
Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
O Lobo do Mar
Shipwrecked fugitives try to escape a brutal sea captain who's losing his mind.
A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob
Laborer in Manhole (uncredited)
Steve is a shy quiet man who is an executive for a shipping firm. He meets Dot at the Opera where she had his seats and the next day she shows up as his temporary secretary. Then Coffee Cup comes to town to see Dot, his gal. When Steven is with Cecilia, everything is boring. When he is with Dot and Coffee Cup, everything is exciting and he falls for Dot. But Coffee is getting out of the Navy in a few days and he plans to marry Dot.
Os Conquistadores
Work Seeker
When Edward Creighton leads the construction of the Western Union to unite East with West, he hires a Western reformed outlaw and a tenderfoot Eastern surveyor.
Kitty Foyle
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Kitty Foyle, a hard-working white-collar girl from a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania low, middle-class family, meets and falls in love with young socialite Wyn Strafford but his family is against her.
A Estrada de Santa Fé
Train Passenger (uncredited)
As a penalty for fighting fellow classmates days before graduating from West Point, J.E.B. Stuart, George Armstrong Custer and four friends are assigned to the 2nd Cavalry, stationed at Fort Leavenworth. While there they aid in the capture and execution of the abolitionist, John Brown following the Battle of Harper's Ferry.
No, No, Nanette
Taxi Driver
Perky young Nanette attempts to save the marriage of her uncle and aunt by untangling Uncle Jimmy from several innocent but ensnaring flirtations. Attempting one such unentanglement, Nanette enlists the help of theatrical producer Bill Trainor, who promptly falls in love with her. The same thing happens when artist Tom Gillespie is called on for help. But soon Uncle Jimmy's flirtations become too numerous, and Nanette's romances with Tom and Bill run into trouble. Will Uncle Jimmy's marriage survive, and will Nanette find happiness with Tom, Bill, or somebody else?
Michael Shayne: Private Detective
Millionaire sportsman Hiram Brighton hires gumshoe Michael Shayne to keep his spoiled daughter Phyllis away from racetrack betting windows and roulette wheels. After Phyllis slips away and continues her compulsive gambling, Shayne fakes the murder of her gambler boyfriend, who is also romancing the daughter of casino owner Benny Gordon, in order to frighten her. When the tout really ends up murdered, Shayne and Phyllis' Aunt Olivia, an avid reader of murder mysteries, both try to find the identity of the killer.
You'll Find Out
Cabbie (uncredited)
The manager of Kay Kyser’s band books them for a birthday party bash for an heiress at a spooky mansion, where sinister forces try to kill her.
Natal em Julho
Cabbie Listening to Radio (uncredited)
Um funcionário do escritório adora participar de concursos na esperança de um dia ganhar uma fortuna e se casar com a garota que ele ama. Sua última tentativa é o Concurso de Slogan do Café Maxford House. Como brincadeira, alguns de seus colegas de trabalho criam um telegrama falso, dizendo que ele ganhou o grande prêmio de US $ 25.000. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
O Filho dos Deuses
Man in Newspaper Office / Agitator
Based on the story of the famous Mormon leader, it follows Brigham Young and his challenge to transport his people across the Rocky mountains to settle in Salt Lake City. The plot focuses on two fictitious characters, Jonathan Kent and Zina Webb and the hardships they have to face along the way.
A Vida é uma Dança
Man Booing Judy (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien é uma bailarina aspirante em um grupo de dança. Também está no grupo Bubbles, uma trambiqueira ousada que sempre deixa a trupe lutando pela carreira no burlesco. Quando o grupo se desfaz, Bubbles dá a Judy uma tarefa ingrata. As duas finalmente se chocam quando ambas se apaixonam pelo mesmo homem.
Boa Sorte
Bus Driver
Two strangers split a sweepstake prize to go on a fake honeymoon with predictable results.
Stage to Chino
Prospector (uncredited)
To investigate a gold-shipping scam, a postal inspector goes undercover and tries to infiltrate the gang he believes is responsible.
Millionaires in Prison
Convict Chef Dominick (uncredited)
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Tom Brown's School Days
School Porter
When private tutor Thomas Arnold (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) becomes headmaster at Rugby, a boy's preparatory school in England, he puts into place a policy of strict punishment for unruliness and bulying. Arnold finds an ally in Tom Brown (Jimmy Lydon), a new student who is subjected to hazing and abuse by a group of older boys and is pressured by his friends to keep quiet about it. Fed up, he leads his fellow classmates in an underground rebellion against their tormentors. But certain unspoken rules still apply at the school and Brown loses his hero status when he is accussed of breaking the Rugby code of silence.
Curtain Call
Two theatrical producers plan to get even with a demanding actress by tricking her into starring in the worst play they can find.
Caravana do Ouro
Prisoner at Libby Prison (uncredited)
Bradford, um capitão nortista, encontra-se preso. Seu carcereiro é um capitão sulista, de nome Irby. Depois que Bradford escapa, ambos vão travar nas ruas de Virginia City, no condado de Storey, no estado de Nevada, uma luta por recursos para ambas as partes.
Quero Ser Feliz
Taxi Driver
Ellie Mae lives on Primrose Hill with her good-hearted and fancy free mother, her drunken father, her younger sister and a mean-spirited grandmother. The Hill is not a good part of town, however. When she meets and falls for a hard-working man, they marry and she hides her past from him. When he discovers the truth it jeopardizes their marriage.
O Sombra
The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.
O Corcunda de Notre Dame
Beggar (uncredited)
Esta produção estrelada por Charles Laughton, que estava no auge de sua carreira quando personificou Quasímodo (o Corcunda), recebeu duas indicações ao Oscar, em 1939. É provavelmente, a melhor interpretação dada ao triste personagem, morador da Catedral de Notre Dame, que perambula pelos impressionantes cenários de Paris, criados especialmente para o filme, em Hollywood. Maureen O'Hara está perfeita como a linda cigana Esmeralda, pela qual Quasímodo se apaixona desesperadamente, a ponto de romper a paz da imponente e secular Catedral, aterrorizando a população.
The Day the Bookies Wept
Racetrack Betting Teller (uncredited)
A pigeon breeder is hired to train a racehorse that wins only when it drinks beer.
Conflito de Duas Almas
Fight Spectator Rapidly Chewing Gum
Despite his talent as a musician, a city boy decides to become a boxer. He's successful as a fighter — much to the dismay of his parents. When gangsters try to by a piece of him, he begins to have second thoughts.
Esposa Só no Nome
Bartender (uncredited)
A wealthy man falls for a widow but is locked into a loveless marriage with a woman who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife.
Five Came Back
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Twelve people are aboard Coast Air Line's flagship the Silver Queen enroute to South America when the airplane encounters a storm and is blown off course. Crashing into jungles known to be inhabited by head hunters, pilots Bill and Joe race against time to fix the engines and attempt a take off. The situation brings out the best and worst in the stranded dozen as they create a makeshift runway and prepare to escape before the natives attack. But damage to the plane and low fuel reserves means that only 5 people can be carried to safety.
Mandrake, O Mágico
Gas Station Hitman
Mandrake e seu assistente Lothar estão trabalhando nas linhas de cruzeiro e conhecem o professor Houston, que desenvolveu uma máquina de energia de rádio, muito cobiçada por um lorde do crime mascarado conhecido como "A Vespa".
Aliança de Aço
Irishman (uncredited)
Sinopse: Cecil B. DeMille nos leva de volta ao ano 1860, então reconstrói a primeira ferrovia intercontinental, a Union Pacific. Um dos últimos feitos do Presidente Lincoln foi autorizar a expansão da Union Pacific para o oeste dos EUA. Um espetáculo real e histórico, que as vezes mescla as aventuras fictícias do inspetor ferroviário (McCrea), a bilheteira (Stanwyck), e o melhor amigo de McCrea, Preston. Infelizmente, Preston une-se a Donlevy, que está empenhado a destruir a ferrovia, em nome de um cartel de políticos corruptos. Durante um ataque indígena, McCrea e Preston lutam lado a lado para salvar Stanwyck, então o inspetor tenta convencer Preston, a tornar-se um homem honesto.
Fixer Dugan
Truck Driver
Charlie Dugan is a quick-thinking boss of a traveling circus playing small towns in Missouri and Kansas.
A História de Irene e Vernon Castle
Frank (uncredited)
Vernon Castle é um ator cômico se segunda categoria. Ele conhece Irene Castle em uma praia de Nova Jersey. Os dois logo se apaixonam e se casam. Após muito insistir, Irene convence Vernon a desistir da comédia para começarem uma nova carreira como bailarinos. A agente Maggie Sutton descobre o talento do casal e Vernon e Irene atingem o sucesso. Mas quando estão no auge da fama, inicia-se a 1ª Guerra Mundial.
Pacific Liner
Crew Member (uncredited)
An outbreak of cholera threatens a luxury liner in this surprisingly low-budget melodrama from RKO. En route from Shanghai to San Francisco, chief engineer Crusher McKay (Victor McLaglen) and shipboard doctor Tony Craig (Chester Morris) become rivals for the attention of nurse Ann Grayson (Wendy Barrie). A Chinese stowaway, meanwhile, infects the stokehold with cholera and it is left to Crusher to keep the engines at full throttle until reaching harbor. But morale sinks to an all-time low when Crusher himself is stricken and the overworked men threaten with mutiny. Tony attempts to keep the stokers in check but the situation is growing more dangerous by the minute when a heroic Crusher rises from his sickbed. Leaving their previous petty squabbles behind, Tony and Crusher manage to guide the ship safely to harbor, where the doc and Ann rekindle their romance.
Do Mundo Nada Se Leva
Trustee (uncredited)
Alice Sycamore (Jean Arthur) deseja apresentar Tony Kirby (James Stewart), seu noivo, à sua família, mas como ele provêm de uma família rica e influente e a sua é composta de pessoas extrovertidas e um tanto lunáticas, há um choque de comportamentos. Para completar, Anthony P. Kirby (Edward Arnold), o pai do seu noivo, já comprou todos os imóveis da região onde a família de Alice vive para um importante empreendimento, com exceção da casa de Alice. Sem este imóvel o projeto não pode ir adiante e, como há uma recusa em vender, este posicionamento gera um clima desfavorável entre as duas famílias.
Men with Wings
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.
Uma Nação Em Marcha
Minor Role
A história sobre o desenvolvimento das comunicações entre os Estados Unidos, durante sua rápida expansão no século XIX. A história narra a vida de Ramsey McCay (Joel McCrea), empregado da recém criada associação entre Henry Wells e William Fargo, e de como graças a sua dedicação, a Wells-Fargo chega a converter-se em uma grande empresa de correios e transporte de mercadorias para o Oeste, presente nos maiores acontecimentos de época.
The Life of the Party
A singer finds another heir (Gene Raymond) to marry, to avoid the one (Joe Penner) her mother found.
Public Wedding
Reporter in Police Captain's Office
The operators of a bankrupt carnival sideshow hope to restore their fallen fortunes by staging a fake 'public wedding' in the mouth of their unprofitable giant whale. But the intended 'bridegroom' absconds with the proceeds, arranging a substitute. The bride, Flip Lane (Jane Wyman), much to her surprise, finds herself really married to a handsome stranger, whose career as an artist she decides to manage, much to his dismay.
She Had to Eat
Gangster (uncredited)
An Arizona gas station owner faces comic adventures after traveling with an eccentric millionaire to New City, where he meets up with a small-time con woman and is repeatedly mistaken for a gangster.
You Can't Buy Luck
DeJarno (uncredited)
When a gambler is accused of murder, the pretty orphanage employee he loves sets out to prove him innocent of the crime.
Midnight Taxi
Gas Station Attendant
A federal agent goes to work for a taxi company believing it to be a front for a gang of counterfeiters.
The Man Who Found Himself
Young Jim Stanton is a conscientious surgeon, but spends too many off-duty hours pursuing his passion for aviation to suit his stuffy father. When it is discovered that a passenger killed in a plane that Jim crashes was a married woman, the resulting scandal prompts the hospital to put Jim on probation. His pride wounded, Jim takes to the open road and enjoys the simpler life of a vagabond. In Los Angeles--where he is arrested for vagrancy and put to work on a road crew--Jim runs into old pal Dick Miller, who gets him a job as a mechanic for Roberts Aviation. But maintaining his anonymity becomes more difficult, particularly when a pretty nurse, Doris King, decides to make Jim's redemption her personal crusade.
Sailor Maid
An immigrant girl hears that if she marries an American citizen she won't be deported, so she goes looking for a husband.
Vive-se Uma Só Vez
Man Telling Eddie of Phone Call (uncredited)
A secretária do defensor público e um ex-presidiário se casam e tentam viver juntos, mas uma série de desastres deixa suas vidas fora de controle. Joan é a secretária do defensor público em uma cidade grande. Ela é apaixonada por um criminoso chamado Eddie, e acredita que ele é uma pessoa fundamentalmente boa, que só teve alguns problemas na vida. Ela usa sua influência para libertá-lo mais cedo, e ele tenta ir em frente depois de se casar com ela, mas as coisas não dão tão certo. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Os Predestinados
Witness to Paymaster's Murder (uncredited)
A man is determined to find the real culprit behind the crime for which his father was wrongly executed.
Great Guy
A meat inspector sets out to rid his town of payoff deals affecting the quality of meat being sold to the public.
Great Guy
Party Guest (Uncredited)
A meat inspector sets out to rid his town of payoff deals affecting the quality of meat being sold to the public.
Without Orders
Radio Reporter
At Portland, Oregon, playboy pilot Len Kendrick lands at the end of a cross-country record flight, met by his father J.P. Kendrick who owns Amalgamated Air Lines. Len is a media darling, adored by fans for his daring flights. He is in love with Amalgamated stewardess Kay Armstrong who is dating veteran pilot "Wad" Madison. Len dates her sister Penny who learns that his hard-drinking and recklessness has caused the death of his co-pilot. Penny knows that he was drinking before the fateful flight and only escaped prosecution by bribing a bartender. She leaves Len who ends up at Amalgamated as a line pilot, being tutored by Wad.
Dummy Watts
Louis Friedlander-directed film
Dawson's Friend (uncredited)
Quando um injustamente acusado prisioneiro mal sobrevive a um ataque de uma turba de linchadores e é dado como morto, ele vingativamente decide responsabilizar a multidão pelo seu assassinato. Joe Wilson e Katherine Grant estão namorando, mas ele não tem dinheiro suficiente para se casar. Então Katherine viaja pelo país para ganhar dinheiro. Mas as coisas dão desastrosamente errado para Joe quando ele para em uma pequena cidade e é confundido com um assassino procurado. Ao longo do filme, Fritz Lang nos mostra como um homem decente e civilizado pode tornar-se um homem cruel e amargo.
Devil's Squadron
Cab Driver
In this action film, a courageous test pilot works with experimental aircraft for the US Armed Forces. When an important airplane manufacturer dies, his daughter is left to run the company. The company seems to be producing dangerous prototypes, so the woman decides to close the company.
You May Be Next!
Headwaiter (uncredited)
Gangster tries to censor a crusading radio station by jamming its signal.
We're Only Human
Berger's Second Messenger
A cop, who plays by his own rules, brings down a notorious gangster.
Foolish Hearts
Al, the Bartender
A little entry from the RKO shorts department serving also as an audition-type (stick 'em in one of these and see if they appeal to a real audience, and make a buck or two at the same time)film for studio contractees and budding starlets. And, surrounded and supported by veteran character actors, such as Jack Norton, Jack Rice and Harrison Green, the likes of Tony Martin, Phyllis Brooks and Lucille Ball usually looked pretty good. And soon made for themselves, with studio help, rather nice Hollywood careers.
Three Little Beers
The stooges are inept deliverymen at a brewery. When they learn about a company golf tournament, they sneak onto a golf course to get some practice. They quickly proceed to bother the other golfers and destroy the course. Forced to escape in their beer truck, more havoc ensues when the load of beer barrels are spilled out down a steep hill.
Music Is Magic
Joe - Stagehand (uncredited)
An aging star finally recognizes the truth when she is replaced in her new movie by a girl from the chorus.
His Family Tree
Frank - Mayor's Henchman-Kidnapper
A father leaves his native Ireland and travels to America to visit the son he hasn't heard from in many years.
Hot Tip
Racetrack Gambler
An amateur handicapper must help his future son-in-law recoup the money he lost while playing the ponies.
The Daring Young Man
Taxicab Driver
The Daring Young Man is hotshot-reporter Don McLane, played by James Dunn. Always on the prowl for a good story, McLane is persistently outscooped by his rival, sob sister Martha Allen (Mae Clarke). After several reels of double-crossing one another, hero and heroine give in to the inevitable and fall in love. But as Martha waits at the altar in her wedding gown, McLane is off on another crusade, this time getting himself arrested to expose corruption within the prison system.
"Chick" Thompson is a puppet-master in a traveling carnival whose wife dies in childbirth and leaves him with an infant son he names "Poochy." His father-in-law and the baby's grandfather sues him for custody of the baby and Chick takes his son and hides out for a couple of years. He joins his former assistants, Daisy and "Fingers", in a circus act only to find that the persistent grandfather is still on his trail.
Gridiron Flash
Convict Football Player
A college football team recruits a tough convict.
Their Big Moment
Pilot (uncredited)
Early '30s comedy-mystery involving magicians, fake psychics and murder.
The Defense Rests
A sleazy lawyer's female assistant sets out to end his cheating ways.
O Mistério das Pérolas
Prop Man
Charlie is hired to deliver a pearl necklace to a millionaire at his ranch. When murder intervenes he disguises himself as a Chinese servant and begins sleuthing.
Cockeyed Cavaliers
Bell Ringer
Two yokels try to crash royal society by posing as the King's physicians.
Murder on the Blackboard
Diner Counterman (uncredited)
There are plenty of guilty secrets at the school where Hildegarde Withers teaches. When she finds the body of the pretty music teacher, she calls in her old friend Inspector Piper, who promptly arrests the obvious suspect. Clues multiply and everyone looks suspicious as Piper and Miss Withers continue their battle of the sexes.
Suprema Conquista
Marquee Man (uncredited)
Produtor da Broadway treina uma ex-modelo de lingerie, para se tornar uma grande atriz, quando ela consegue eles começam um relacionamento. Mas o ciúmes dele acaba por desgastar a relação e ela decide ir embora pra Hollywood. Agora ela se tornou uma grande estrela de Hollywood e ele precisa da ajuda dela para retornar sua carreira em declínio.
O Filho de King Kong
A história começa aproximadamente um mês após o dramático final de King Kong, no filme original de 1933. As aventuras do filmmaker Carl Denham (interpretado novamente por Robert Armstrong), agora com graves problemas jurídicos pela destruição feita por Kong. Denham sai de New York no navio Venture, do capitão Englehorn. Um marinheiro (Nils Helstrom) vendeu para Denham um mapa com a localização da Ilha da Caveira (Skull Island), onde acreditam existir um tesouro escondido. Também no navio viaja uma bela jovem (Hilda Peterson), que treinou macacos para um show de circo. Eles retornam a Ilha da Caveira, encontram um filhote albino de King Kong (Kiko - nome usado pela produção, mas não citado no filme), que os salva, tornando-se assim amigos. Foi produzido e lançado ainda em 1933, para aproveitar o sucesso estrondoso de King Kong. Porém, não alcançou o mesmo sucesso.
A hula dancer at a carnival sets out to seduce the naive son of the show's manager.
The Girl in 419
Henchman in Car
A hospital surgeon (James Dunn) protects a mystery woman (Gloria Stuart) who knows too much about a card-game murder.
Sailor's Luck
Target Shooting Booth Attendant
U.S. sailor Jimmy Harrigan, on shore leave in San Pedro, meets and falls for Sally Brent She promises to wait for him when he ships out to San Francisco, but Jimmy becomes jealous and tells her off when he learns Sally has entered a marathon dance contest sponsored by a lecherous snake named Baron Portola. Along with several of his Navy pals, Jimmy goes to the ballroom the night of the dance marathon, to try to change Sally's mind and win her back.
Men Of America
Bank robbers and killers cause mayhem in a small western town.
Scarface: A Vergonha de uma Nação
Hood (uncredited)
Tony "Scarface" Camonte trabalha para Johnny Lovo, um ambicioso gangster que deseja criar um império do crime em Chicago. Nesta guerra pelo comando, o chefe da quadrilha rival fora assassinado por Tony e a polícia suspeita que Lovo o tenha pago para tal feito. Tony logo ganha respeito na quadrilha pelo feito e espera pacientemente pelo momento exato de liquidar com seu chefe e assumir o comando do bando. No comando, Tony ganha dinheiro como jamais sonhou e passa viver tranqüilo e luxuosamente. Mas sua tranqüilidade duraria pouco tempo, pois sua irmã Cesca Camonte, por quem tem paixões secretas, envolve-se com Guino Rinaldo, seu "braço direito", obrigando-o a tomar medidas drástic.
Men of Chance
Tony - One of Johnny's Bookies
A gambler falls for a fake countess.
Suicide Fleet
Angry Townsman
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
High Stakes
Barfly (uncredited)
High Stakes is a 1931 American Pre-Code comedy drama produced and released by RKO Pictures. The picture was directed by Lowell Sherman who also stars and marks the last starring screen appearance of silent screen diva Mae Murray. It is based on a 1924 Broadway play that starred Sherman playing the same role he plays in this film.
Three Who Loved
Phil's Convict Cellmate
A bank teller's love life falls apart when he's accused of embezzling.
Everything’s Rosie
Dr. Powers' Friend
A little orphan girl walks into the life of a hand-to-mouth carnival huckster. He teaches her the ropes and raises her as his own.
Fugindo ao Perigo
Hobo (uncredited)
Head railroad man Dan is as ugly as he is honorable. When he spots a drifter who'd hopped a freight held up by a landslide, Dan offers the man a job; then he finds the man was a railroader, too, and takes him under his wing. Engaged to Mary, Dan doesn't notice the growing attraction between his protégé and his intended but focuses instead on running the railroad.
Alias French Gertie
A safecracker poses as a French maid in order to gain access to wealthy homes. In the midst of a nocturnal search for a cache of valuables, she is interrupted by another safecracker. Narrowly escaping arrest, they decide to pool their talents, but she gets the urge to reform and encourages him to do the same.
Those Who Dance
A policeman doubles as a gunman to get in with the mob.
What a Life
Complaining Prisoner at Show
A musical parody on prison reform in which a prison warden gives his cellblocks the look of a summer resort in order to stave off reformers.
Danger Street
Danger Street (1928)
Chicago After Midnight
Chicago After Midnight (1928)