Ingvar E. Sigurðsson

Ingvar E. Sigurðsson

Nascimento : 1963-11-22, Reykjavík, Iceland


Ingvar E. Sigurðsson


Max, a 25-year-old aspiring writer living in London, begins a double life as a sex worker in order to research his debut novel.
Rebel Moon - Parte 1: A Menina do Fogo
Quando uma colônia pacífica na periferia da galáxia se vê ameaçada pelos exércitos do tirânico regente Balisarius, eles despacham Kora, uma jovem com um passado misterioso, para procurar guerreiros de planetas vizinhos para ajudá-los a se posicionar.
Executive Producer
In the late 19th century, a young Danish priest travels to a remote part of Iceland to build a church and photograph its people. But the deeper he goes into the unforgiving landscape, the more he strays from his purpose, the mission and morality.
In the late 19th century, a young Danish priest travels to a remote part of Iceland to build a church and photograph its people. But the deeper he goes into the unforgiving landscape, the more he strays from his purpose, the mission and morality.
O Homem do Norte
Baseado na obra de Shakespeare, Hamlet, e na lenda viking de Amelth. No ano de 914, o príncipe Amleth (Alexander Skarsgård) testemunha o brutal assassinato de seu pai, Horvendill (Ethan Hawke) por seu tio, Fjölnir (Claes Bang). O menino foge mas jura que voltará para vingar seu pai, salvar sua mãe e matar seu tio. Vinte anos depois conhece uma vidente que o lembra que é chegada a hora de cumprir sua promessa.
Um casal que vive sozinho numa fazenda remota na Islândia tem a sua tranquila existência abalada pela descoberta espantosa de um misterioso recém-nascido entre as suas ovelhas. Eles decidem criar a criança como sua, mas logo enfrentam as consequências de desafiar a vontade da natureza.
Liga da Justiça de Zack Snyder
Determinado a garantir que o sacrifício final do Superman não foi em vão, Bruce Wayne alinha forças com Diana Prince com planos de recrutar uma equipe de metahumanos para proteger o mundo de uma ameaça de proporções catastróficas que se aproxima.
To Plant a Flag
In preparation for the moon landing in 1969, NASA sent a team of astronauts to the lunar landscapes of Iceland. Their hi-tech training mission soon discovers what obstacles one can meet when facing an Icelandic sheep farmer.
Príncipe da Escuridão
Being detained under the suspicion of having murdered her brother, Hulda is left hopeless . After being released from custody for insufficient evidence, she has nowhere to go until she meets Hjörtur, a thousand-year-old, single and homosexual vampire.
Um Dia Muito Claro
Executive Producer
Esta é a história de Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson), pai responsável, viúvo e xerife de uma pequena cidade. No processo de construção de uma casa para sua filha e neta, ele fica obcecado por encontrar o homem que ele suspeita estar envolvido com o desaparecimento de sua esposa. Ao longo do tempo, sua obsessão gradualmente se acumula e inevitavelmente começa a afetar seus entes queridos. A vingança, o sofrimento e o amor incondicional permeiam esse moderno thriller de mistério.
Um Dia Muito Claro
Esta é a história de Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson), pai responsável, viúvo e xerife de uma pequena cidade. No processo de construção de uma casa para sua filha e neta, ele fica obcecado por encontrar o homem que ele suspeita estar envolvido com o desaparecimento de sua esposa. Ao longo do tempo, sua obsessão gradualmente se acumula e inevitavelmente começa a afetar seus entes queridos. A vingança, o sofrimento e o amor incondicional permeiam esse moderno thriller de mistério.
Animais Fantásticos: Os Crimes de Grindelwald
Depois que o poderoso bruxo das trevas Gellert Grindelwald se liberta, Newt Scamander é chamado em Hogwarts pelo professor Albus Dumbledore mais uma vez. Enfrentando perigos inesperados, Newt precisa encontrar uma maneira de impedir Grindelwald de seguir com seu plano que ameaça dividir todo o mundo bruxo: fazer com que apenas os bruxos de sangue puro comandem os seres não mágicos.
Mihkel boards a ferry from his small town in Estonia to Saint Petersburg in Russia, on his way to Iceland, where he wants to make a new life for himself and his fiancée, Vera. His friend Igor, who emigrated to Iceland a few years earlier, convinces Mihkel to smuggle two bottles of liquid amphetamine and then seek payment from an 
Estonian priest, who is a business partner of Igor’s in Saint Petersburg. The priest is then to set him up in his new home and bring Vera over to join him. Rather than getting paid, he is instead coerced into swallowing seventy drug capsules to take on to Iceland. He arrives in Iceland and is picked up by Igor and his two Icelandic accomplices, Jóhann and Bóbó. However, in the next two days it becomes clear that something is wrong and Mihkel cannot pass the drugs. The Icelandic criminals become very nervous, and more and more frantic activity ensues as the situation becomes more serious.
Dois irmãos antagônicos, Erik e Atli, decidem contrabandear drogas em sua nativa Islândia usando a jovem polonesa Sofia como a sua mula. Mas as coisas dão errado com a chegada da polícia e quando Sofia fica doente.
The Swan
When young Sól is sent to live with her distant countryside relatives for a summer, she becomes entangled in a dramatic rite of passage with a mysterious farmhand, Jón, and the farmer’s daughter, Ásta.
Liga da Justiça
Impulsionado pela restauração de sua fé na humanidade e inspirado pelo ato altruísta do Superman, Bruce Wayne convoca sua nova aliada Diana Prince para o combate contra um inimigo ainda maior, recém-despertado. Juntos, Batman e Mulher-Maravilha buscam e recrutam com agilidade um time de meta-humanos, mas mesmo com a formação da liga de heróis sem precedentes, poderá ser tarde demais para salvar o planeta de um catastrófico ataque.
Katrín wakes up in the hospital after a serious car accident to find that she has received a life-saving blood transfusion. However, the religious cult she belongs to forbids such things. As Katrín struggles to reconcile this conflict with her church and family, she begins to become obsessed with the stranger whose blood is now flowing through her veins.
O Juramento
Para tentar retirar sua filha do mundo das drogas e dos pequenos crimes, Finnur, um renomado cirurgião, inicia uma cansativa missão. No meio do caminho, no entanto, ele acaba descobrindo que o perigo pode ser encontrado nos lugares mais inesperados e que será forçado a tomar medidas drásticas.
O Efeito Aquático
Samir, 40 e poucos anos, trabalha como operador de guindaste em Montreuil, nos arredores de Paris. Vivendo um amor avassalador e platônico pela professora de natação Agathe, ele, na falta de um plano melhor, decide se matricular em uma das classes da amada, mesmo sabendo nadar perfeitamente. Mas seu falso papel de aprendiz dura apenas três dias e, quando a verdade vem à tona, Agathe fica furiosa. Será o fim? Não exatamente. Durante uma viagem a trabalho para a Islândia, Agathe aproveita a distância para olhar o episódio sob uma nova perspectiva.
Anatoli Boukreev
Inspirado nos incríveis acontecimentos em torno da montanha mais alta do mundo, Evereste documenta a inspiradora jornada de dois diferentes grupos de expedição que são desafiados além de seus limites quando são acometidos por uma das maiores avalanches já registradas. Com a coragem testada por um dos fenômenos mais severos do planeta, os escaladores terão de enfrentar obstáculos quase impossíveis em busca de sobrevivência.
Ari, um rapaz de 16 anos, vive com a sua mãe em Reykjavik e de repente é enviado de volta para a remota Westfjords para viver com o seu pai. Lá, ele tem que lidar com a difícil relação entre ambos, ao mesmo tempo que reencontra amigos de infância.
The Disappearing Illusionist
In midwinter the German illusionist Dirk Ohm arrives in the small town Grong, a place ridden by the disappearance of a young local woman Maria. Dirk soon finds himself searching for Maria side by side with the villagers of Grong; and slowly he falls in love with the missing woman. This fictional story pays tribute to a real character, and to his mysterious disappearance in the winter of 2003.
Brave Men's Blood
The head of the Reykjavík police department's internal affairs unit decides to use his investigation into a corrupt police lieutenant to take down a major criminal organization.
A middle aged man visits the house of the Icelandic Nobel prize winner Halldor Laxness and his wife Audur and finds room for self expression in their absence. What, if anything, did he leave behind?
One Night in Istanbul
Two down on their luck Liverpool cabbies, Tommy and Gerry, strike an unusual deal with a local gangster to take their sons on a trip of a lifetime, to watch their beloved football team play in the European Cup Final in Istanbul. Hoping to use the trip as a chance to bond with their sons, big trouble awaits them in the form of a sexy hotel chambermaid, two ruthless crooks on a mission and a bag of counterfeit cash. It is 3-0 down at half time and things could not be more desperate both on and off the pitch. Stevie G and the boys in red are trying to launch the most amazing football comeback in history, and Tommy is in deep water, being held hostage. With the clock ticking and time running out, a miracle is needed fast. In the end a bit of faith, and Gerry’s lucky underpants may be the only thing that can get them and the cup back home in one piece.
A Painter
We follow a painter, a successful artist living alone and isolated. Driven only by his work, he finds himself lost when he’s forced to deal with his unannoced son and other outsiders that stand in the way of his work and get him out of balance.
The Artist
Playtime’s cosmopolitan spectacle, presented in a kaleidoscopic montage across seven large screens, interconnects the lives of its archetypical characters—hedge fund managers and art world players in London; a photographer in Reykjavik; and a Filipina houseworker in Dubai—each of whom is based on a real-life individual directly affected by the market collapse.
Mudando o Destino
Uma garota, além de problemas familiares muito graves, tem um irmão extremamente egoísta e incapaz. Na sua dor e na sua angústia, ela tenta encontrar consolo na música. O sonho dela é ser uma estrela do heavy metal.
Of Horses and Men
A country romance about the human streak in the horse and the horse in the human. Love and death become interlaced and with terrible consequences. The fortunes of the people in the country through the horses' perception.
Polite People
A desperate city slicker engineer cheats his way into a small farming community, pretending to know how to save them by re-financing their slaughterhouse not knowing that he's walking into a local world war of small-town politics and general misbehaving.
Rock Bottom
A young journalist who is on the last chance, both in his job and his relationship because of his drinking problem. He decides to try to save the relationship by taking the girlfriend to a hotel in the Eastern Iceland to get peace and some space with her. But as this is decided, his boss makes him two choices, to keep the job and work the weekend or lose the job to hang out with the girlfriend. At least he tries to strike two birds with one stone, but we'll see how that goes.
I Against I
Issac Revchenko
Focusing on the timeless themes of jealousy, murder and betrayal, 'I Against I' is set over one night and utilises different time lines to reveal a dark and unexpected conclusion to a simple mystery premise. The main protagonists, opposite in character, take a frantic journey into a desolate nocturnal world with the common aim of survival, though once completed, the plot reveals a trap from which escape may be impossible.
A tribe of Norse warriors traipse across a barren land after battle. Bloodied and wounded, their chief is near death. He is about to hand over power to his son when an army of a completely different kind descends upon them.
City State
A police woman lost in violence, a mechanic revenging for his lost son, a crime kingpin with a heart condition, a corrupt officer in love with a prostitute will destroy each other.
Chess Story
Chess player 2
The battle of two great chess players to mentally overpower one another takes on a dimension of life-or-death physicality as their duel begins to echo with the violent sounds of warfare from centuries past.
Small Things
When Peter is called to work on his day-off a chain of events starts to unravel that effect him and the people around him.
Captain Slavko
A Kosovo-Albanian motorbike courier in London escapes the law after killing a Serb and goes on a road trip to Africa with his girlfriend in search of his missing brother.
When a naive Icelandic couple become entangled in an American cult, their lodger, Michael, decides to document events for his film school project. The cult leading couple arrive from Los Angeles to initiate the naive Icelanders and soon the comical becomes macabre.
Skipper Anton
The crew on board the fishing vessel Undercurrent RE 29 has become uncomfortably numb with its never ending routine of week long tours at sea. Then, during one dark and dreary night this routine is shaken to its foundation when one of the most solid crew members commits suicide. To fill his gap, a young woman takes his place on the next tour and gradually the fragile balance is tipped, and personal issues that should be left on the mainland cause dangerous friction between the crew members
King's Road
After 3 years abroad Junior returns to Iceland with his set of problems hoping that his father can sort them out but his homecoming isn't quite what he had expected.
Father (segment "The Letter")
8 shorts centered around 8 themes directed by 8 famous film directors involved and sharing their opinion on progress, on the set-backs and the challenges our planet faces today.
Kristofer está preso em uma tediosa rotina trabalhando como guarda de segurança de um navio cargueiro. Um dia ele é detido ao ser pego roubando garrafas de bebida. Passando por problemas financeiros, Kristofer é seduzido pela oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro rápido quando um velho amigo, Steingrímur, lhe garante os meios de voltar ao seu antigo trabalho. É quando Kristofer inicia uma onda de roubos em Rotterdam.
Back Soon
Anna Hallgrimsdottir, a poetess, dish washer and marijuana dealer in her late thirties, lives in Reykjavik with her two sons, Krummi and Ulfur. Anna is tired of her lifestyle and the coldness of Iceland and wishes to show her sons more of the world. Finally she decides to do something about it, move on, and somewhat change her lifestyle. The first step in her revival is to sell her business which consists of her mobile telephone which includes her big list of clients. The sale is an unusual one and the potential buyer promises her the asking price within 48 hours. During those 48 hours Anna gets into all kinds of “Icelandic familial adventures” as her kitchen fills up with customers/friends, partying, while waiting for her to come Back Soon.
The film deals with unexpected and unexplainable loss. Due to an accident, the life of a happy family turns into a larger-than-life tragedy.
The Higher Force
Ashamed for being a debt-collecting thug, David believes that he is an ugly duckling waiting to become a swan. Through an unlikely mentor he finds out that life has indeed something very special in store for him.
Wrath of Gods
When Canadian director Sturla Gunnarsson set upon Iceland to film Beowulf & Grendel starring Gerard Butler and Stellan Skarsgard in 2004, they expected the usual complication involved in making a movie, but what they encountered made them wonder if the Norse gods were actually working against them.
The dentist Oscar has been married for five years and lives with his wife and adopted children. On the surface everything seems to be fine but Oscar is not a happy man. His wants a baby of his own flesh and blood but it's not working out. When he finds out that his wife has been deceiving him all these years he decides it's time for a change. Einar is a stockbroker who is very successful at work but not in his personal life. For the last couple of months Einar has been living at a hotel waiting for his wife to realize the terrible mistake she made by throwing him out. Katrin Rose returns from Sweden where she has lived for eight years. In Iceland Katrin has an eleven-year-old son, brought up by his grandmother and now Katrin wants him back. Katrin gets a job as a dentist's assistant intending to make a fresh start but her troubled past catches up with her.
The dentist Oscar has been married for five years and lives with his wife and adopted children. On the surface everything seems to be fine but Oscar is not a happy man. His wants a baby of his own flesh and blood but it's not working out. When he finds out that his wife has been deceiving him all these years he decides it's time for a change. Einar is a stockbroker who is very successful at work but not in his personal life. For the last couple of months Einar has been living at a hotel waiting for his wife to realize the terrible mistake she made by throwing him out. Katrin Rose returns from Sweden where she has lived for eight years. In Iceland Katrin has an eleven-year-old son, brought up by his grandmother and now Katrin wants him back. Katrin gets a job as a dentist's assistant intending to make a fresh start but her troubled past catches up with her.
The dentist Oscar has been married for five years and lives with his wife and adopted children. On the surface everything seems to be fine but Oscar is not a happy man. His wants a baby of his own flesh and blood but it's not working out. When he finds out that his wife has been deceiving him all these years he decides it's time for a change. Einar is a stockbroker who is very successful at work but not in his personal life. For the last couple of months Einar has been living at a hotel waiting for his wife to realize the terrible mistake she made by throwing him out. Katrin Rose returns from Sweden where she has lived for eight years. In Iceland Katrin has an eleven-year-old son, brought up by his grandmother and now Katrin wants him back. Katrin gets a job as a dentist's assistant intending to make a fresh start but her troubled past catches up with her.
Jar City
A murder opens up a bleak trail of long buried secrets and small town corruption for a worn out police detective and his squad.
A Lenda de Grendel
Escandinávia, 500 D.C.. O sentimento de ódio tem início quando o rei Hrothgar, junto com alguns guerreiros, mata o pai do jovem Grendel, que viu tudo. Mesmo assim Hrothgar decidiu poupar a criança, que através dos anos se torna um recluso guerreiro, que só pensa em vingar a morte do pai. Quando Grendel começa a matar, as pessoas mais próximas de Hrothgar vêem que a vida do rei está em perigo. Assim Hrothgar chama um bravo e destemido guerreiro, Beowulf, para matar Grendel.
The Magician
The Magician is a strong and personal story, about how one‘s imagination can help make unbearable situation bearable.
Cold Light
Older Grímur
What could be better than knowing your future? And what could be worse? A love-filled childhood abruptly ends when catastrophe descends. A catastrophe that the child had foreseen yet failed to act upon.
Stormy Weather
The psychiatry department of a young doctor Cora has just admitted a young lady who refuses to speak and whose identity remains unknown. Cora becomes fond of her patient and establishes a relationship which goes beyond the usual course of treatment. She feels a kind of "call" from this woman as a strange and strong tie grows between them. One day, Cora learns that the identity of her patient has been discovered. Her name is Loa, she is a stranger, she has been sent back home…to Iceland. Cora, who had no idea of this woman's life outside their relationship, is deeply moved : she decides to meet up with her in order to finish the treatment.
Cop (as Ingvar E. Sigurðsson)
Simon a mysterious man with a past returns to Iceland with the intention to end his no good life. Before he can complete his task he meets a young women DÚA who he believes might be his daughter. When she gets into trouble with the police Simon represses his death wish and decides to help her out. Together they flee to the city of Hamburg and smuggle with them what used to be the greatest export of the Vikings, an Icelandic Falcon. Their plan is to sell it to wealthy Arabs.
K-19: The Widowmaker
Em 1961, Alexi Vostrikov (Harrison Ford) precisa comandar a equipe do submarino K-19 em uma delicada operação nuclear, causada pelo fato do sistema de refrigeração do próprio K-19 ter deixado de funcionar repentinamente. Sem condições de se comunicar com outras embarcações russas, já que o rádio deixara de funcionar, Vostrikov e o capitão Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson) precisam deixar suas diferenças de lado para salvar a tripulação do submarino e, ao mesmo tempo, evitar que um desastre nuclear aconteça e possa causar a 3ª Guerra Mundial.
No Such Thing
Dr. Svendsen
Beatrice's fiancé is killed by a monster in Iceland. The monster is immortal, but longs to die. Beatrice helps him achieve this by contacting a scientist who can destroy matter painlessly.
Five stories interwine into one. A blind man hovers above the city. Everything looks set for a perfectly normal evening in Reykjavík, until the the power goes off?
Angels of the Universe
The story of an Icelandic man and his slow descent into madness. Along his journey he meets Dagný, the initial cause of his breakdown. Other people he meets in the asylum have been committed for various reasons, such as signing cheques for Adolf Hitler and, believing themselves to be writing songs for the Beatles and telepathically transmitting to the band.
Áramótaskaup: 1999
1999's Áramótaskaup, an annual 50-minute TV movie, satirizing the events of the past year.
No Trace
Five friends gather for a celebration that spins wildly out of control. Something goes terribly wrong. Next morning, national sports icon, swimmer Gulli Björns wakes up beside the naked body of a woman. No one knows who she is. No one knows where she comes from. Not his girlfriend. Nor his best buddy. No one remembers what happened. Now, as the questions fly fast and furious, Björns must wander through a mirrored maze of half-truth and full-blown lies to discover the shocking truth in a swirl of deception, manipulation and murder.
Slurpinn & Co.
No plot found
Follows the infamous Sólborgarcase where a mother and her brother were accused of killing their newborn.
Pearls and Swine
Lisa wants to take a cruise, hubby Finnbogi schemes to make money. He buys a dilapidated bakery. They get lucky when Karolina, who bakes great cakes, offers to work for them. She's the mother of Marta, head of the area's largest bakery, and the two have quarreled. Marta can't abide mom's rebellion or the rival bakery's success, so she inveigles Finnbogi to invest in porn toys without telling Lisa. Where does he get the cash? From his son Bjartmar, who has promised Russian sailors he'll arrange the purchase of ten Landas. The Russians are coming to collect their cars, Finnbogi hasn't sold a single dildo, hard-bitten Marta plans one more nasty trick. How can Lisa get her cruise?
When Dreams Come True
The staff at the bureau of values may be the greatest bureaucrats in the world, but they have the most colourful dreams, not to mention their nightmare Rosie, is like a breath of fresh air when she comes into the office just before closing-time, raising everybody’s spirits. Live action and animation combined in a comedy.
Camera Obscura
No plot found
Ingaló is helping her father on his small fishing boat, but he's an obstinate character and relations between them are tense. After a dance in the village which ends in a fight between the local people and crew of Matthildur ÍS 167, a visiting fishing boat, Ingaló and her younger brother leave home. Ingaló stays briefly in Reykjavík and has a short affair with Vilhjálmur, a man in his thirties. Sveinn has found a job on Matthildur and Ingaló is taken on as a cook. The fishing is poor and when the vessel breaks down it heads for home port, where the crew stays in derelict living quarters for seasonal workers. Ingaló finds out that Matthildur's owner and big wheel in town is none other than Vilhjálmur.
SSL-25 (Special Squad Laugarnesvegur 25)
No plot found
Broken Glass
Maria is somewhat of a rebel and problem child. Her mother died and her father remarried some awful lady, and Maria isn't happy at all. She takes a drug overdose and winds up in a home for other girls with problems, but the two women who run the place turn out to be not quite the ladies they seemed. Maria knows she can't stay there very long, and starts planning her escape.
The Partisan
A Polish spy who works for the British during the Second World War. After a betrayal, she is compromised in Warsaw and finds herself in a murky world of treachery.