Shin Jung-geun

Shin Jung-geun

Nascimento : 1966-09-26, Gwangju, South Korea


Shin Jung-geun
Shin Jung-geun


Alienoid: Return to the Future
Woo Wang
A group of escaped aliens at her tail, Lee Ahn searches for the divine sword that could open a time-travelling portal which would bring the in the past trapped Guard and the cyborg Thunder back to the year 2022. There is also the bounty hunter Mureuk, who has rescued Lee Ahn from many difficult situations, who begins to suspect that an alien presence has entered his body. When the group finally manages to cross over to the present, they find brutal devastation: The powerful alien Controller has released the extraterrestrial substance Haava and thousands have died. Lee Ahn, Thunder and Mureuk don’t have much time to hunt down the enormous number of hostile aliens and save humanity.
A Birth
Lim Chi-hwa
"Birth" deals in depth with the patience and courage of Kim Taegon, a young man who had to create his own hope, his willingness to throw his body, and his love for God and man that he showed throughout his life.
Woo Wang
A porta do tempo se abre entre o espadachim que quer apoderar-se da lendária espada divina no final da Dinastia Goryeo e aqueles que perseguem um prisioneiro alienígena preso em um corpo humano em 2022.
Steel Rain 2: Summit
Jang Gi-seok
Um filme futurista sobre uma crise à beira da guerra depois que três líderes são sequestrados por um submarino nuclear norte-coreano em um golpe de Estado durante uma cúpula entre as duas Coreias e os Estados Unidos.
Zumbi à Venda
Chief Oh
When a pharmaceutical company's illegal experiments inadvertently create a zombie, the strange Park family finds it and tries to profit from it.
The Soup
An ex-con enters a house without being invited to live with a married couple with intellectual disabilities and their seven-year-old daughter.
Man of Will
Jo Duk-pal
Young Kim Chang-Soo is placed behind bars, charged with murdering a Japanese person who took part in Empress Myeongseong's assassination. In prison, Kim Chang-Soo sees how Koreans are persecuted and grows into a fighter for Korean independence.
Duel: Final Round (대결 Showdown )
Elder Hwang
Poong-Ho (Lee Joo-Seung) ganha a vida lutando. Seu irmão mais velho, Kang-Ho (Lee Jung-Jin), é um detetive respeitado. Quando durante uma investigação Kang-Ho é morto em uma luta seu irmão decide buscar vingança.
O Túnel
Captain Kang
Jung-Su é um vendedor de carros. Certo dia, ele sai de seu trabalho e vai o mais rápido possível para casa, tentando chegar a tempo de comemorar seu aniversário com sua família. No entanto, algo bizarro e inesperado impede a conclusão da jornada de Jung-Su: um túnel despenca, deixando o homem preso nos escombros.
Enemies In-Law
Han Dal-sik
Chul-Soo is the only son of a legendary thief family. He falls in love with Young-Hee who is a police officer. Her family is also a police family. To get her parents’ permission to marry, Chul-Soo undertakes an exam to become a police officer, but both families work to prevent their marriage.
Os Piratas
Um bando de piratas e um grupo de bandidos lutam para pegar uma baleia cinzenta que engoliu um selo.
Um Dia Difícil
Chief of homicide
Voltando do enterro de sua mãe, Gun-su (Lee Sun-kyun), detetive da polícia criminal, mata um homem em um acidente de carro. Para encobrir o caso, ele decide esconder o corpo do homem no caixão de sua mãe. Quando o caso ganha importância na polícia, seu parceiro de trabalho é nomeado para fazer a investigação. Gun-su acompanha o desenvolvimento do caso, conforme os detalhes do acidente vão sendo revelados. As coisas ficam ainda pior quando uma testemunha do acidente ameaça Gun-su.
The Five
Eun-a, who was living a happy life with her family, loses everything to a psychopath serial killer. After the tragic incident, she gathers four people with different talents who are in need of organ transplants to achieve her revenge.
Tough as Iron
Gang-cheol is a legendary street fighter in Busan who cleaned up his act to care for his sick mother. Knowing he's desperate for money for his mother's operation, Sang-gon proposes that Gang-cheol works for him.
Secretly Greatly
Mr. Park
Como agente celular adormecido na Coréia do Norte, Ryu-han se infiltra no sul e assume o papel de idiota de uma vila em uma cidade rural. Ele observa os habitantes da cidade e espera pacientemente por sua missão. Um dia, depois de dois anos no papel de idiota da vila, os companheiros espiões de elite Hae-rang, representados como uma estrela do rock, e Hae-jin, representado como um estudante comum, são enviados para a mesma cidade que Ryu-han. Ele ajuda os outros dois espiões a se instalarem e os ensina como se adaptar no sul. Há uma repentina mudança drástica de poder político no norte e os três espiões recebem uma missão urgente e definitiva.
O Substituto do Rei
Lee Jeong-rang
Entre o caos nacional e o medo pela própria vida, o tirano Rei Gwanghae ordena que seu conselheiro de confiança entre um dublê de corpo real. Ele contrata Ha-seon, uma camponês imitador que tem um semblante igual ao do Rei. Quando o Rei Gwanghae morre um veneno misterioso, Ha-seon é forçado a se tornar um rei. Ele deve seguir sua própria consciência para salvar seu país do colapso, evitar o extermínio e desencobrir a maior farsa da história.
The Grand Heist
Seok Dae-hyeon
Ice suddenly becomes a more valuable commodity during the Joseon Dynasty and a gang of eleven professionals are assigned to protect the market situation from irresponsible people.
Runway Cop
Squad chief Yoo
All he has is smell and a D-line body but is devoted in catching the bad guys. Detective Cha (Kang Ji-hwan) takes the cover of a model on a runway to solve a case.
Over My Dead Body
Team Leader Jo
The perpetually rational and precise researcher Hyeon-cheol and the rash and reckless Dong-hwa have nothing in common with the exception of a goal to steal a corpse to serve their own twisted agendas. They set off on their bizarre mission and the plan goes smoothly until they’re faced with the unexpected appearance of Jin-oh and a mysterious group of men also on the hunt.
Mr. Seo
A beat cop and his rookie partner investigate a series of killings that seem to be carried out by a mysterious wolfdog.
In Love and the War
In June 1950, soon after the start of the Korean War, a troop of North Korean soldiers enter a small South Korean village. Captain Jeong-woong proclaims that they came to liberate the villagers but their true agenda is to ferret out the reactionaries. The villagers and Seol-hee, who is separated from her fiance on her wedding day, offer them heartfelt hospitality and cooperation to avoid falling out of the army's favor. Eventually friendships starts to build up between the soldiers and the villagers.
Battlefield Heroes
Kim Heum-soon
This story unfolds 8 years after 'Battle of Hwangsanbeol', which destroyed Baekjae, when Silla-Tang Dynasty union attacks Goguryeo.
Blades Of Blood
Lord Yoo
No século 16, às vésperas da invasão japonesa, a dinastia Chosun é mergulhada no caos. Lee Mong-hak, um ambicioso descendente da família real, trai amigos, incluindo sua antiga amante para organizar um golpe. Seu velho amigo Hwang Jeong-hak, um misterioso espadachim cego, pede a ajuda de um jovem vingativo para impedi-lo.
Running Turtle
Jo Pil-seong, a rural detective with a gambling addiction, is on the brink of losing his job when he has his gambling winnings stolen by an escapee convict. Jo Pil-seong sets out to catch the fugitive and retain his money and dignity.
The Divine Weapon
During the reign of King Sejong in the 15th century, the Joseon Dynasty was the embodiment of the perfect state. To the Ming China, the aspiring imperial power, Joseon presented an obstacle to territorial expansion. To protect themselves from war, King Sejong develops a secret weapon to defend their territory and take back their land and supremacy.
Battalion Commander
Seu marido foi para a guerra do Vietnã sem avisá-la. Ela só vê uma solução: juntar-se a uma banda que vai tocar para os soldados.
Happy Life
Club Owner
Three old friends who used to be part of a rock band reunite at the fourth member's funeral. They decide to band back together with the deceased's estranged son serving as the new fourth member.
Filling the cups of classmates with a kettle is the only work 11-year-old Dong-ku, who is mentally retarded, can do in his school life. However, even this small connection with the outside world breaks as one day a new water purifier replaces the kettle in his classroom. Disappointed badly by losing his only hope to survive in a regular school, he finds that every freshman in the junior baseball team is required to supply drinking water to other members with a kettle. Though knows nothing about baseball, Dong-ku decides to join the team while his father, Jin-kyu, is struggling to save his kid’s only shelter, their chicken bar.
Radio Star
Misari President Nam (uncredited)
Once a famous singer, Choi Gon is reduced to doing gigs in cafes after being involved in a scandal. When Choi Gon gets arrested after an argument, Park Minsu, his manager, seeks help from a director of a radio station, who agrees, with a condition.
Bloody Tie
Section Chief Goh
A crystal meth dealer with a tragic past is forced to team up with a renegade cop to take down a powerful crime lord.
Oh My God
Uma jovem garota acaba tramando um plano para enganar um cara imaturo e poder engravidar dele. Anos mais tarde ela aparece com seus filhos, gêmeos, para sacudir a casa e a vida dele, em uma hilária comédia cheia de ação!
Once Upon a Time in a Battlefield
Kim Heum-soon
Set in the 7th century AD during the Korean peninsula's division into three perpetually warring kingdoms, Once Upon A Time In A Battlefield focuses on the Shilla's king Kim Choon-chu efforts to conquer his rivals: Koguryo and Baekche. To achieve this goal, he allies with mainland China's Tang empire, the superpower of the era, and together the two polities plan to attack first the weakest Baekche at its main fortress of Hwangsanbul, guarding the only easy access to the mountainous interior. But the fortress commander General Kye Baek (Park Joong-hoon) will be resisting to the end...This comedy relays on clash between ancient time and modern language combined with irony and distance to the war.
Em Nome da Vingança
Laborer 3
Ryu (Ha-kyun Shin) é surdo-mudo. Sua adorada irmã precisa com urgência de um transplante de rim. Na ausência de doadores compatíveis, Ryu recorre ao mercado negro, mas é trapaceado e perde todas suas economias, bem como o próprio rim. Ryu então é convencido por sua namorada a seqüestrar a filha de 4 anos do empresário Dong-Jin (Kang-ho Song) para custear a cirurgia de transplante. Mas o seqüestro não funciona como esperado: a irmã de Ryu se suicida e a menina raptada morre afogada. Sem outros motivos para viver, Dong-Jin e Ryu vão preparar implacáveis planos de vingança um contra o outro.