Sergio Mione

Sergio Mione


Sergio Mione


Um Homem em Fogo
Um ex-agente da CIA, John Creasy, está procurando trabalho. Relutantemente, ele aceita um emprego como guarda-costas, trabalhando para uma família rica na Itália. Ele deve proteger Sam, uma menina de 12 anos, contra a ameaça de sequestro da máfia. A princípio, John fica entediado com a tarefa, mas logo ele começa a se preocupar de verdade com Sam, e o seu trabalho fica bem mais empolgante quando a preocupação dos pais da Sam acaba sendo bem fundamentada.
Alguém Está Chamando
Stunt Coordinator
One night, an unusual stranger in need (Malcolm McDowell) asks a woman living alone in a house in the woods if he can use her phone. It soon becomes clear that they're playing a strange mind game and that there's something very wrong about the woods.
Rei David
Stunt Coordinator
This is a movie about the life of Israel's king David.
O Feitiço de Áquila
Stunt Coordinator
Dois amantes na França medieval são transformados por um feitiço maligno onde ela é um falcão durante o dia, e ele é um lobo durante a noite. Logo eles recorrem à ajuda de um jovem ladrão para ajudá-los a quebrar o feitiço.
O Feitiço de Áquila
Dois amantes na França medieval são transformados por um feitiço maligno onde ela é um falcão durante o dia, e ele é um lobo durante a noite. Logo eles recorrem à ajuda de um jovem ladrão para ajudá-los a quebrar o feitiço.
Stunt Coordinator
In a backward post-apocalyptic world, She aids two brothers' quest to rescue their kidnapped sister. Along the way, they battle orgiastic werewolves, a psychic communist, a tutu-wearing giant, a mad scientist, and gladiators before standing against the odds to defeat the evil Norks.
Exterminators of the Year 3000
It's the year 3000 and a nuclear war has turned the earth into a desert wasteland. A group of survivors living in a cave run out of water and desperately need to locate a new supply. The last guy they sent out to find water never returned, and now his 10 year old son Timmy wants to join the next search team. They think they know where there's an untapped well of water, but to get there they have to travel through dangerous terrain controlled by a savage gang of motorcyclists under the bloodthirsty reign of 'Crazy Bull'. On their mission, Timmy and his team run into a lonesome stranger named Alien (Robert Iannucci) who may be able to help them against the marauding motorcyclists. Can the struggling survivors looking for water in this barren world defeat Crazy Bull and his exterminating minions? Hang on tight - the battle has just begun!
Indiana Jones e os Caçadores da Arca Perdida
Em 1936, o arqueólogo Indiana Jones é contratado para encontrar a Arca da Aliança, que segundo as escrituras bíblicas conteria "Os Dez Mandamentos" que Deus revelou a Moisés no Monte Horeb. Mas como a lenda diz que o exército que a possuir será invencível, Indiana Jones terá um adversário de peso na busca pela arca perdida: o próprio Adolf Hitler.
Indiana Jones e os Caçadores da Arca Perdida
Driver of German Truck (uncredited)
Em 1936, o arqueólogo Indiana Jones é contratado para encontrar a Arca da Aliança, que segundo as escrituras bíblicas conteria "Os Dez Mandamentos" que Deus revelou a Moisés no Monte Horeb. Mas como a lenda diz que o exército que a possuir será invencível, Indiana Jones terá um adversário de peso na busca pela arca perdida: o próprio Adolf Hitler.
O Leão do Deserto
Em 1922, com a ascenção de Mussolini e dos fascismo, a Itália como as outras potências européias, procuram aumentar suas zonas de comércio e exploração na África. A Itália volta os olhos para a Libia, onde iniciam uma grande guerra contra o povo local que resiste bravamente contra as forças modernas italianas. Os beduinos comandados pelo lider local Omar Mukhtar iniciam uma grande batalha pra expulsar as tropas italianas, que cada vez mais investem em armas e massacram o povo libiano. A intenção de Mussolini é dominar o Norte da África, porém ele encontra um grande obstáculo no líder da rebelião beduína Omar Mukhtar / Quinn. A única solução para garantir a vitória no combate é enviar um destemido general, que organiza uma operação violenta e sanguinária. Filme fidelíssimo à História, que mostra a determinação do povo com as medidas imperialistas dos colonizadores italianos. Com um elenco perfeito, Akkad dirige as cenas de guerra com forte realismo. Um filme de guerra fantástico.
Prickly Pears
Master at Arms
Lorenzo is the mayor of a small town. One evening, returning home, surprised the well-known playboy Ghigo Buccilli who tries to seduce his beautiful wife. Enraged, he threatens the two with a gun, and Buccilli is the victim of a heart attack: the man survives but, forced to total rest, remains at the mayor's house. The result is an endless series of gags and misunderstandings, due to the stratagems devised by Lorenzo to avoid that the situation becomes the subject of gossip by fellow citizens ...
Convoy Busters
Gun Runner
In Rome, a vagrant finds the body of a teen girl, her throat professional slashed. Police inspector Olmi uses his brutal and violent methods to follow a trail that leads him toward high government officials. When his methods leave an innocent bystander dead, the corrupt officials have an excuse to get Olmi transferred to a coastal town where the pace is slow and he has time for a romantic dalliance. Soon, Olmi discovers that fishing isn't the only local occupation, and out comes his gun and his ruthless tactics of investigation.
How to Lose a Wife and Find a Lover
Stunt Coordinator
Alberto deceived by his wife, goes to some place in the mountains to escape. There he meets a woman who was there for the same reasons that he was.
The Bloodstained Shadow
A schoolgirl was murdered seven years ago, and the case was never solved; now, the murderer seems to be back.
Destruction Force
A shoot out after a robbery ends with the death of the Chief of Police. Police detective Ghini goes in search of a suspect, Lanza, to avenge the death of his boss. Ghini's search leads him to Belli, a Sicilian gangster and 'Trashy', the dirty leader of a gang of killers. The action is violent as both police and criminals track down Belli who still finds some time to attempt a couple of robberies...
The Criminals Attack. The Police Respond
Returning from Switzerland to Rome, the boss prof. Salviati, called 'The Prince', finds his business compromised by Rudy, a small local bandit full of presumption, audacity and men ready to kill. Commissioner Baldi a young and brave employee, will fight against them with the help of an ex-employee Rampelli.
Like Rabid Dogs
Uomo nella villa nel finale
Two police officers attempt to hunt down and arrest a trio of rich kids who rob, assault and kill for fun.
Mark Shoots First
Stunt Coordinator
Mark Terzi goes to Genoa to take on the case of a serial killer who calls himself "The Sphinx".
Loaded Guns
Stunt Coordinator
An air hostess gets involved in Naples, against her will, in the in-fighting amongst rival gangs.
A Black Ribbon for Deborah
Stunt Coordinator
A young woman with psychic powers is obsessed with having a child. Even though she is unable to conceive, her desire to do so creates a supernatural force determined to fulfill her wishes
Run, Run, Joe!
Stunt Coordinator
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
Counselor at Crime
Uomo di Garofalo
When the godson of San Francisco's crime lord asks permission to leave "the business," Don Antonio agrees, but reluctantly. Such behavior by either one is a violation of the code, and a bloody mob war breaks out. It is only through the strong support of his family connections in Sicily that Don Antonio is able to survive the mêlée and come out on top. Aghast at the situation he has caused, the godson becomes his leader's "consigliere," or Counselor at Crime.
African Story
African set action thriller
Story of a Woman
Technical Advisor
Karin studies music in Rome and falls in love with Bruno. She learns that he is married and therefore returns to Sweden. She meets David. They marry and have a daughter. David is sent to Rome. Karin meets Bruno again.
Carnal Circuit
We follow the Journal reporter Paulo whose close friend mysteriously been taken out of the way and it's now up to Paulo to figure out who the culprits are. The film is set in a drug-scented and "swinging" Los Angeles, where orgies and violence seem to be commonplace, and it soon appears that Paulo is on someone's hit list.
Bandits in Rome
After professional stickup man Mario Corda is jailed, his young, ambitious partner -- who covets both Corda's life and his wife -- cuts loose, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake.
Commandments for a Gangster
Northon is a retired gangster wants to avenge the death of his sister, who was married to Frank Cline. Cline disappeared while transporting a large shipment of the Organization's gold, leaving three dead bodies behind him. Northon follows the trail to the sunken ship and tries to beat rival gangsters to the lost gold.
The Three Fantastic Supermen
La Squadra Acrobatica Italiana
FBI agent Brad joins Tony and Nick, the self styled Supermen who battle crime wearing bullet-proof super-suits. They are on a case involving radioactive counterfeit money and people who can be broken down into precious jewels.
Robin Hood and the Pirates
On his way to (or from) the Crusades, Robin Hood is shipwrecked but saved by pirates who plan to return him home in order to ransom him to his father.