Bogumił Godfrejów

Bogumił Godfrejów

Nascimento : 1976-06-11, Kraków, Poland


Bogumił Godfrejów


Director of Photography
A story about two sisters - Małgorzata, who is single by choice, and her younger sister, Łucja, a mother of two and an assistant in Małgorzata's law firm. The women embark on their first first trip in many years. It quickly turns out that one of them is terminally ill and her destination is Switzerland, where euthanasia is possible.
Director of Photography
A school trip to Shoah memorials confronts young Israelis with a part of their identity and simultaneously with emotions and dynamics among themselves. A living appropriation of the past anchored in the present.
Camera Operator
Ukraine, 1990s. Young Vova, cruel and tenacious, struggles to find his place among the ruthless members of the underworld in a city where crime and corruption reign.
Director of Photography
Ukraine, 1990s. Young Vova, cruel and tenacious, struggles to find his place among the ruthless members of the underworld in a city where crime and corruption reign.
Director of Photography
O jovem letão Oleg chega em Bruxelas em busca de uma vida melhor e começa a trabalhar em uma unidade de processamento de carnes. Porém, seus planos são interrompidos quando um colega o denuncia. Sozinho em um país estranho, ele passa a depender de Andrzej, um criminoso polonês.
In the Middle of the River
Director of Photography
Led to believe his abusive grandfather is responsible for his sister's recent death, Gabriel returns to his humble home in rural New Mexico. Yearning to protect his family, he swears to secretly kill his grandfather, yet at the critical moment, his plan is foiled and the two men are forced to spend the day together. Both war veterans, they begin talking about their traumatic experiences. Gabriel realizes the world is not as black and white as he once thought it was. Slowly, he is forced to take responsibility for his own role in the family crisis.
Director of Photography
Colombian girl, who studies law in France, arrives to Sarajevo in order to write a study about the War Crimes Tribunal. Unexpectedly she finds herself in the center of the intimate tragedy of her new friend, a native woman.
A Dor de Mamãe
Director of Photography
Após deixar o orfanato onde cresceu, um adolescente decide procurar pela família e acaba indo parar em uma fazenda que esconde segredos do passado.
Director of Photography
A true story of a 17 going on 18 year-old boy called Modris. He’s a guy who goes to school, has a girlfriend and some good friends. He has a small gambling addiction, which makes his relationship with his mother difficult. It’s also hard because the two of them live alone and the mother doesn’t miss a chance to remind him that his father is in prison and that Modris has a bad gene. Their relationship boils over when, in the middle of a Nordic winter, Modris pawns his mother’s electric heater in trying to squeeze a win from a slot machine. She betrays him to the police and Modris is sentenced to two years’ probation. That is when his adventures with the Latvian justice system begin and he sets a new goal: to find the father he has never met.
Os Mortos E Os Vivos
Director of Photography
The personal journey of young Sita is not only an expedition into her family's burdened past during World War 2. It is also a journey to the abyss of modern European society, a trip which takes her from Berlin to Romania via Vienna and Warsaw - about losing one's homeland and discovering oneself, about hope and responsibility.
Home for the Weekend
Director of Photography
On the request of his mother Gitte, Marko, who has been living in Berlin for years, drives off to the countryside to visit his parents. His hopes of spending a quiet and relaxing time with his family fall short when Gitte surprises everyone by revealing that she has recovered after a long mental illness. Marko is the only one who respects her wish from now on to be treated as a full member of this family and, as a result, ends up tipping more than just the delicate balance of his parent’s seemingly harmonious relationship.
Tabu - Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden
Director of Photography
The Austrian expressionist poet Georg Trakl was in love with her sister. And she loved him back. Their relationship became sexual and caused quite a stir in the local society. But when his sister asked him to flee with her to Australia where no one knew them and they could live as husband and wife, he refuse for he could not live without the beauty of the German language. Torn between his love for words and his love for Grete, Georg turned to drugs and entered a downward spiral.
Director of Photography
Hannah Maynard, a prosecutor of Hague's Tribunal for war crimes in former Yugoslavia, charges a Serbian commander for killing Bosniaks. However, her main witness might be lying, so the court sends a team to Bosnia to investigate.
The Strength of Water
Director of Photography
When a mysterious stranger arrives in their isolated coastal town, 10-year-old twins, Kimi and Melody are forced apart. Kimi must find the strength to let go of what he loves the most.
Wednesday, Thursday Morning
Director of Photography
On August 1, the anniversary of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, two young people, lost and alone, are looking for happiness and their way in life.
Director of Photography
19 year old Wojtek lives in a poverty stricken Polish town. He is in love with an older woman, an illegal emigrant from Ukraine. He boxes in illegal matches to get money and is spotted by a man running a security business. Accepting this man's offer means becoming a gangster, but this could allow him to a residence permit for his girlfriend Katya.
Director of Photography
Michaela Klingler, protagonista de um fato real, cresceu sob rigorosos preceitos católicos no sul da Alemanha, durante os anos 70. Apesar de sofrer de epilepsia, convence sua família de que pode frequentar a universidade fora de seu vilarejo. Seu pai lhe dá apoio, mas a mãe extremamente protetora tem lá suas dúvidas de que a filha deva sair de casa e prosseguir nos estudos de magistério. As crises de Michaela começam a ficar cada vez mais fortes durante o primeiro ano da faculdade. Agora ela passa também a ouvir vozes. Desconfiada, ela decide procurar um sacerdote em sua cidade natal, que confirma tratar-se de um caso de possessão e lhe sugere um exorcismo.
Łucja i jej dzieci
Director of Photography
Play written especially for the TV Theater, based on the authentic story of infanticide described in the press. The crime took place in one of the Polish villages. The mother of three children is forced by the husband's family to murder the newborn. The shocking documentary image grows into the dimension of the ancient tragedy.
Distant Lights
Director of Photography
Lichter is an episodic tale from Hans-Christian Schmid about the life on the border between Germany and Poland. The film sheds light on the everyday stories of escape and desperateness.
A Man Thing
Director of Photography
13-year-old Bartek tries desperately to hide the fact that his father beats him. Lonely and with no support from his mother or his school, tyrannized by his soccer coach, the boy finds his only friend in an old dying stray dog.
Director of Photography
When world famous organist Anna learns about her husband’s involvement in a large-scale corruption scandal, her carefully built family life is crumbling. Will she be able to live with this new image of her husband?