Young Musa is orphaned after a mysterious illness strikes his village in KwaZulu Natal. To help his grandmother, Musa sets out for Johannesburg with his father's last gift, a tribal drum, in search of work and his uncle. The journey confronts him with the stark realities of urban life, but his indomitable spirit never wavers; he returns with a truth and understanding his elders have failed to grasp.
Nova York. Jabez Stone (Alec Baldwin) é um escritor desesperado, que faz um acordo com o diabo (Jennifer Love Hewitt) no qual cede sua alma em troca de se tornar um conceituado autor de best-sellers. Durante 10 anos Jabez pôde saborear uma carreira de sucesso, mas a proximidade cada vez maior de cumprir sua parte no acordo o amedronta. Jabez decide então procurar Daniel Webster (Anthony Hopkins), advogado e chefe de uma poderosa editora, para que o retire do acordo firmado. Daniel aceita o desafio, tendo que enfrentar o diabo em uma batalha jurídica na Corte do Inferno.
Baseball cards and a food-aid worker help a woman follow her shady husband's money trail around the world.
Elizabeth (Kim Basinger) é uma bela e sexy mulher que trabalha em uma galeria de arte e se envolve com John (Mickey Rourke), um rico homem. Eles se envolvem rapidamente e começam a praticar jogos sexuais cada vez mais intensos, que torna o relacionamento cada vez mais complicado e difícil de ser controlado.
Editorial Services
It is 1943, and the German army—ravaged and demoralised—is hastily retreating from the Russian front. In the midst of the madness, conflict brews between the aristocratic yet ultimately pusillanimous Captain Stransky and the courageous Corporal Steiner. Stransky is the only man who believes that the Third Reich is still vastly superior to the Russian army. However, within his pompous persona lies a quivering coward who longs for the Iron Cross so that he can return to Berlin a hero. Steiner, on the other hand is cynical, defiantly non-conformist and more concerned with the safety of his own men rather than the horde of military decorations offered to him by his superiors.
Assistant Director
It is 1943, and the German army—ravaged and demoralised—is hastily retreating from the Russian front. In the midst of the madness, conflict brews between the aristocratic yet ultimately pusillanimous Captain Stransky and the courageous Corporal Steiner. Stransky is the only man who believes that the Third Reich is still vastly superior to the Russian army. However, within his pompous persona lies a quivering coward who longs for the Iron Cross so that he can return to Berlin a hero. Steiner, on the other hand is cynical, defiantly non-conformist and more concerned with the safety of his own men rather than the horde of military decorations offered to him by his superiors.