Alberto Rodríguez

Alberto Rodríguez

Nascimento : 1971-05-11, Sevilla, España


Alberto Rodríguez studied image and sound at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the University of Seville. His film career began at an amateur level, in 1997, with the short film Banco, which he shot on video with Santiago Amodeo, with a budget of only 30,000 pesetas. The film won 15 awards and the success allowed them to shoot a new version in cinemascope in 1999 with a budget of four million.


Alberto Rodríguez


Prison 77
Modelo Prison. Barcelona, 1977. Manuel, a young accountant, imprisoned and awaiting trial for embezzlement, faces a sentence of 6 to 8 years, a disproportionate punishment for the crime committed. Together with his cellmate Pino, he joins forces with COPEL, a collective fighting for the rights of ordinary prisoners and amnesty. A war for freedom breaks out that will bring the Spanish prison system to its knees. If things are changing outside, they’ll have to do the same inside. A tale of friendship, solidarity and freedom, inspired in true events.
Prison 77
Modelo Prison. Barcelona, 1977. Manuel, a young accountant, imprisoned and awaiting trial for embezzlement, faces a sentence of 6 to 8 years, a disproportionate punishment for the crime committed. Together with his cellmate Pino, he joins forces with COPEL, a collective fighting for the rights of ordinary prisoners and amnesty. A war for freedom breaks out that will bring the Spanish prison system to its knees. If things are changing outside, they’ll have to do the same inside. A tale of friendship, solidarity and freedom, inspired in true events.
Free Country
Original Film Writer
No outono de 1992, os inspetores de polícia Patrick e Markus são enviados a um canto remoto do país para examinar o desaparecimento de duas irmãs adolescentes, de 15 e 16 anos. As duas lindas garotas acabaram de fugir de sua cidade caipira ou fizeram algo mais sinistro acontecer com eles? Nesta parte remota do país, os efeitos do regime da Alemanha Oriental ainda turvam as águas. Ninguém viu nada, os inspetores são recebidos por um silêncio férreo.
O Homem das Mil Caras
Francisco Paesa, um homem misterioso, já encarnou todos os papeis possíveis: já foi um homem de negócio, um banqueiro suíço, um gigolô, um playboy, um contrabandista de armas internacional, um aventureiro e um diplomata. O motivo para tantos trabalhos diferentes? Ele é um agente secreto, um perigoso espião que enganou toda a Espanha.
O Homem das Mil Caras
Francisco Paesa, um homem misterioso, já encarnou todos os papeis possíveis: já foi um homem de negócio, um banqueiro suíço, um gigolô, um playboy, um contrabandista de armas internacional, um aventureiro e um diplomata. O motivo para tantos trabalhos diferentes? Ele é um agente secreto, um perigoso espião que enganou toda a Espanha.
As Pequenas Coisas
A veteran and famous French actor receives lessons from his young and vital female personal assistant on the roughness, lack of empathy, own and those of others wounded pride.
As Pequenas Coisas
A veteran and famous French actor receives lessons from his young and vital female personal assistant on the roughness, lack of empathy, own and those of others wounded pride.
Lo que vale un peine
Pecados Antigos, Longas Sombras
Um serial killer está à solta. Dois detetives de homicídios precisam resolver suas diferenças e trazer o assassino à justiça antes que mais mulheres jovens percam suas vidas.
Pecados Antigos, Longas Sombras
Um serial killer está à solta. Dois detetives de homicídios precisam resolver suas diferenças e trazer o assassino à justiça antes que mais mulheres jovens percam suas vidas.
Unidade 7 Comando de Elite
O Grupo 7 tem uma missão difícil: acabar com algumas das maiores redes de tráficos de drogas da cidade, limpando as ruas e colocando fim ao seu poder corrosivo. Mas o modo de agir deste time formado por agentes especiais os leva aos limites da lei, utilizando não apenas métodos de violência mas também de coerção, mentira e meias-verdades. Para eles, tudo vale no cumprimento desta missão, inclusive utilizar os meios dos próprios criminosos que combatem.
Manuel, Ana and Julio get together in a warm summer night after not having seen each other for a while and set off to explore the night.
Manuel, Ana and Julio get together in a warm summer night after not having seen each other for a while and set off to explore the night.
7 Virgins
Tano is 16-years-old and is already sitting in jail. In 48 hours he’s a free man and off to the wedding of his brother. In the two days he recounts his neighborhood in a section of Sevilla.
7 Virgins
Tano is 16-years-old and is already sitting in jail. In 48 hours he’s a free man and off to the wedding of his brother. In the two days he recounts his neighborhood in a section of Sevilla.
El traje
illegal African immigrant Patricio is given a suit as thanks for helping a man change his flat tire. The new clothes improve his self-image.
El traje
illegal African immigrant Patricio is given a suit as thanks for helping a man change his flat tire. The new clothes improve his self-image.
El factor Pilgrim
Once upon a time... There were four young men of different nationalities: Spanish, Italian, Swedish and British, a one-pound business deal that ends up becoming a one-hundred-thousand pound business deal, and a legend: The Legend of David Pilgrim. This is the basic idea behind The Pilgrim Factor, a story half-way between a comedy and a tale, about anonymous characters who accidentally happen to come across something that could prove doubtful the authenticity of the world's most famous rock group. All this takes place right in the centre of "Chicken Town"... a city where everything is possible... even a story like this one.
Short film release