Kenny Wong

Kenny Wong

Nascimento : 1963-04-30, Hongkong, China


Kenny Wong


The Brotherhood of Rebel
Brother Yau
Seventeen years ago, an assassin ambushes triad boss Yu. Yu’s wife, Shing-nam, sends Chai, Kam and others to find the assassin. Chai catches the assassin and discovers that he is Meow, Chai and Kam’s childhood best friend. To save his friend, Chai helps Meow flee Hong Kong. Though Yu survives the attack, the injuries leave him crippled for the rest of his life.
Death Notice
In Hong Kong, a vigilante serial killer leaves death notices, stating when and how he will murder a victim. Even if the victim reports it to the police and receives protection, the killer can easily break through and execute them. In response, the police set up a special task force and reveals a major conspiracy hidden behind.
Don't Call Me God of Gamblers
Don't Call Me God of Gamblers
Fai, a compulsive gambler and an irresponsible man, is asked to take care of his ex-girlfriend Chik's (Anita Yuen) son, Yeung. Chik also reveals to Fai that Yeung is his son, and promises to pay him HK$100,000, so Fai agrees to be a father for one month. Soon, Fai notices his son suffers from autism and gets to understand the difficulties of raising a child with special needs. When Chik fails to show up on the date when they agreed to meet, Fai realises why she brought him his child. He finds his life goal while discovering Yeung's talent on the racing field, then decides to give up his former dissipated life and to accompany his son as he sets out to achieve his dream.
Cyber Heist
Kwok plays a cyber security engineer who develops an AI programme with the potential to disable the region’s entire networks, but then has to prevent it falling into the wrong hands.
Terror Train
Alana and a group of college seniors board a party train for a Halloween-themed bash, but their fun spirals into fear when a mysterious assailant begins killing the passengers one-by-one.
My Blue Summer
Sheng Huainan is a name deep in Luo Zhi's heart for a very long time. He is like a ray of light to Luo Zhi who cannot help but look up and follow him. The carving on the rooftop that said "Luo Zhi loves Sheng Huainan" represents Luo Zhi's declaration of love that she could never say out loud. Luo Zhi was looking forward to starting anew only to realize that Sheng Huainan is in the same university as her. The two gradually grow close, but don't dare to express their feelings. When real-life pressures come one after another, what will become of this secret love?
Breakout Brothers 3
Tang Hon Chung
Former warden Tang is imprisoned for accepting bribes, while Jun who failed to escape from prison returns to prison to continue serving his sentence. Jun sees that Tang is familiar with the prison and lures him into cooperating in the breakout plan. The two hit it off, and even tried to create trouble and blame it on Big Roller. Jun soon discovers that Tang has other tricks, forcing him to team up again with Big Roller, Mak and new warden Ma to crack Tang`s conspiracy.
Just 1 Day
Mr Wong
Mosaic, an urban sketch artist suffering from motor neurone disease, meets an old school friend, Angelfish, at a class reunion. As his illness takes a tragic hold, he asks her to fulfil one wish - to be his girlfriend for just a day.
Chilli Laugh Story
The COVID-19 pandemic offered white-collar workers everywhere the chance to work from home. At first, it seemed like a luxury to be able to work outside the shackles of the office, but people quickly realized that it could also drive them insane. For Coba, work-from-home has led to a daily cage match with his family. When he inadvertently learns that his mother’s homemade chili sauce is a hit with his co-workers, he convinces his family to turn the chili sauce into an online business in order to divert their attention away from conflicts. However, Coba didn’t expect that the sauce would become a timely internet sensation, thanks to families eating at home more often during the pandemic. From deciding which type of bottle to use for the chili sauce, long-hidden family conflicts are on the verge of erupting again. Soon enough, the family’s daily tug-of-wars become even spicier than chili sauce……
Breakout Brothers 2
Warden Tang
Ho Chun, a young entrepreneur, is sent to jail. By implementing his philosophy in the business world that money can solve any problems, Ho Chun offers Big Roller, Kin-Tin, Scar and Ho-Ching a considerable amount of money for assisting him to breakout from jail.
Frente à Frente
Tai Cheuk-yin
Shan é um policial justo que é admirado pelos companheiros por ter resolvido muitos casos. Um dia, seu passado volta para assombrá-lo quando sua operação policial é atacada por um misterioso grupo de criminosos liderados por Ngo, seu ex-protegido. Ngo já foi um policial talentoso que admirava e respeitava Shan. No entanto, um terrível acidente o levou à prisão há três anos, transformando-o em um homem furioso, com o objetivo de matar todos que o prejudicaram – incluindo seu ex-mentor.
Shock Wave 2
Chan King-to
Um terrorista expert em explosivos, cuja quadrilha foi desarticulada, busca vingança: ameaça explodir um túnel de Hong Kong com centenas de reféns. O policial que já o venceu uma vez precisa detê-lo novamente.
Breakout Brothers
Warden Tang
Triad leader Roller and life-sentence inmate Scar maintain the balance of power as the bosses of the prison they're incarcerated at. Life at the prison gets disrupted by the arrival of new inmate Mak, who has run-ins with both Scar and Roller. With things going so badly for him in prison, Mak has no choice but to join in the breakout plot being hatched by Chan. However, Roller and Scar also end up being part of the plan!
The Infernal Walker
Tuen e Ting são agentes disfarçados. Em dez anos, Ting subiu na hierarquia da organização, mas no fundo, ele está cansado de trabalhar como policial disfarçado.
Men on the Dragon
Four telecom employees begrudgingly join the company’s dragon boat team to help keep them immune from encroaching layoffs only to discover themselves.
Colour of the Game
Officer Chen Jia Wei
Da Hua, Ah Chun and a few others find themselves involved in wild and dangerous adventures when they get caught in a showdown between the China Mainland Police and Hong Kong bandits.
Guerra Fria
Stephen Han
Na sequência do filme de ação de Hong Kong 2012, os rivais chefes de polícia M.B. Lee e Sean Lau devem trabalhar juntos para salvar a esposa e filha de Sean que foram sequestradas.
The Mobfathers
Superintendent Xu
The godfather of the triad Jing Hing and his senior bosses need to select a new boss to run the daily operations of the five gangs under their control. Chuck, a lifelong member of the triad, dreams of being the elected one, but his wife wants him to leave the criminal life and spend time with their child. Wulf, a former cop, also wants take over the seat. Both will try to achieve their goal by any means necessary.
Father Wong
Sharon is a noted psychiatrist whose material ambition has turned her into a neglectful mother. But once her daughter Jenny develops seriously nutty behaviour – and ghostly sightings begin to plague their spacious mansion – Sharon loses her grips on reality, eventually turning to a Catholic priest/exorcist for help.
O Mestre dos Jogos 2
Ben, Interpol agent
Depois de frustrar os planos criminais de lavagem de dinheiro do sindicato internacional, Ken (Chow Yun Fat) está pronto para sentar e aproveitar a vida. Seu plano para uma existência calma chega a um impasse quando seu protegido, Vincent (Shawn Yue) se junta a Interpol e pede sua ajuda de seu mestre para poder prender o mentor real do sindicato, Sr. Aoi.
Tempestade de Fogo
Hong Kong. Quando Cao Nan e seu grupo de ladrões roubam um carro blindado em plena luz do dia, eles não hesitam em assassinar pessoas inocentes em fuga. Lui Ming Chit, um inspetor policial veterano, é forçado a usar táticas sinistras para capturá-los.
Meet Leonard, a man who will help you die with a smile on your face. A young attorney meets his client for the first time, a serial killer known as the "Smiley Face Killer", whose victims all died with a smile on their faces.
The Haunting Lover
Cui Zheng Chang
A young man who is down on his luck is overjoyed when he is given a job working in the factory of a major medical company. He soon finds he was hired because he resembles the factory owners missing son.
Love in a Puff
When the Hong Kong government enacts a ban on smoking cigarettes indoors, hard-core smokers are driven outside and a budding romance develops between two co-workers.
Black Ransom
A powerful triad boss has been kidnapped, and the new police superintendent Koo decides to recruit the help of Mann, a former supercop who has since been relegated to back-up duty. Mann has his work cut out for him when he realizes his opponent is Sam, a former cop with plenty of grudges. When Sam takes the fight to Mann’s family, Mann is more than determined to bring down the dangerous kidnapper and his gang.
Grandes Guerreiros
Lord Wicked
Storm Warriors é a sequência de Storm Riders, de 1998. Baseado na história escrita por Wing-Shing Ma, desta vez Wind e Cloud têm que enfrentar Lord Godless, um poderoso guerreiro chinês que quer conquistar a China, e seu filho, Heart. Lord Godless aprisiona um grande número de mestres das artes marciais na tentativa de subjulgá-los. Entre os presos estão Cloud (Aaron Kwok) e o veterano mestre Nameless (Kenny Ho). Wind (Ekin Cheng) vem em socorro deles e o trio é gravemente ferido por Lord Godlesss em ataque de artes marciais malignas. Os mestres restantes sacrificam suas vidas para salvar o trio, esperando que eles vençam Lord Godless um dia e salvem o país. Para derrotá-lo, tanto Cloud como Wind têm que treinar para aumentar suas habilidades nas artes marciais. Wind envereda-se pelo caminho do mal, e Cloud segue o caminho normal. Wind torna-se demoníaco, então cabe a Cloud pará-lo antes que ele cause mais destruição.
Lady Cop & Papa Crook
Darren Shum
A corrupt red oil kingpin enlists the aid of a female police officer to help find his son.
Hong Kong Bronx
A former triad fresh from a prison term, decides to go straight, but finds himself up against a rival gangster.
The Detective
Kwong Chi Hung
A private detective is drawn into a complex murder mystery when he is hired to track down a missing young woman.
Alvo Invisível
Chief Insp. Sam Mok
Três policiais têm motivos diferentes para perseguir uma perigosa gangue: vingança, orgulho e senso do dever. Juntos, iniciarão uma caçada frenética por ruas e prédios de Hong Kong.
Gong Tau
Lam Chiu
CID detective Rockman was sent to Thailand to investigate a case involving the Hong Kong and Thai underground syndicate. During his visit he met a sexy table dancer called Elli, they had a brief but hot steamy affair. Unexpectedly Rockman was ordered to return to Hong Kong. Before leaving he promised Elli he would return. But he never did. Heart broken Elli felt she was deceived. Rockman never expect his affair would bring the worst luck for him and family. Three years later in Hong Kong, when Rockman was busily investigating a murder case one stormy night, a senior policeman was murdered by a most wanted fugitive Lam Chiu. On the other hand, Rockman's wife broke down after their son died mysteriously. All the major newspapers headlined the two cases, saying the murder and the baby's death are related. Frustrated Rockman worked closely with Brother Sum well seasoned detective...
A Hora do Acerto
Mr. Wong
Para a Gangue dos 5, tudo é um videogame: matar policiais, armar emboscadas e criar requintes de crueldade. Quem se torna vítima de suas armadilhas é o inspetor de polícia Wing e todo o seu time de policiais, que são brutalmente assassinados. Após a matança, um jovem novato cheio de energia é designado para ajudá-lo, mas a Gangue dos 5 volta a agir, iniciando uma aventura cheia de ação e vingança.
Dupla de Heróis
Snr Insp K. L. Cheung
Kin é o melhor elemento da Polícia de Hong Kong. Com a sua agilidade e a capacidade de resolver problemas, subiu rapidamente de posto nos últimos anos. Mas a relação com a namorada Brenda está de rastos, devido à sua personalidade egocêntrica. Um estranho caso ocorre antes da abertura da Exposição Internacional de Diamantes: um honesto e leal inspector roubou um milhão de dólares dos cofres da polícia e destruiu o local da exibição, esquecendo-se depois de tudo o que fizera. Kin suspeita que ele foi hipnotizado, encontrando-se com o seu antigo psicólogo, para investigar. Ching cometera um crime há três anos e fora condenado a sete anos de cadeia, mas Kin pede que o libertem, para o ajudar na investigação. Descobrindo que o roubo visava apenas desviar as atenções, Kin e Ching elaboram um plano para apanhar o responsável. Mas, inesperadamente, Kin terá caído numa armadilha montada por Ching...
Snake Charmer
Commander Chan
The story in "Snake Charmer" is about some mystery murders that take place in Hong Kong where the victims are found poisoned by a very rare and deadly toxin. A single woman (played by Marsha Yuen), who works as a night club called Club Medusa, is tied to the murders, as she is the last to be seen with the victims in every single case. Inspector Chi-Wai Man (played by Jackie Lui Chung-yin) is assigned to the case and is working on a tight deadline to crack the case.
A Gambler's Story
Suki is a very devoted gambler. Whenever he goes to Macau, he buys a return ticket in advance, just in case he loses all his money. After breaking up with his girlfriend Cher, who couldn't bear his gambling anymore, Suki meets a girl called Princess Fragrance at a karaoke bar. They later meet again in Macau, both in the hands of a loan shark Brother Face, who threatens to kill them if they don't pay off their debts…
United We Stand, and Swim
Peter's Coach
Dumped for not knowing how to swim, Little Fish sets out to learn swimming with help from some friends.
Bullets Over Summer
Plainclothes policemen Brian and Mike use an elderly woman's apartment for surveillance, hoping to catch a fugitive gangster. They develop a warm relationship with their hostess, whom they call "granny." Meanwhile, each man develops a romantic relationship: Brian with a strange wandering teenage girl, and Mike with a pregnant woman at the dry cleaning shop. When the gangster returns to his flat, Brian and Mike are forced into an explosive confrontation.
Violada por um Anjo 3: Fantasia Sexual do Chefe executivo
Security guard
A series of rapes are occurring in an Office Building. The Chief Executive is experiencing some weird visions and hallucinations. When someone close to a Cop is raped, the investigation increases ten-fold.
Killing Me Hardly
Fu Pui-yu directs this low-budget, critically panned Hong Kong knockoff of Charlie's Angels, about a shadowy figure named Charlie who dictates over a trio of voluptuous crime-fighters named Sunny (Jade Leung Ching), Moony (Christine Ng Wing-mei), and Starry (Paulyn Suen Kai-kwun). While being followed by nebbish journalist Bob (Michael Chow Man-kin) and coping with their own personal issues, the three are being targeted by Andy, a crazed arms-dealer who is seeking vengeance on Charlie for the death of his wife following a particularly ugly FBI raid years previous. Since Charlie's a hard man to find, the villain takes his wrath out on his friends and employees -- especially his three angels.
Best of the Best
Tung Tung just graduated from the police academy, encountering a Vietnamnese assassin on his first day on work. Tung in order to break through obstacle in his mind decides to join SDU. Among the teammates, Coolman feels resentment toward Tung, which he doesn't understand. Later he discovers Coolman is actually his step brother. Tung actively tries to get close to Coolman, but is rejected. When training reaches its last stage, Coolman and Tung's team reencounters the Vietnamnese assassin on a deserted island.
Passion Unbounded
Someone's been murduring naughty girls. David is the detective onthe case. Carrie is the strange woman who lives by the scene of the crime.
A Chinese Torture Chamber Story
Lau Hoi-Sing
A corrupt magistrate subjects a innocent young bride to inconceivable physical punishments after convicting her of killing her husband.
Kung Fu Mistress
Kung Fu Mistress is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Kara Hui.
Stranger from Hell
Involves a psychotic (possibly demonic) female.
Master Wong vs. Master Wong
Kam's assistant
Wong Fei-Hong tires of his life pretending to be a kung fu master, and decides to visit Canton in anonymity, letting his student pretend to be Wong Fei-Hung. However, a crooked businessman and an upright Wong Fei-Hong admirer complicates matters.
Iron Butterfly III: Tomorrow
Tomorrow is a Hong Kong made-for-TV movie starring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
Fervura Máxima
Johnny Wong's Thug
Em Hong Kong, Yuen (Chow Yun-Fat), um inspetor de polícia que é normalmente conhecido como Tequila, fica transtornado quando seu parceiro morre em um tiroteio com gângsters em uma casa de chá. Tequila então se une a Alan, um assassino profissional, para vingar o amigo e impedir que esta quadrilha mate gente inocente.
Erotic Ghost Story III
Chu Chung
The once mighty Tang Dynasty is in its decline. The big land of China is being visited by famine, natural disasters and devils. Chu Chung is such a person. Everywhere he goes, beautiful Suzie follows. So they meet Wick, a monk endowed with magic powers. Chu Chung sees a picture of an exceedingly beautiful girl and falls in love with her. He begs Wick to help him cross the human-spiritual barrier to enter the picture. Chu Chung meets the girl Yi-meng. They make love. Little does Chu Chung realize he has fallen into arch demon Vixen's trap. Unwittingly, he kills the upright god of justice. Suzie helps a repentant Chu Chung escape into the human world. She herself is incarcerated. Wick and Suzie reluctantly help Chu Chung enter the spiritual world again. Righteousness prevails. Vixen loses the war. And Yi-meng is transported to the human world. Unfortunately, Suzie dies. But she may not have died after all...
In the Line of Duty 5: Middle Man
When he is framed for being a spy because of his friend's illegal activities, David must escape from police, CIA, and assassins with the help of his cousin.