Stéphane Joly


Os Infiéis
Original Film Writer
De mentiras exageradas a surpresas sensuais, esta coleção de vinhetas captura as loucuras de vários homens enquanto eles se atrapalham com a fidelidade e os relacionamentos.
Olivier De Benoist : 0-40 Ans
Stage Director
After two shows where he delighted his audience with (falsely) misogynistic reflections, Olivier de Benoist returns to the stage, this time decided not to attack women anymore. Finally, less than usual ... With 0/40 years old, where he tells his life from birth to today, the humorist wanted to abandon the macho character who had made his success. But for lack of common thread and inventive staging, the show turns out to be wobbly. Not bad, certainly, with even a few good moments, but not convincing either. If the initiative was laudable, the result is likely to satisfy neither the frustrated fans of not finding everything they liked nor those who wanted to discover Olivier de Benoist in another register. Recorded in La Halle aux vins, parc des exposition, Colmar.
Os Infiéis
Homens engenhosos têm o objetivo de manter relações sexuais com mulheres atraentes que não são suas esposas. Aqui recriam inúmeras situações, onde uns conseguem facilmente, enquanto outros enfrentarão loucas dificuldades.