Stéphane Butet


Welcome - Bem-Vindo
Le passeur au volant
Bilal tem 17 anos e vem do Iraque. Deixou a sua terra, pouco depois de a namorada ter emigrado para Inglaterra, com o objetivo de a voltar a ver. Mas ao chegar a França, no porto de Calais, depara-se com muitos emigrantes ilegais que também tentam chegar a Londres. É então que Bilal decide aprender a nadar para atravessar o canal da Mancha. Na piscina municipal, o rapaz conhece Simon, um instrutor de natação e o seu cúmplice nesta perigosa viagem.
Le Petit Fût
Baseado em uma história de Maupassant
Eterno Amor
Mathilde (Audrey Tautou) e Manech (Gaspard Ulliel) cresceram juntos e descobriram o amor. A 1ª Guerra Mundial os separa. Ao fim da guerra Mathilde faz uma incansável busca para encontrar Manech.
Confession of a Dredger
During the summer, Paul, provincial student, shy and bookish, went to Paris to integrate Sciences-Po, bed on a bench in the Luxembourg Gardens. One afternoon, while the eye follows a young girl he had noticed for several days, he made the acquaintance of Fab, a seducer getter, effective and apparent misogyny, which will teach him the basics drag. Starting first with a documented learning every evening in his diary, Paul soon to be questionable practices to limit crime.
On a très peu d'amis
Ivan's and Serge's occupation is to enter dance competitions where they meet each time new female partners; a wounded gangster who's just burglarized a bank ,forces them to drive him at gunpoint.
Mémoires d'un jeune con
Frédéric is arrested for illicit use of narcotic drugs. In jail, he meets he get up close with various sorts of people among which he looks for a role model as a 18-year-old boy.