
Dysphonias (2024)

Жанр : документальный, драма, семейный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Manuela Giraldo Londoño, María Camila Pulgarín

Краткое содержание

After a premonition of an unusual bird, a father loses his voice. His daughter undertakes a search to rediscover him, through an intimate narrative that explores the past, the new facets and the silences of a man who is no longer the same.


Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Juan Guillermo Giraldo
Juan Guillermo Giraldo


Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Santiago Álvarez
Santiago Álvarez
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
Laura Soto
Laura Soto
Sound Recordist
Heidy Gómez
Heidy Gómez
Camera Operator
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
Director of Photography
Heidy Gómez
Heidy Gómez
Director of Photography
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
Executive Producer
Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Manuela Giraldo Londoño
Executive Producer
Santiago Álvarez
Santiago Álvarez
Santiago Álvarez
Santiago Álvarez
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
Graphic Designer
Santiago Álvarez
Santiago Álvarez
Sound Recordist
Abel Villa
Abel Villa
Sound Designer
Deimer Quintero Vertel
Deimer Quintero Vertel
Sound Designer
Santiago Gallego E.
Santiago Gallego E.
Sound Designer
Abel Villa
Abel Villa
Dialogue Editor
Mauricio López
Mauricio López
Foley Artist
Abel Villa
Abel Villa
Foley Recording Engineer
Abel Villa
Abel Villa
Mixing Engineer
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
Archival Footage Coordinator
María Camila Pulgarín
María Camila Pulgarín
Color Designer
Heidy Gómez
Heidy Gómez
Color Grading
Anthony Jóshua Marín
Anthony Jóshua Marín
Color Assistant


Однажды в Америке
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