
Summer Clouds (2004)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : Felipe Vega

Краткое содержание

Daniel, Ana, and their little boy, Manuel travel from Madrid to a resort on the Costa Brava for the summer. Ana runs into Marta, a local shopgirl whom she's met on previous visits. Marta introduces Ana to her cousin, Robert, who runs an antique shop. Robert is immediately attracted to Ana. Marta tells him that Ana is happily married, and confesses that she has a crush on Ana's husband, Daniel. Robert, intrigued, makes a pact with Marta. Robert will help Marta seduce Daniel if she will help Robert seduce Ana. One night, the cousins cunningly arrange to separate the couple, and some serious flirtation ensues. While Marta, casually dates a local surfer, Tomás, begins to have second thoughts, Robert grows more obsessed with the couple. He befriends Daniel and peppers him with questions about the strength of his nine-year marriage.


Roberto Enríquez
Roberto Enríquez
Natalia Millán
Natalia Millán
David Selvas
David Selvas
Irene Montalà
Irene Montalà
Roger Casamajor
Roger Casamajor
Kevin Almodóvar
Kevin Almodóvar
Kai Puig
Kai Puig
Xabier Ruano
Xabier Ruano
Joan Raja
Joan Raja
Ramon Godino
Ramon Godino
Dolo Beltrán
Dolo Beltrán
Michelle Jenner
Michelle Jenner


Felipe Vega
Felipe Vega
Marta Esteban
Marta Esteban
Josean Gómez
Josean Gómez
Line Producer
Gerardo Herrero
Gerardo Herrero
Josep Sanou
Josep Sanou
Original Music Composer
Ángel Hernández Zoido
Ángel Hernández Zoido
Camilla-Valentine Isola
Camilla-Valentine Isola
Jordi Berenguer
Jordi Berenguer
Unit Production Manager
Ivan Carrero
Ivan Carrero
Unit Production Manager
Alfonso Parra
Alfonso Parra
Director of Photography


Heart Is a Piece of Meat
A wordless and virtually soundless but nonetheless exquisitely sensitive drama about an overweight butcher who lives alone and the strange fascination he develops for an attractive young woman he sees on his regular bus route. He takes tentative steps to approach her but though he receives an open, caring smile, fails to respond.
Hard Times
When the troubled son of an NGO worker refuses to take a test and announces that he is not leaving his room, his concerned mother asks one of her clients, a Cuban exile, for help in setting the boy straight. Gonzalo has decided to drop out of school, and his mother Ana isn't sure how to convince the boy that he's making a crucial mistake. Ana's client Carlos is a Cuban exile who makes his living selling cigars and artwork on the black market. When Carlos learns of Ana's dilemma, he calls on recently released convict Mikel to teach the boy how to play chess. Perhaps is young Gonzalo can master the game, he can learn to start living again. As the lessons get underway, each of these characters learns that in order to truly move on with their lives they much first break free of the bonds that prevent them from being who they really are.
Pero is a professional funeral speaker in a small Slovenian town. His unique gift is to make every funeral that extra bit special. Pero just can't help turning his eulogies into witty personal confessions that bring the grieving crowd to tears for all the wrong reasons.
The Lighthouse
Two Argentine sisters, Memé and Aneta, lose their mother in a car crash. Memé, the elder, is also left lame with one badly scarred leg. The orphaned girls go to Uruguay to stay with their aunts. The sisters often bicker, but they are actually very close. Memé flirts but has no luck with boys because of her injury... On their own now, Memé works as a waitress where she gets to know Andy. Returning to Montevideo, they meet Dolores, a friend of their late mother. Memé's affair with a man complicates her relationship with her sister. Then Andy invites the pair to his seaside retreat, a lighthouse.
Mujeres en el parque
Ничья жизнь
Эмилио Баретто в глазах окружающих всегда выглядел человеком, добившимся успеха. В свои 40 лет, он имел прекрасную должность в Испанском банке, просторный, уютный дом, любящую жену и сына боготворящего своего отца. Но далеко не всегда кажущееся благополучие, оказывается таким на самом деле. Ведь вся жизнь Эмилио — одна большая Ложь. Он уже давно погряз в паутине обманов и с каждым годом эта паутина становится все прочнее. Юная студентка Розанна, ворвавшись в его жизнь, нарушает незримый баланс между правдой и ложью. Теперь мир Эмилио и всех, кто его любил, превращается в один бесконечный кошмар, где за каждой маленькой правдой, скрывается новая ужасная тайна...
A young girl, after failing an exam, is forced by her father, a taxi-driver, to learn his profession. Soon she discovers that her father is not only a driver but also a member of a racist group eliminating immigrants, homosexual, transvestite, etc. people. She also falls in love with a boy, also a taxi-driver and a "socio" of the group.
A Time for Defiance
After the Spanish Civil War breaks out, the Prado Museum is being evacuated. One of the guards finds a painting by the master, Goya, and takes it to prevent damage to the work of art. In the interim, he meets a young lady with whom he falls in love. Assisted by her and her family members, the soldier attempts to save Goya's masterpiece intact amidst the war and violence.
In the City
The film portrays the daily lives, secrets, lies, loneliness and frustrations of a group of eight thirty-something friends living in Barcelona.
The Face
Portrait of an artist as a young manic. First, a montage of still photographs of an artist's face. Then motion. He stirs in sleep; he paints and expresses frustration. He looks for a light for his cigarette. He sketches, wads it up; makes tea; stares at his face in a mirror, then looks at canvas after canvas of self-portraits. (IMDb)
Les rebelles du foot
Documentary about soccer rebels
In Praise of Older Women
In the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War, a young man comes of age sexually, through a string of relationships with a wide range of mature, older women.
Когда ветеран-инвалид обнаруживает мертвое тело красивой певицы на заднем дворе, его увлечение фотографическим изображением вскоре превращается в одержимость.
Все стюардессы попадают на небеса
Тереса в небе. Она работает стюардессой. Она живет в своем раю безупречной униформы и маленьких подносов с замороженной едой. Она боится мира внизу. Мира мужчин, любви, материнства и семьи. Она предпочитает аэропорты и вечный полет. Внизу на земле живет Хулиан. Недавно овдовевший молодой врач, которому нужно добраться до Ушуаи — самого южного города в мире. Он должен сдержать обещание и развеять прах свой жены (которая тоже была стюардессой) в том месте, где они встретились. Хулиан познал любовь и боль и хочет сбежать в рай из этого земного мира. Женщина, пытающаяся не упасть с высоты рая. Мужчина, пытающийся вознестись. Неизбежная встреча на краю света, где небо и земля сливаются в белизне, и где прошлое превращается в горизонт.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
A young woman strikes up an affair with an older married man, but twisted secrets begin to emerge as their tale is told from different points of view.
State of Dogs
In Ulan Bator, Mongolia, the cur Baatar is shot by a hunter hired by the authorities to get rid off the dogs in the city...
Los Condenados
Two ex-guerrillas meet again 30 years later in an illegal excavation, where they will search for the body of a third companion who disappeared at the time. The tension and secrets hidden during that time will surface as you approach the unpredictable final solution, where not everything will be what it seemed.
Haifa, nicknamed after the city of his love and hope, goes around and comes around in a Palestinian refugee camp. Although he is everybody's fool, there are many things that only he knows. He is closely related to the family of Abu Said, a former policeman who gains new hopes from the political developments. Oum Said, his wife, hangs her hope on the imminent release of their eldest son, Said, from jail. She tries to find him a bride to secure things for the future. Their youngest son, Siad, is cynical and rebellious. He refuses to believe things. Sabah, the 12 year old daughter is romancing the future and wants to find out what's in it for her. The different stories are interwoven into a very timely insight into the current Palestinian mind.
Waiting for the Barbarians
Six strangers confront their uniquely 21st century anxieties with the help of a sorcerer in this playful performance art consciousness-bender-cum-ghost story about the search for meaning in the age of social media.
Волшебная поездка в Африку
Девочка Яна, проникшись судьбой бездомного мальчика с волшебным именем Кобо, отправляется в путешествие по Африке, в поисках волшебной страны, о которой ей рассказал Кобо, вслед за ним. Делает это она с помощью феи-бабочки. В пути она находит много чудесных знаков в виде камешков, оставляемых Кобо, встречает говорящих животных, с которыми познает тайны животного мира, ей во всем помогает её плюшевая летающая лошадь, превращающаяся в настоящую. Яна движется вперед в поисках чудесной страны и сердце её растет, она вдохновляет и помогает людям. Но самая главная мысль, что заложена в этом фильме — найдите свой путь и никогда с него не сходите! Продвигайтесь вперед всё время. И вы обязательно придете к цели! Великолепная сказка, добрая и проникновенная. Нереальная и нежная. Найдите свой путь и никогда с него не сходите! Продвигайтесь вперед всё время. И вы обязательно придете к цели!