
Story of White Coat: Indecent Acts (1984)

Жанр : мелодрама

Время выполнения : 56М

Директор : Hidehiro Ito
Писатель : Yo Takeyama

Краткое содержание

Poor virginal Shinobu! Her dream is to become a nurse and live a comfortable life, but that dream turns into a nightmare when she becomes the object of obsession for Junior, the sex crazed son of a major shareholder at the hospital where she works. When Junior is admitted to the hospital with alcohol poisoning, no nurse is safe! Will Shinobu escape Junior and his addiction to sex, or will she finally succumb to his amorous appetite? STORY OF WHITE COAT: INDECENT ACTS is loaded with beautiful women, naughty sex and gratuitous nurse nudity. It may be just what the doctor ordered for your perverted sex fix!


Mina Asami
Mina Asami
Kazuyo Ezaki
Kazuyo Ezaki
Nami Misaki
Nami Misaki
Hiroshi Fukami
Hiroshi Fukami
Yūji Nogami
Yūji Nogami


Hidehiro Ito
Hidehiro Ito
Yo Takeyama
Yo Takeyama


Секс и ярость
Отё Иносика — профессиональный карточный игрок и лучшая воровка-карманница. Скрыв у себя убегающего от погони анархиста Сюносукэ, женщина сталкивается со своим прошлым, теперь она как никогда близка к разгадке трех неизвестных личностей, ответственных за гибель её отца-полицейского. В это время в страну приезжает европейская шпионка, и ситуация осложняется. Её босс-садист имеет каверзные планы в круговороте происходящих событий. На своем пути мести Отё сражается с толпами якудза, а всё, что она знает об убийцах — это три карты с изображениями кабана, оленя и бабочки.
Flower & Snake
Shizuka is the aristocratic wife of the president of a large company. When she wants to divorce her domineering husband, he orders his employee Yoshi, the son of an adult toy store owner, to train his wife to become sexually submissive.
Cloistered Nun: Runa's Confession
Sisterhood is powerful. Before leaving for a mission in Africa, Runa, a nun, visits her sister three years after entering the convent when her sister stole Runa's boyfriend. Runa comes to forgive and to help her sister make enough money buying and selling some convent property so she can marry. The old boyfriend has new women in his life, but he and the sister tell Runa they're a couple in order to keep the property deal. To make even more money, Runa's sister wheedles large gifts from various men she's stringing along. There are flashbacks to Runa's sexual initiation at the convent. Has this taught meekness to Runa?
Ryuzaki, an editor of Muscle Magazine, which features photographs of men with sculpted bodies, becomes involved with a man named Kitami; their affair soon becomes dominated by sadomasochistic games, with a horrid result. Jump ahead one year, Ryuzaki is released from jail and goes in search of Kitami, perhaps to make amends. The films of Pasolini, especially "Salò," dominate Ryuzaki's imagination; he works sometimes at the Lunatic Theatre, which shows films about rough trade; and, he becomes involved with a couple into BDSM. Will Ryuzaki find Kitami, and what will happen if he does?
Call of the Pistil
The directorial debut of Masaru Konuma, penned by Keiichi Ozawa using the pseudonym "Fuyuhiko Hagi". Masako is a journalist, and she is raped while researching a story. The rape causes her to develop amnesia, so her brother devises a novel way to get her memory back -- he has her boyfriend rape her again. It doesn't work, so the brother and boyfriend do more research, discovering that Masako was raped by an African-American soldier. As might be expected, they then hire a black GI to rape the poor girl yet a third time...
When a crew of bank robbers believes that an alluring young woman has blown their cover, they kidnap the girl. Back at their hideout they develop sinister plans to rape and then kill her. When one of the crooks mysteriously turns up dead however, they begin to realize that their intended victim may be a powerful, vindictive, supernatural force.
Flower & Snake II
The beautiful Shizuko (Aya Sugimoto) and her husband Tooyama Takayoshi (Jo Shishido) have a loving relationship, But Takayoshi is getting older and isn't always able to perform. His primary source of gratification involves observing his wife in sadomasochistic scenarios so he commissions a painter, skilled in the arts of bondage to bring these fantasies to life. Soon, Shiziko becomes a willing and submissive participant in fulfilling the S&M fantasies of not only her husband but a slew of rich lecherous men.
Потроха красавицы
A nurse investigates a sex trafficking ring after a woman commits suicide in her office.
S&M Hunter
When the all-girl gang, The Bombers, kidnap a man to use as their personal sex slave, S&M Hunter accepts the mission to infiltrate The Bombers' hideout and show them the ropes.
Школа священного зверя
Молодая женщина становится монахиней монастыря Святого Сердца, чтобы узнать, что случилось с её матерью много лет назад. Туда ее приводит крест матери с выгравированным на нём именем. В своём стремлении она раскрывает многие тёмные тайны святой обители.
Ангелы в экстазе
Группа террористов, известных только по кличкам — дням недели, оказывается преданной своей же собственной организацией после неудачного нападения на американскую военную базу. Шаткое равновесие дружбы и доверия окончательно разрушено. Молодежь с неустойчивой психикой превращается в разнузданную орду жестоких убийц, садистов и сексуальных параноиков, неспособных к организованным действиям...
Violated Angels
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Raw Summer
A middle-aged businessman has become unhealthily obsessed with a schoolgirl with whom he shares his daily commute. When he tries to make a direct connection with her, it creates dire complications.
The Groper Train: Search for the Black Pearl
The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track it down. His only clue is the mysterious words of a dying man, who managed to mutter "Pussy Print!" before slipping away forever. Teaming with the man's younger widow Matsuko, Detective Ippei boards a local train and begins taking prints of the female passenger's vulvas in hopes of matching one to the print that Matsuka's husband had in his possession at the time of his death.
Потроха девственницы
Группа фотографов и их моделей отправляются на отдых в лес. Они участвуют в садомазохизме и большом количестве мягкого секса. В конце концов их одного за другим убивает покрытый грязью «демон» с неестественно большим пенисом.
Мужчина, женщина и стена
Рё, работающий журналистом, переезжает в новую квартиру. Вдруг он слышит женский голос, доносящийся из соседней комнаты, а также звонок телефона, звук воды в душе, стоны: ничто не остаётся скрытым за тонкими стенами. Установив микрофон и слушая происходящее за стеной, Рё представляет себе жизнь своей соседки в самых ярких фантазиях и настолько увлекается ею, что начинает жить по её распорядку дня, ковыряться в её мусоре…
The Japanese Wife Next Door
Office worker Takashi shares a drink one night with two women: Ryoko and Sakura. Fate intervenes and he subsequently ends up marrying Sakura. The newlywed couple move into Takashi’s family home (shared with his sister, father and grandfather), but Sakura’s nymphomaniac sex drive soon starts to cause tensions.
Woods Are Wet
Sachiko has just committed a crime. She is helped by a couple to whom she grants her confidence. Quickly this couple blackmails her and threatens to deliver her to the police. Sachiko has no other choice but to obey them.
The Watcher in the Attic
The landlord of a boarding house in 1923 Tokyo, is keen on spying on the bizarre close encounters taking place beneath his roof. One day he sees a prostitute killing a customer, and decides he's found his soulmate.
Siren X
A crew decides to shoot the spoof ghost sighting documentary Mini-Skirt Adventures by a secluded lake outside of Tokyo, where young men have been rumored to disappear without a trace for several years. As a storm hits, the crew seek refuge at an apparent abandoned mansion, only to discover there is one sole inhabitant, the beautiful and mysterious Reika. She offers them shelter for the night. But soon, the film crew find themselves at the mercy from Reika's dark, dangerous secret.