Our Malvinas Islands (1966)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 30М

Директор : Raymundo Gleyzer

Краткое содержание

During an assignment for the newscast show Telenoche, Raymundo Gleyzer became the first Argentinean to film a documentary of the everyday life in the Falkland islands (Islas Malvinas). This black & white documentary was originally aired in 1966.



Raymundo Gleyzer
Raymundo Gleyzer


Железная леди
Биографический фильм о жизни премьер-министра Великобритании Маргарет Тэтчер. С момента когда она заинтересовалась политикой и до сегодняшнего дня.
An Ungentlemanly Act
Based on actual accounts, this film portrays the days and hours before and during the invasion of the Falkland Islands by Argentina, which eventually lead to the Falklands War. As the Argentine forces land on the main island and make their way towards Government House, the handful of British defenders batten down the hatches and prepare to defend the Governor Rex Hunt, his family and their fellow islanders from the invaders.
Olympus vacuum
A powerful Argentine political film stands on the figure of an outsider intellectual, Sebreli, but manages to transcend it, he becomes a touchstone to go through Argentina and its dilemmas, through this country that is proud of almost everything it should be ashamed of. From national icons like Gardel, Evita, Che, and Maradona the film dialogs with recent Argentine history and it does so with extraordinary energy, supported by a rarely seen use of all kinds of archive material in an almost Dionysian state of sampleadelia. The film arrives to a surprising reflection on nationalism, demagogic governments and delusions of unanimity; problems that are common to emerging societies that cannot find their ways to a freer and more egalitarian society.
Это - Англия
«Это — Англия» — история летних каникул, тянущихся не одну неделю между семестрами, когда могут происходить события, меняющие жизнь навсегда. На дворе 1983 год, и занятия в школе недавно закончились. 12-летний Шон — одинокий мальчишка, живущий в унылом прибрежном городке, отец которого несколько месяцев назад погиб в Фолклендской войне. Во время летних каникул Шон находит подходящий образец для подражания, когда компания местных скинхедов-подростков принимает его. Со своими новыми друзьями он открывает мир вечеринок, первой любви и стильной обуви. Здесь Шон встречает Комбо, более старшего, чем все они, скинхеда-расиста, только недавно вышедшего из тюрьмы. Пока группа под началом Комбо проводит время издеваясь над местными представителями этнических меньшинств, приближается обряд посвящения Шона, который будет означать для него прощание с детской чистотой и невинностью и незабываемый жизненный опыт.
Обед пахаря
As England begins its military engagement in the Falklands, a BBC news journalist attempts to climb up from his working-class roots, at any cost, lying to those around him to get what he wants, only to discover that he is the recipient of a deception far more clever than his own.
The film centres on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC (played by Colin Firth), an officer of the Scots Guards during the Falklands War of 1982. While fighting at the Battle of Mount Tumbledown, Lawrence is shot in the head by an Argentine sniper, and left paralysed on his left side. He then must learn to adjust to his new disability.
El visitante
Pedro, a Falklands veteran, cannot forget the days when he was in the trenches, nor can he forget Raúl, his best friend, who stayed forever in that desolate place of nightmares.
The Falklands Play
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War. The play was written by Ian Curteis, an experienced writer who had started his television career in drama, but had increasingly come to specialise in dramatic reconstructions of history. It was originally commissioned by the BBC in 1983, for production and broadcast in 1986, but was subsequently shelved by Controller of BBC One Michael Grade due to its alleged pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and jingoistic tone. This prompted a press furore over media bias and censorship.The play was not staged until 2002, when it was broadcast in separate adaptations on BBC Television and Radio.
Blessed by Fire
Argentine film about the experiences of conscripts in the Falklands War.
Theatre of War
Theatre of War is an essay on how to represent war, performed by former enemies. British and Argentinian veterans of the Falklands war come together to discuss, rehearse and re-enact their memories 35 years after the conflict.
The Falklands Legacy
Thirty years after the Falkland's War, journalist and military historian Max Hastings explores the conflict's impact and its legacy. Hastings, who sailed with the Task Force in 1982 and reported on the Falklands campaign first-hand, looks at how victory in the South Atlantic revived the reputation of our armed forces and renewed Britain's sense of pride and its image abroad after years of decline as an imperial and military power. Hastings examines how the Falklands provided a model of a swift and successful war that was matched by other conflicts Britain fought at the end of the 20th-century. In contrast, the long campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan have left the British public sceptical about sending our armed forces in large numbers to war again. The Falklands could well be the last popular war Britain fights, and certainly the country's last imperial hurrah.
Con amigos así
The Sinking of the Belgrano
During the Falklands war England's attack on the ARA Belgrano outside of the conflict zone is reviewed 20 years later by a team of National Geographic hoping to find the ship and shed more light into what happened that night.
The Falklands War
The Falklands War - A Military History. It is over twenty years since Argentine forces invaded the Falkland Islands. Within three days, a British task force had been mobilised and was on its way to the South Atlantic on a mission to restore the islands to British control. Soon, harrowing images that demonstrated the terrible realities of war were being beamed back to the United Kingdom. This twentieth anniversary commemorative programme is a powerful record of a war that cost more than a thousand lives. It features remarkable archive footage of the fight for the Falkland Islands, atmospheric battle reconstructions and 3D animated graphics that provide a unique perspective on famous battles such as Goose Green, Tumbledown Mountain and Wireless Ridge. ‘The Falklands War’ also features the memories and recollections of British and Argentine servicemen who went to war in the South Atlantic more than twenty years ago.
1982 Malvinas, La guerra desde el aire
Falklands' Most Daring Raid
Documentary film about the then longest range bombing mission in history, which changed the outcome of the Falklands War.
For Queen and Country: The Falkland Islands Defence Force
It follows two recruits, Jacob and Marcus, as they embark upon their 12 week training programme to become privates. The new recruits face live firing exercises, camping out in brisk conditions and all the tough training required to be a proficient member of the Islands defence force.
Locos de la bandera
Rule Britannia
A detailed account of each of the details of the Malvinas War based on interviews, dramatic scenes, maps and other elements of historical roots without ignoring the historical antecedents from the 18th century that ended in this confrontation.
No tan nuestras
The Falklands/Malvinas War has proved a powerful motif in contemporary Argentine film-making and Ramiro Longo's new documentary offers a unique take on the conflict and its pervasive legacy. While Argentina suffered 649 casualties during the War, subsequently over 350 ex-servicemen have committed suicide while attempting to come to terms with civilian life in the aftermath of the 1982 defeat. Longo's film is structured around an extended interview with War veteran Sergio Delgado who provides a moving testimony on the conflict and the ways in which it has subsequently haunted his life and aspirations. As much an insider's view of the conflict as a tale of the legacy of trauma, Not Really Ours offers a reflection on memory, fear and the shaping of a nation's psyche. Longo's deft editing juxtaposes telling footage alongside Delgado's story. The result is both a moving tapestry of war and its scars and a telling reflection on the ways in which official history is constructed.