
Office Lady Diary: Scent of a She-Cat (1972)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 9М

Директор : Katsuhiko Fujii
Писатель : Kazuo Nishida

Краткое содержание

Roman Porno from 1972.


Rie Nakagawa
Rie Nakagawa
Chihiro Tachibana(立花千弘)
Yuri Yamashina
Yuri Yamashina
Keiko Fujimura(藤村恵子)
Keiko Aikawa
Keiko Aikawa
Miki Koide(小出美樹)
Akemi Yamaguchi
Akemi Yamaguchi
Handsome young man(美少年)
Ikunosuke Koizumi
Ikunosuke Koizumi
Keiji Itami
Keiji Itami
Kenji Shimamura
Kenji Shimamura
Kôji Kai
Kôji Kai
Hiroshi Naka
Hiroshi Naka
Shingo Fujimura(藤村信吾)


Katsuhiko Fujii
Katsuhiko Fujii
Kazuo Nishida
Kazuo Nishida
Hajime Kaburagi
Hajime Kaburagi
Original Music Composer
Masaru Mori
Masaru Mori
Director of Photography
Noboru Tanaka
Noboru Tanaka
Assistant Director
Moriyasu Tsuchida
Moriyasu Tsuchida
Lighting Technician
Saburô Takahashi
Saburô Takahashi
Sound Recordist
Takeharu Sakaguchi
Takeharu Sakaguchi
Art Direction
Shinya Inoue
Shinya Inoue
Yusuke Okada
Yusuke Okada


Токийский декаданс
Молодая проститутка Ай по прозвищу Топаз после встречи с музыкантом-садомазохистом Сато, считавшим её «единственной надеждой нашей гнилой Японии», проходит по кругам современного ада. Она вынуждена удовлетворять потребности закомплексованных и жестоких японских бизнесменов и бандитов, с неизбывной тоской вспоминая о своём уже канувшем в небытие «учителе».
Мегера живет в канадском горном курорте с наивным мужем-авиатором Томом Палмером. В то время как он обучает летать туристов, жена отправляется на поиски мускулистых парней. Однажды Том привозит в дом туристов-молодоженов...
Последний крик
A female parole officer unwittingly gets involved with a handsome photographer who might be a serial killer.
Желая помочь своему жениху, Мима решает подзаработать в публичном доме. Наивная и рискованная затея вовлекает Миму в цепь эротических приключений, из которой не так-то легко выбраться. Но жених обманул ее и скрылся. Тогда девушка решает сделать свое временное занятие профессией всей жизни. Мима, за свой горячий нрав и необузданную чувственность прозванная Паприкой, кочует из борделя в бордель, и однажды судьба делает девушке роскошный подарок в лице эксцентричного аристократа, предложившего ей руку и сердце…
Почта Тинто Брасса
Режиссер Тинто Брасс пребывает в творческом кризисе — ему нужны новые идеи для очередного шедевра. Маэстро решает ознакомиться с обширной почтой, которой его заваливают поклонницы. Среди груды конвертов, видеокассет и фотографий Тинто находит восемь симпатичных историй, каждая из которых тут же превращается в короткую и весьма откровенную новеллу.
Она весела, обворожительна и… невинна. Однако внутри ее кипят жгучие и чувственные страсти, которые не находят выхода. Она помолвлена с юношей, который придерживается старомодных взглядов и считает, что невеста должна оставаться девственницей до дня свадьбы. Но красавица жаждет неистовой любви. И будучи не в силах совладать с собой, она погружается в мир острых и чувственных наслаждений…
Flower & Snake II
The beautiful Shizuko (Aya Sugimoto) and her husband Tooyama Takayoshi (Jo Shishido) have a loving relationship, But Takayoshi is getting older and isn't always able to perform. His primary source of gratification involves observing his wife in sadomasochistic scenarios so he commissions a painter, skilled in the arts of bondage to bring these fantasies to life. Soon, Shiziko becomes a willing and submissive participant in fulfilling the S&M fantasies of not only her husband but a slew of rich lecherous men.
Журналистка Эммануэль собирает сногсшибательный материал о проституции и продаже девушек в респектабельные ночные заведения Америки. Под видом женщины, готовой на любые сексуальные эксперименты, она устраивается «на работу» в элитный закрытый клуб в Сан-Диего. Но журналистское расследование, проводимое Эммануэль, становится слишком рискованным.
Первый фильм о жрице любви Эммануэль. Сюжет служит канвой для описания сексуальных похождений героини в Юго-Восточной Азии.Муж Эммануэль, работающий в посольстве, поощряет в ней стремление к раскрепощенности в сексе, благо весь дипломатический корпус, особенно женщины, изнывают от скуки. За её воспитание берется уже пожилой специалист. Эммануэль делает большие успехи в искусстве любви.
Young Mother 2
Yeong-gil is in graduate class and is stressed about getting a job. To make things worse, he's not had any experience with women yet, so he's always searching for something in his dreams but wakes up to nothing. Then one day, there is a change in his life, he puts his hand in The Box of Pandora and gets a job although it wasn't a regular position. He sleeps with his female superior during the interview even though it's not how he imagined it. Then one day, he visits Joo-yeon's home and meets her beautiful mother. Can he keep himself from being seduced by this woman?
New Hotaru The Hyper Swindler 2
Hotaru Amami, who defeats swindlers target women with a sharp consideration and a mature body, is a female private investigator. She is a female supporter. She has saved many of them in the past. The client this time is Kimika Tani, an office lady. She is into Akira, who works at a male host club. She bought $30,000 worth platinum to give it to him as his request. However, Akira disappears and she doesn’t even receive the platinum afterwards. All she’s got is the load to buy the platinum. That’s what it’s called “Paper selling”. As opposition, Hotaru tricks swindlers with the technique called “Tsuridana”.
Flower and Snake 3: Punishment
When successful business man refuses to save the business of his former business partner, his wife, a private teacher of written arts, and her student are kidnapped. The former business partner plans to execute his revenge by forcing both women into sexual slavery and forcefully train them into becoming SM porn stars.
Flower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope Slave
A perverted dentist (and dental assistant) that likes to sleep with his patients, gets obsessed with one in particular who also happens to be a lesbian. He uses everthing he can think of to abuse this woman and her female lover. Ropes/Dental tools/Ice Buckets/Candles/ (the works) and sometimes he sets the mood with something from his classical music record collection.
Female Teacher: Dirty Afternoon
A teacher, Sakiko Kurata, receives a phone call regarding one of her former students. Young Sueko is accused of being a prostitute and has requested Sakiko’s help. This minx seduces random strangers for sex, but does not ask for payment. Sakiko has moved to another town and barely remembers Sueko, but there’s something about her that awakens painful memories of her own secretive past. What is that strange paint thinner smell on Sueko? Who is the man in the nylon ski mask that violently assaulted Sakiko many years ago? In her search for answers, Sakiko discovers that her past may have inadvertently destroyed another family’s future.
Madame Evening Glory
Kizaki kidnaps Yuriko and engages in a rape and torture session with her, which he photographs. With the photos, he blackmails flower arrangement teacher Yumeji, Yuriko's older sister. Rather than allow him to shame her clan by sending the photos to the media, Yumeji goes to Kizaki. Kizaki then proceeds to rape and torture Yumeji, who was his true desire all along.
Koichiro Uno's Wet and Swinging
A parody of Aim for the Ace! (エースを狙え Ace wo nerae!?), a tennis manga. Similar characters to that in the manga include "Madam Butterfly", a rich snob of a professional tennis player, and Hiromi, her suffering opponent.
Woman with Pierced Nipples
A lovesick midinette ends up accepting a date with a stranger who buys her flowers every day. Charmed by his playboy physique, she moves in with him and submits to his fantasies.
Nun in Rope Hell
Takako joins a convent after her lover's wife catches them in the act. She soon discovers that the nuns and a successful writer have conspired to engage in decadent S&M orgies. Based on the novel by Oniroku Dan.
Secretary Rope Discipline
Secretary Sayo does some corporate snooping for her boyfriend, an upstart executive with a rival company. But she gets busted by the CEO. Poor Sayo is captured and taken to a private torture chamber in the corporate mansion. While the secretary gets punished, the bossman's son becomes infatuated with her beautiful white skin and he assumes the disciplinary responsibilities. Between the floggings, stretchings, and wooden-horse tortures he finds time to cover her body in an elaborate tattoo.
Beauty in Rope Hell
A mailman becomes obsessed with a pretty, young wife. He captures the woman, tortures her and keeps her in his basement dungeon where she becomes his private sex toy.