
Selva. A Portrait of Parvaneh Navaï (1982)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 15М

Директор : Maria Klonaris

Краткое содержание

Trance dances and out of body projection. In front of the camera, Parvaneh Navaï becomes a mediator who enters in contact with and immerses into the energies of Nature, while her own energy radiates and echos in the forest ("selva"). The camera amplifies and expands her presence, transforming the forest into an imaginary space. The camera becomes a painter's brush.


Parvaneh Navaï
Parvaneh Navaï


Maria Klonaris
Maria Klonaris
Katerina Thomadaki
Katerina Thomadaki
Maria Klonaris
Maria Klonaris
Maria Klonaris
Maria Klonaris
Maria Klonaris
Maria Klonaris
Michel Créïs
Michel Créïs
Sound Engineer
Monique Burguière
Monique Burguière
Sound Engineer
Maria Klonaris
Maria Klonaris
Sound Engineer
Katerina Thomadaki
Katerina Thomadaki
Sound Engineer


Dialogue 20-40-60
"Using the same, three times repeating dialogue – dramatic conversation between man and woman – Jerzy Skolimowski from Poland, Slovak director Peter Solan and Czech director Zbynìk Brynych shot three different stories. The result was an extraordinary experiment in the world cinema, which we can call an insight in the relationships of men and women of different age groups, an analysis of love and marriage of those who are at the beginning, in the middle or going towards the end of their life."
The Calligrapher
With harpsichord music in the background, a dandy, seated at a table, plucks a quill pen from a ceiling full of them above him, dips it in ink, thinks, then draws a straight line down the page in front of him, out of which sprout six more quill pens, each held by a hand. The calligrapher moves all the hands and pens in unison, drawing an elaborate feathered wing, which comes to live, peeling off the page, and, now a quill pen, slips in to his hand. He tucks it behind his left ear.
The Phantom Museum: Random Forays Into the Vaults of Sir Henry Wellcome's Medical Collection
A display at the strange and wonderful artifacts in a collection of medical curiosities.
The Summit
Two men seek to negotiate an agreement of international significance.
Супер 8
Летом 1979 года несколько друзей из маленького городка в Огайо, снимающие любительский фильм на камеру «Супер 8», стали свидетелями железнодорожной катастрофы. И вскоре они начинают подозревать, что это не было просто несчастным случаем. Странные исчезновения и необъяснимые события начинают происходить в городке, и местный шериф пытается разгадать их тайну — что-то куда более ужасающее, чем все могли себе представить.
West Beirut
In April, 1975, civil war breaks out; Beirut is partitioned along a Moslem-Christian line. Tarek is in high school, making Super 8 movies with his friend, Omar. At first the war is a lark: school has closed, the violence is fascinating, getting from West to East is a game. His mother wants to leave; his father refuses. Tarek spends time with May, a Christian, orphaned and living in his building. By accident, Tarek goes to an infamous brothel in the war-torn Olive Quarter, meeting its legendary madam, Oum Walid. He then takes Omar and May there using her underwear as a white flag for safe passage. Family tensions rise. As he comes of age, the war moves inexorably from adventure to tragedy.
Nicky's Film
A man is threatened by mobsters to pay up a loan or be killed.
Sweetly Broken
A boy puppet falls in love with a girl puppet. In a cruel twist of fate,they are separated when they are purchased by different people. When they chance upon each other again, the boy puppet does everything in his power to return to her side.
A Child’s Garden and the Serious Sea
"In his description for A CHILD'S GARDEN, Brakhage quotes from poets Ronald Johnson and Charles Olson (and cites Johnson's poem "Beam 29" as inspiration). But the film also vaguely calls to mind William Blake—more perhaps for his art than his poetry: there is both a sense of darkness and of mystical transport in Brakhage's images. The first film in the loose "Vancouver Island" quartet, Brakhage films locations around the British Columbia locale where his second wife, Marilyn, grew up. He films land, sea, and sky and intercuts frequently between them. Shots are often out-of-focus, to accentuate color and light; they are hand-held, upside down, and fleeting. All of this is no surprise for those who know Brakhage's work: anything and everything is valid, as long as it works." - Cine-File.info
1 Seconde
“When he shot Une seconde (4 min., 20 sec.), a video animation without computer graphics, Richard Angers tried to adapt Norman McLaren’s animation techniques to video shooting and editing. A long-term solitary task, in which images are moved by hand, centimetre by centimetre, in which one plays with the number of images per second, and in which the ± pure quest for effects is more important than the message”. BLANCHARD, Louise. “Les vidéastes sont au ‘rendez-vous’”, Le Journal de Montréal, Montreal (9 February 1992), p. 38.
Orchard Street
This short film documents the daily life of the goings-on on Orchard Street, a commercial street in the Lower East Side New York City.
1972 Yellow House
During a recent remodel of The Yellow House crews discovered the remains of a little girl and a super 8 movie camera with the footage still inside. The footage has been released to the media by Summerland police with the hope that someone can solve this mystery. Police investigators confirm the film was shot by the missing couple. It is believed they were murdered by occult members. This is their footage.
Video collage distributed by the label Come Organisation. I - IV.
'Amy, is narrated by a model (Liisa Repo-Martell) who’s painfully uncomfortable with her own body and “old woman’s” face. Astonishing closing image is a tightly composed telephoto shot on the start of a marathon race among young schoolgirls, dashing toward and then across the screen in ultra-slo-mo, and accompanied by a girls’ chorus hauntingly singing Brian Wilson’s God Only Knows. Widely eclectic lensing and looks in various media and in color and black-and-white flow nicely from one section to the next, aided by gifted editor Mark Karbusicky.' ~ Robert Koehler, Variety
После рождения ребёнка Филипп покупает себе 8-миллиметровую кинокамеру. Поскольку это первая камера в городе, местный партийный босс берёт его своим официальным фотографом. С повышением по службе растет и слава любителя; только взгляд его на реальность через объектив становится все более неприятным и беспощадным и все менее устраивающим власть предержащих…
Торремолинос 73
На дворе 1973 год, и в Испании бушует франкистская диктатура. Вопреки запретам простой коммивояжер Альфредо собирается пойти на явное преступление — снять 8 эротических «образовательных» фильмов и переправить их в лояльную Скандинавию. Он и подумать не мог, что его жена Кармен, «сыгравшая» в фильмах главные роли, в северных странах станет порнозвездой, и из Дании к Альфредо пожалует съемочная группа, чтобы помочь снять ему вдохновленный творчеством Бергмана фильм «Торремолинос 73»…
Final Flesh
The Pollard family is calmly discussing their impending death by atom bomb when Mrs. Pollard recounts a dream in which she sensually bathes herself in the “Tears of Neglected Children”.
Nocturna Artificialia
Enigmatic, stop-motion, animated story of a man's day.
Кабинет Яна Шванкмайера, пражского алхимика кино
В Праге марионетка-профессор с металлическими щипцами вместо рук и открытой книгой вместо шляпы берет мальчика в ученики. Сначала профессор убирает пух и игрушки из головы ребенка, оставляя его голову без верхушки на протяжении большей части фильма. Затем профессор учит парня иллюзиям и перспективам, исследованию объекта через изучение работ рисовальщиков, познанию объекта и миграции форм. Потом ребенок притаскивает коробку с тарантулом, а профессор засовывает в нее «руки» и описывает, что он чувствует. Когда мальчик получает последний урок анимации и создания фильма, профессор дает ему мозги и его собственную открытую книгу-шляпу.
This Unnameable Little Broom
Stop-motion animated short film in which a puppet on a trike captures a puppet bird-man.